38 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Rex Murphy: Isn’t it ironic? Trump-haters have become even nastier than him

    “Two days later this St. Paul of the red carpet travelled to Yorkville, Toronto, another Warsaw of Trump “resistance,” to bleat again “F–k Trump” — to the applause of nearly everyone from the mount of Forest Hill to the pleasant valley of Rosedale…”


    The escalation of the Trump hatred is reaching epidemic proportions and serious street violence will be next.

    1. Yes, giving oneself moral license to cause mayhem; now Donnie Deutsch says Trump voters are just like him.

      Subject to attack. Subhuman of course. The ultimate sin being of course the Donald met their immediate attacks in kind, often hitting back even harder.

      Of course, everything is Trump’s fault. He was supposed to skulk away in defeat a la Romney & McCain.

      The medium is the message Marxist schtick is breaking down. Like any con artists, they react violently.

      Of course Trump is responsible for their hatred and intolerance. So was Regan, and the Bushes and ….

      Too bad about Trump and Twitter eh?

    2. Ken the Trump Hate Movement has to make or break itself. Trump haters appear ever more ridiculous to the MAGA crowd but they are playing to their base.

      I’d say the Trump Hate Movement has been far more successful in Canada where we have a very narrow range of open discussion. All of our MSM, including the SUN papers, are predominantly anti-trump. It is for this reason that Trudeau and his MSM lackies are setting up a fall election scenario where he runs against Trump and so the effort to make Scheer = Trump = Hitler! Even Justin could win an election in Canada against Hitler.?.? If they go to an election it is because they are very confident they can win.

      1. Actually, I do not know about that.
        Hitler: socialist (national variety)
        Trudeau: socialist (international/borderless variety)

        Hitler and Trudeau would have 99% the same policy.

        I am willing to bet, that somewhere in the Trudeau archives, there is a personally autographed copy of the Jan. 02, 1939 issue of Time Magazine. From Adolf Hitler to his friend Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau born October 18, 1919. It is a guarantee that he would have bought a copy in 39, when he was 20 years old, had dodged the draft, and was riding around Montreal on a motorcycle sporting a German infantry helmet.

        1. ah yes the WW I helmet motorcycle thing.
          it has disappeared from the web.
          when I could still do so, I printed X copies and regularly taped them friday nites taking my black lab for a walk, onto the bay window of the local LIEberal mp.
          they would of course get removed monday, to be replaced yet again.
          rinse, repeat.
          I hated TURDoo 1.0 right from the start. his arrogance stood out like a kleig lite.

      2. It’s basically illegal to have wrong think in Canada. Wrong think is disagreeing with a liberal.

  2. I am just watching a FoxNews clip on “Cavuto Live” Saturday morning show of a street demonstration in New York City. The rhetoric from the loudspeaker is your typical anti Trump rant. What struck me as very significant was the placards being held by many of demonstrators had a picture of Che Guevara on them. That tells you all you need to know about who is organizing this nation wide anti Trump and anti ICE protest.

    Has George Soros’ finger prints all over this.

    1. Such gatherings remind me of an old rock star lip-synching to a recording because his voice is no longer up to it. Globalism and all its ugly children are visibly dying, and not a moment too soon.

    2. Most every demonstration here in the State … about ANYTHING … is fully coordinated by International Answer. Which is not really an “anti-war” group … but a group which USES multiple “causes” (illegal immigration, police shootings, etc.) to push their goal of making America a Socialist nation.


      All their posters are mass produced and distributed. It is ALL about overturning our constitution and “transforming” America into a Socialist State.

    3. It’s actually Obama running this stuff and the whole border kids nonsense.

    1. I thought his dry humor was funny …

      Maybe he should have said it was a MAGA hat … with a bullseye stenciled on it? Maybe then the opposition media would ‘get’ the joke?

      I am personally tiring of, and becoming numb to the constant OUTRAGE of the leftists. Who cares how they feeeeeeeeel ? Grow up. Grow a skin.

      1. Breitbart used to sell T-Shirts with the logo “I used to care…” That is the way I feel now and I agree with Melania Trump’s jacket “I don’t care, do you?”

  3. So the moron admits he knows the media is under the microscope…
    ….can’t help himself..and proves them right

    Liberals are one sick group….

  4. An indicator of the validity of leftard news twats. All leftards in general actually.

  5. Moore has offered up his body for a Wood Chipper, his math is flawed…One million is .03% or in street numbers ~325 to one against his riot…

    Harley Davidson admits that Peter Fonda (Easy Rider) is their “boy”…NO Nothing ugly like break back mountain

  6. The Democrats have nothing to offer at this point, so they riot for no good reason because they are paid to riot. The puppet master’s work is getting old fashioned, even stale. (Glen Beck and others warned about this insanity years ago.) They’re fading and fading fast. They get jobs and have to pay off their student loan, buy insurance etc. The kids have moved on. This is all fake. What, to protest MAGA ? Are they nuts?

