53 Replies to “June 10, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. Conrad Black seems pretty out of touch on what Trudeau is doing with the pipeline.

      1. I will have to say Ditto to that. He certainly did not get “such a deal” on a 60 yr old hunk of pipe that KM paid some 377 Million for in 2008.

        Typical Trudeau Fashion, more money pissed away that does SFA for this country and Everything for his world social justice crusade.

        My distaste for this POS Trudeau $ his constant – willful – in your face…. “up yours” to Canadians is palatable & leads me to pray he ends up ala Nicolae Ceaucescu…

  1. Maybe it is nostalgia for old times or maybe melancholy has made an appearance, but the following song by Guy Lombardo has become a favourite in our house for some time. It seems too many our trying to tear the world apart and rebuild it in some grotesque monster.


  2. Meanwhile, the reality.

    “The overall drop in the number of jobs came as full-time jobs fell by 31,000, offset in part by a gain of 23,600 part-time positions. The loss of jobs came as the health care and social assistance sector lost 24,000 jobs, while the manufacturing sector lost 18,000. Employment in construction fell 13,000.”


    No doubt the jobs market will balance itself.

  3. London: Massive Crowds Gather to Hear Geert Wilders Demand Tommy Robinson’s Release

    The bravest man in Holland visits London, demanding that the U.K. gov’t. free the bravest man in Britain.

    In part, he does this to repay all the Tommies, who fought to free Holland from the Nazis in WW2.

    ‘Oh, Tommy Tommy, Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Robinson!’

  4. Maybe we should stop SUBSIDIZING America with cheap oil. we export 3 million bpd to US. raise the price by $20/bbl. Turdeau can tell Donald we don’t want to dump cheap oil on Trump.
    This might be enough to push Donald over the edge.

    1. You can’t just raise prices on a commodity. It does not work that way unless you have a monopoly. That is the problem with political types, they just don’t seem to grasp reality.

      1. For Canada, it might not actually represent an increase in the “global price” given that so much of Alberta oil is sold at a severely discounted price. Nevertheless its undeniable that there are significant competing supplies. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Alberta does not forge ahead with substantial investments in refineries.

        1. One reason is that the likelihood of getting regulatory approval for the construction of refineries under a regime that won’t approve pipeline construction isn’t making the application.

          1. And in fact, a regime that would prefer to shut down all oil related resource production and development.

        2. Cost to build a new refinery is 20 billion. Where is the market?
          Canada’s market is in raw product. Refineries already exist that need our crude.
          We can’t even supply Canadians with raw product for eastern refineries – thanks to the quebek traitors.

        3. The low price received does not mean that Alberta oil is sold at severely discounted prices. Gonna simplify this by ignoring oil grades. Refineries buy oil based on what it will cost them to have the oil delivered to their refinery, and rail is hideously expensive way to transport a bulk commodity, so the rail companies profits are coming out of the oil producers pockets.

          If that explanation is not clear, ask yourself if you would buy something at Walmart for 15 bucks, or online for $9.99 plus 17 bucks shipping. This is the reason we can’t just arbitrarily raise prices.

          As for why Alberta does not invest substantially in refineries, refining is best done closest to final market so that crude can be shipped in bulk, instead of having to ship countless end products. At one time the dream was to build ‘upgraders’ that would convert the heavy crude to more desirable light crude, but it looks like heavy crude is in demand now with changes to refining and Venezuela turning into Venezuela.

          1. That falls right into line with what has always been rumored about North Dakota. No pipeline out of there would ever be given consideration during the Obama years, because the great liberal crusader from Omaha, Warren Buffet, whose fund owns Burlington Northern, was making far too much money transporting all that crude by rail.

    2. “Maybe we should stop SUBSIDIZING America with cheap oil.”
      Good luck with that doing that when the only pipelines go south into the US, and only a trains haul, relatively speaking, small amounts of oil more expensively by rail to the east coast and west coast. Also, Warren Buffet, the US billionaire investor has a big stake in US railroad companies and enjoys the oil freight rates.

