27 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. Yet another reason to avoid that Roman Catholic city. And Jesuit Gerry Brown’s state in general

  2. I would guess that San Fran was on the list of a lot of people as a place they’d like to see someday – 20 or more years ago. Now you couldn’t pay me to go there.

  3. I left my poop in San Francisco
    High on a hill, it calls to me
    To be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars
    The morning fog may chill the air, I don’t care

    1. The huge gap between their actual wage and the total cost including benefits is perhaps the scariest part of the story. $110K in bennies for a $70K job?

  4. True Lib’s:
    1) Create a problem thru inaction, legislation or obfuscation.
    2) Identify the obvious problem
    3) Expose and exploit the problem
    4) Come up with the bestest solution eva
    5) Set up a company thru which taxpayer money can be funnelled back to themselves
    6) Never solve the problem so the money pipeline can keep flowing

  5. So, how long until Pres. Donald Trump calls out San Franciso for being a “sh**hole?

    Watch for the bumper sticker campaign :
    “Vote Democrat, so you get to experience how the 3rd world lives, without having to leave the U.S. of A. “

  6. Years ago, in the Netherlands, I met an American who said that his job was exporting AIDS around the world. He ran a travel agency on Polk Street in San Francisco.

  7. Reminder that pretending to manage a supposedly intractable problem is always more profitable for our betters (and costly for everyone else) than actually solving it.

    To put it another way, it makes no sense to waste time on costly workarounds for a bug when it is easier and faster to fix the bug.

    The solution to the problem of riff-raff turning San Francisco into their latrine is easy.

    1. Remove, without delay, any and all local government officials who cannot or will not acquiesce to doing what is necessary to get the riff-raff out of San Francisco and make sure they stay out.

    2. Get the riff-raff out of San Francisco and make sure they stay out.

    3. Take steps to ensure that the sort of people who allowed the problem to arise in the first place never hold office in the city again. Allowing only individuals owning freeholds within the city to vote in local elections would be an excellent start.

    1. *snicker* … you’ve obviously never been to a SF Board of Stuporvisors Meeting. Your 3-points would be sent to an outside consulting agency to … study … at a cost of $350,00.00 (+expenses) paid to a relative of the Board Chairperson. When the 2-year overdue and over budget … study … is returned to the Stuporvisors … it will be tabled for consideration AFTER further consultation by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

      Yes … SF is Mao’s China … operating within the borders of Mao’s California … operating within the borders of the USA (nearly Mao’s America).

  8. It would have made sense to come to a truce with the poop-producers. You clean up your poop and we will leave you alone, otherwise we’re going to get tough. Would have cost a few thousand dollars and the poopers would likely have felt better about themselves being there – contributing to society. Instead San Francisco is spending almost $1 million to solve a $10,000 problem. Trudeau and Wynne would be proud.

  9. I assure you that NONE of these jobs are being done by American citizens. This is the very definition of … a job … that Americans … just won’t doo (*giggle*). Yes, John McCain … Americans won’t even doo these jobs for $50.00/hr.

    But no need to worry … SF is a “Sanctuary City” … so there are PLENTY of illegal alien applicants.

  10. “The teams will begin their shifts in the afternoon, spotting and cleaning piles of feces before the city receives complaints in order “to be proactive” …”

    If they really want to be both pro-active and politically correct, I suspect their next move will be to hire another fleet of people to run around holding buckets under the homeless’s arseholes.

    Man, these SF shite stories are both outrageously funny and outrageously depressing, I still can’t figure out which sentiment is stronger, it’s probably a tie.

    You got the U Haul packed yet, Kenji?

    1. Ohhhh … that HURTS! You just RUINED one of THE best songs ever written … I’ll NEVER be able to hear it again … without thinking of your slur. Nor will I hear it without thinking of Kate Steinle gunned-down in cold blood on the dock of the bay.

  11. Sorry to add this unrelated story here … but it does contribute to the coming financial earthquake about to hit CA.

    Don’t tell me that mass CA wildfires aren’t a … very profitable … enterprise.
    $ 3.7 BILLION … in overtime alone. Unfunded overtime to go with the unfunded pensions.

    Once again … I am going to ask (in my screamy-voice) … WHO is investigating the SOURCE … the ignition … of these Fires!? Stop with the global warming nonsense … and STOP the fires at their source!

    1. Awhile back, the son of a volunteer fire chief got busted for burning a train trestle. Did such a good job the trestle was a total loss. No work for the firefighters. D’oh.

  12. 185 grand?

    now the shitty of san franfartco officials just made sure there is a HUGE incentive to make sure the shyt keeps getting plopped where they walk.

  13. “$364,000 for a four-member needle team” But wait a minute. I thought that like Vancouver, they had a needle “exchange” program which most people would understand to mean one goes out = one comes back. Sounds like a lot fewer needles are being returned than are being distributed. Once again, libs hide their true intentions behind euphemisms.
    I also find it interesting, but not completely surprising that it’s easier to house train a dog than to house train a liberal.