    Last night ‘s Bill Maher show featured a bunch of Democrats like Michael Moore and others pontificating … their heads were exploding! They shuddered at the possibility that Trump might win the Fall elections and a second term. It was fun to watch. They got nothing. They got nothing. They got nothing……

    Wish Canada would go back to being a country again. We’ve a new slogan:


      1. A CANADIAN:
        When I came up with ” MACA” I thought that the other possibilities would either be too lengthy, or too personal. I went with “MACA” because it sounded like a bird call, which Canadians love!

        Yours is ” MCGAL” ….hmmm? Ha. Ha!
        Think. About. It.

        Not for me, but perhaps for you, if you want or think so!
        Heh, heh! Get it?

    1. Nancy, you should check out the group Democratic Socialists of America. It’s rather frightening. Free school, jobs for everyone, state controlled economy, end of private business etc etc. They are trying to take over the Democratic Party.


      The DSA wants to replace democratic capitalism in favor of an economy run by the state. It’s Venezuela 2.0.

      “According to the DSA’s current mission statement, the government should ensure that all citizens receive adequate food, housing, health care, child care, and education. DSA also believes that the government should “democratize” private businesses — i.e., force owners to give workers control of them — to the greatest extent possible.”

      Very scary stuff. So don’t say the Dems got nothing. They have a whole lot of bad coming our way.

      Let’s start with Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon as a trial run. The shareholders of these companies can simply donate their shares to the government and let’s see what happens.

      1. I’m game. Zuckerberg and Bezos are just two captains of industry who OUGHT to be, ah, strongly encouraged to “donate” their shares in lieu of eight years of back taxes evaded under Obama.

        Sell the shares to good Americans, on condition they not be re-sold to foreigners for twenty years. Let’s see what happens then.

        On day one, the left and the Muslims, and the other globalists will vanish from Facebook. Guaranteed.

        The socialists should be careful what they wish for. Trump may give it to them.

        1. The EU (and China) appears to be much more effective at restraining Fackebook, et.al. … along with taxing the hell out of em. American tech and social media corporations should be kissing our capitalism ring, rather than supporting the Southern Poverty Law Center and assorted shake-down orgs. I highly doubt any of them will survive in the Socialist States of America.

          1. China doesn’t have to. Mark took a Chinese wife. A pious Orthodox Jewish girl wasn’t good enough for him. No. His little empress Max will be the vanguard of the new master race if Mark has his way.

            So Mark does what Beijing tells him. Occasionally it’s the right thing—helping the Burmese solve their Muslim problem. But it’s for Beijing’s benefit, not ours.

      2. STEVE FROM ROCKWOOD: The Democratic Socialists of America Party are, at this point, a tax – free ” charity”, a 501(c) 4. This is the status that the Tea Party and others were denied, if I’m not mistaken. Nice work, if you can find it. (Where’s the I.R.S. when you need them?) ( Where is Lois Lerner?) ( oh, it’s legal, right!)

        Remember what Margaret Thatcher said about running out of other peoples’ money?

        Nevertheless, I’m regretful that Canada never became part of the U.S.A. We’re too Communist here, for my taste. Commercially, we have so little choice here. When I saw a report on T.V. recently from the floor of a commercial establishment, I almost fainted at the sight of the objects that were for sale there, that we don’t get here. We are not well off here, we are underserved here. We are a racket here, we are a mess here. We are “ef”…. oh sorry, my full moon “itis” is showing….

        Have a very lovely Canada Day here, my loved ones. I love y’all, just not THEM, and you know who I mean! By the same token Happy July 4 th America, my American friends, and you know who you are! ♡

      3. failing, fail fail fail fail failing again to realize the simple, fundamental, basic FACT, that GUBBAMINT consists of *people*, NOT some monolithic invisible hand.

        it’s the strange, ‘twilight zone’ naivity driving this viewpoint. aka each generation has to learn the lessons of history, all. over. again.

      4. Democratic socialism? Now there is a lie of epic proportions if there is one. It is on par with AGW.

  7. The newspeak of the left: war is peace, lies are truth, illegal is legal
    Orwell was slightly ahead of his time

    1. Trump’s biggest promise was “Lock Them Up.” He needs to get on that. Soon.

      The bad guys were beaten in 2016. They are not gone. Do not consider them gone until we see pictures of Obama in an orange jumpsuit, being led away to whatever public and permanent punishment justice has in store for him, all proceeds of ticket sales to go to needy veterans and the widows and orphans of soldiers and policemen killed in the line of duty.

  8. I don’t understand; someone who is part of the “false but accurate” Nobel Prize winning crew has displayed some aversion to hypocrisy????

    I think the world is ending.

  9. The Trudeau family was already rich by this time. I have no doubt that a young Pierre flew around the world personally meeting Everyone from Stalin and Hitler, to Mussolini, Mao and Pol Pot. I also have no doubt that CBC has already destroyed all records they ever had of any such events.

  10. Thats about all I need to read from the fan club of Pierre the Worst. He was a dedicated communist and did more to destroy this country than any individual before or since, with the possible exception of PM Gerald Butts the puppet master behind the spawn.

  11. If all the Reporters fir the New York Times quit after making a false report the paper would quit publishing becuase there would be no one left but the Janitor