    3. We could have raised the price of our oil by diversifying our market, but if I remember correctly one approved pipeline was cancelled, another had onerous regulation imposed on its construction, and the third has been purchased by the feds, never to be built. BTW I called the KM situation six months ago on twitter and some moron called me a dimwit. Not so dim after all.

  5. The Altering of the Deal – Eventual confederation with Russia through the backdoor of NK and China…
    That’s why Trump is talking up Russia. Just another good cop/bad cop game.



    While President Trump insults his erstwhile foreign partners in a colorful twitter tirade ahead of a G-7 (or rather, G-6+1) summit in Quebec, exposing the very real fragmentation of longtime western partnerships as the US cracks down on unfair foreign trade practices, a productive meeting between China’s “Emperor for Life” Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin has been completely overshadowed, as Bloomberg points out.

    As the meeting puts the fraying western relations on display, China and Russia are poised to present an image of fraternity and stability that no longer exists in the West. This will have long-ranging diplomatic implications for years to come.

  6. https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-trade-war-with-the-european-union/5643335

    US Trade War with the European Union

    Second, there is much more behind the so-called trade wars than trade. Much of this trade war is propaganda, big style, for public consumption and public debate, where as in reality there are other negotiations going on behind closed doors.

    And thirdly, there are mid-term elections coming up in the US this fall, and Trump must satisfy his home base, all the workers to whom he promised “Let’s Make America Great Again” – meaning bring back jobs, use US-made metals. So, Trump is also addressing those Americans who wait for jobs. As you know the unofficial but real figure of unemployment in the US is about 22% – and that does not even include the large segment of underemployed people, mostly youth.

    It is very well possible that the EU will also impose import duties on US goods. But if it stays at that, it is very likely that this so-called trade war with the US is pushing Europe even faster than is already happening towards the East, the natural trading partners – Russia and China. As I said, its already happening.

    But the Big Picture, in the case of Europe, I believe is IRAN. With tariffs on steel and aluminum – quite sizable tariffs, European producers of these metals, the second largest after China, would hurt. There may not be an immediate replacement market for America.

    So, Trump may want to blackmail Europe into accepting his new sanctions on Iran. In other words, “either tariffs or you follow my dictate – abandon the Nuclear Deal and impose sanctions”.

    Frankly, I doubt very much that this will work, since EU corporations have already signed billions worth of contracts with Iran. On the other hand, Germany in particular, is keen in renewing political as well as trade relations with Russia.

    Trump and those who manage him may still be under the illusion of the last 70 years, that the whole world, especially Europeans, have to bend over backwards to please the US of A, because they saved Europe – and the world – from the Nazi evil.

    Not only is it time to stop the vassalage and become autonomous again, but also, many European start understanding that whom they really have to thank for liberating them from the Nazis – is Russia.

    1. You think the Germans can sell as many cars to the Russians as they do today to the US?

      1. You’re forgetting China, India and Pakistan…the silk road.
        Anyway, pushing Europe into the arms of Russia and China is a feature, not a bug. The US to join later, after the supernatural appears.

    2. We should not imagine Europe as the EU. The latter is a failing bueaucracy.

    3. stradivarious, you keep on going to these far left fringe sites and posting their nonsense. It’s laughable and you should feel embarrassed…… but you probably won’t because you are either a communist or are senile….. maybe both.

      Here is another article by Peter Koenig, the author of your linked article. Dated June 8, 2018. I think from this we can see what foolishness you post:

      Headline: “Venezuela: Vanguard of a New World. Iran to Follow in the Same Footsteps?”

      “Venezuela is a champion in democracy, in democratic elections, as proven twice within the last twelve months and more than a dozen times since 1999. Never mind that the lunatic west doesn’t want to accept it – simply because the west – the US and her handlers – and her European vassals, cannot tolerate a socialist country prospering – one that is so close to the empire’s border and on top of it, loaded with natural riches, like oil and minerals. Venezuela’s economic success could send intellectual “left-wing” shock waves to the dumbed and numbed American populace, with shrapnel ricocheting all the way to blindfolded Europe.”

      Venezuela, the people’s paradise.

      1. Elections are so much easier when only one party can win due to authoritarian regimes &/or electoral fraud.

        Some people’s paradise. The only shock waves are those felt by the Venezuelan people in the form of live rounds, water cannons and starvation. But they are apparently “happy” unlike the citizens of the US and Europe.

        Truly ignorant people feel the need to confirm themselves in print.

  7. Speaking of eyes, well eyebrows in the case of Justin, there really is something odd about them, we need to keep our eyes on them see if they change….or fall off completely.

    1. Ya, he looked weird, I zoomed in on his face and he looked like he not only had eyeshadow on, but eyeliner and mascara. At first I thought people were kidding, but then when the eyebrow looked askew, I was convinced otherwise. Perhaps he was cross dressing and was still high by the time his news conference took place. Perhaps he had forgotten his make up remover at home. There’s only so much you can do with soap and water. To boot, when I zoomed in on his face closely I also noticed a hint of the lightest of light pink lipstick! Either it was light pink lipstick or he ate a pink popsicle… or something. Just saying.

      1. You guys are killin’ it. Ha
        It speaks to the depth of our PM when citizens comment on his poor makeup rather than his ideas or leadership.

        1. We see he has poor makeup, we comment.
          When we see he has ideas or leadership, we will comment.

        2. It’s downright depressing to think about his obvious paucity of “ideas or leadership.”

  8. The election of Doug Ford brings back the big question: can a small-government conservative work as an effective government leader? Are the two concepts mutually exclusive?

  9. MAGA has destroyed & buried the old order of globalism.

    “… they actually loved the old order because they and their rich friends benefited from it.”


    “Steve Hilton: Trump’s criticism of G-7 is ‘unprecedented’ scream the elite — That’s the whole point of Trump!”

    “So yes, when President Trump confronts the failures of the “rules-based international order” directly, after decades of pusillanimous acquiescence by his predecessors, you could describe that as “unprecedented.”

    But doing things that are “unprecedented” is the very definition of Donald Trump’s mandate. That’s what he was elected to do. To shake things up. To change things. When you do something new, it is unprecedented. That’s literally what it means.

    And yet the elites throw around that word “unprecedented” as a criticism. Nothing could be more revealing of their true beliefs: they actually loved the old order because they and their rich friends benefited from it. How disgraceful that they howl in protest when President Trump finally puts working people first.”


  10. So Canada, from the G7, is giving $400 million to girls education. Where does this money go? I see UNICEF and Oxfam spokesmen are quoted so I guess they receive some; are any other recipients known? Any other global charities? WHo does the auditing?

    I just ask because the government is always so eager to give money away, money that we don’t have, to appear good. Plenty of room for chronyism and fraud.

    1. So the coaliton that will receive $400 million is composed of:

      Plan International Canada, Save the Children, UNICEF Canada and World Vision (Canada)

      Did we vote for this (noble the cause may be)? It is just an example of the billions we are giving away – just think of the climate change boondoggle. How much is it in total each year to unaccountable international operations? Probably enough to put hot and cold running water on all reserves in Canada (just as an example).

  11. Conservative Doug Ford Obliterated “Ontario’s arrogant Liberal Party”.

    “Ontario’s incumbent Liberals have been obliterated.”

    “Abject defeat is a good look for Wynne and Co.”

    “They were rejected in 117 out of 124 races this week because of their overwhelming arrogance.”


    “NP View: Abject defeat is a good look for Ontario’s arrogant Liberal party

    Even when the party was forced to admit wrongdoing, it always stressed how its main failure was being too slow to catch on to a problem

    Ontario’s incumbent Liberals have been obliterated. Outgoing premier Kathleen Wynne, narrowly re-elected in her own Toronto riding, will now lead a rump caucus of a mere seven MPPs. The Liberals had pinned their final hopes on simply maintaining official party status. They fell one seat short.

    Abject defeat is a good look for Wynne and Co. The party was properly and mightily punished by voters not merely for their policy debacles, of which there were many, or for their ethical failures, which exist in similar abundance.

    They were rejected in 117 out of 124 races this week because of their overwhelming arrogance.

    Even on those rare occasions when the party was forced to admit wrongdoing, they always stressed how their main failure was being too slow to catch on to a problem, rather than chronic mismanagement, while insisting they were always doing their best, most noble work.”


  12. Stand With Israel. Stand With Doug Ford.

    “LEADERSHIP: Ford Says Anti-Semitic Al Quds Day “Should Never Be Permitted” In Ontario”

    “Even before officially taking office, Ford is showing strong leadership.

    In a clear sign that the incoming PC government in Ontario will stand up for Canadian principles, Premier-Designate Doug Ford says that the anti-Semitic Al Quds Day will not be allowed.

    “Our government will take action to ensure that events like Al Quds Day, which calls for the killing of an entire civilian population in Israel, are no longer part of the landscape in Ontario.”

    “In the past, Al Quds Day has featured calls for genocide against Israel, horrendous anti-Semitic statements, and direct calls for violence.

    It’s a radical extremist event that has no place in a civilized nation.

    The previous Ontario Liberal government was often too cowardly and politically correct to confront the Al Quds Day hate-fest, and the Ontario NDP are even weaker.

    Thankfully, Ontario now has a real leader with Doug Ford and the PCs, and hateful events like Al Quds Day will now be confronted and dealt with.”


    1. I disagree on one point.
      new democraps are distinctly anti-Semitic. any variation of that is based on image adjustment. aka propaganda.

    2. 6Nice — I wonder if we could also get rid of this LBJQT etc. month — MONTH! while we are at it. “Celebrating” this stuff for a month is excessive. Ludicrous actually.

  13. It’s amazing and disconcerting at the same time what passes for “journalism” these days.

    An entire article based on:

    “Last week, Mr. Kelly told visiting senators that the White House was “a miserable place to work,” according to a person with direct knowledge of the comment.”

    Which senators? Funny how none of them can confirm this “quote.” Actually not surprising at all.

    “Mr. Kelly, several West Wing advisers say, is beaten down.”

    Which advisers? I’m calling BS on all of it. Oh but the writer quotes someone who has never worked with (or met?) Mr Trump who apparently “has shown a tendency to move people into new roles rather than hire from the outside — will lead an emptier White House than his predecessors had.”

    Based on what evidence? Previous turnover? Which administrations? More conjecture posing as observation.

    “Some aides have sought to stoke the president’s fears about leaks, trying to identify people who could be disloyal: At least one senior aide is dropping inaccurate stories into the West Wing rumor mill to identify people who speak to reporters.”

    What no names? More BS? Partisan hacks pretending they’re either neutral or knowledgeable.


  14. AGW FAIL.

    h/t Stupid Liberal Justine & Climate Barbie.


    “Dismantling of Ontario’s cap-and-trade program could render more than $2-billion in emission allowances worthless” (G-M)


    “The Trudeau Carbon Tax Is Making America Richer At Our Expense”

    “Billions of dollars of investment is leaving Canada for the US because of the carbon tax.

    As the trade war between Canada and the US escalates, the Trudeau government continues ignoring the fact that the federal carbon tax – and their imposition of the tax on unwilling Canadians – is crippling our ability to withstand the possible damage from trade disputes.

    In the past few years, investment in Canada has collapsed and growth is slowing, while the opposite is happening in the United States.

    Under the Harper government, Canada had a tax advantage over the United States when it came to the business tax rate, and we had no carbon tax. As a result, many companies moved from the US to Canada.

    However, that started to change under the Liberal government, as the carbon tax became another cost that businesses had to consider – reducing the appeal of investing in Canada.

    As if that wasn’t enough, the US cut their business tax rate, and it is now much lower than Canada’s.

    So now, it’s far easier for businesses to prosper in the US than in Canada.”


    1. Ya cuz, “we’re not in a race to the bottom”. Uh Justy, it’s only us in the “race”.
