Trudeau’s Snake Oil Sales Pitch

He’s facing four, soon to be five, premiers opposed to his carbon tax plan. So what is he doing?

He’s changing the language and trying to have you buy his bafflegab.

Despite claiming to be about fact based and evidence based policy, this PM is all about his left-wing ideology.
The question for the next year will be whether he can sell it.
He is now facing four provinces opposed to his tax and willing to take it to court.

More here….

37 Replies to “Trudeau’s Snake Oil Sales Pitch”

    1. Anthropogenic Climate change is a fraud and a ponzi scheme pushed by the IPCC! I’ve made a point of studying it for the last 14 years!!! Thanks Quillan for your leads!! We are definitely shouting into the wind!!!! SR#15 is useless like most of their information!!

  1. Any odds that if this becomes a debate about the federal government encroaching on provincial jurisdiction that Quebec will be the sixth province to say no to juthtins carbondioxide* tax.

    *See what I did there?

  2. Our Dear Leader will be forced to either abandon the carbon tax scheme or impose a single Federal tax across the country.

    He has painted himself into a very lonely corner.


    1. Not really. He has the media for company. I am sure they won’t abandon him regardless of how untennable his positions are.

  3. Make it six/seven provinces. NL isn’t having one unless all the other provinces have one.

    1. Depends on how the government is formed in New Brunswick. The PCs campaigned against the carbon tax pretty vigorously. So that only leaves BC, Quebec and Nova Scotia as supporting this thing. Not even that many. Newly elected Quebec Premier-elect Francois Legault has also expressed opposition to a national carbon tax as well. Outside Quebec, no one I think was expecting a complete wipeout of the PQ and the decimation of Couillard’s Liberals.

      And then there were only two…

  4. While being extremely evasive about costs, the Federal government tells us that if all Provinces fully participate in the proposed carbon tax scheme Canadian emissions could be reduced by 90 million tonnes by 2022. Going by past experience this is likely an optimistic estimate, but let’s do the math.

    Peer-reviewed studies published in respected science journals claim that each tonne of CO₂ emissions increases global temperature by 0.0000000000017⁰C per year. Simple arithmetic shows that (if the scientists are right!) our proposed carbon taxes could defer global warming by an unmeasurable 0.00015⁰C annually – this is one Celsius degree in 6500 years. The spread between Toronto’s average annual high (27⁰C) and low (-11⁰C) is 253,000 times this figure.

    Would the public support carbon taxes if they knew just how ineffective the unknown billions spent are in “controlling” the climate?

  5. Yesssss….!
    Gang up on that drama queen. He may be a big bad boxing butt puppet, but he will hopefully be up against the ropes soon. I could even get to like premiers because of this. Turd Doos hypocrisy and basic idiocy is beyond jumping a shark and all that tripe…etc…

      1. clarification requested:
        you mean *inside* the buildings or outside?
        should Canadistan give the TURDoo a mandate like his old man the closet commie and it wont make any difference.

    1. Latitude,

      I blush!

      What I find amazing is that outside of you and me hardly anyone cares about the math. Everybody talks about emissions reduction in tonnes, when that’s a totally meaningless measure of effectiveness in addressing global warming. Why don’t we see this kind of data?’

      How many years does it take to make a one degree change to global temperature?

      Canada (total emissions – all sources) 836 yrs Ontario (total emissions – all sources) 3663 yrs Prop. Fed. Carbon tax impact yr. 2020 (all provinces) 6667 yrs
      Ontario pro rata share of proposed carbon tax impact 28694 yrs
      Ontario CO₂ reductions to date (2005 – 2016) 14312 yrs

      1. Is that tons of CO2 or tons of C, the politicians only talk of carbon. There is obviously a three (roughly) times different. Is this specified in the government laws and regulations?

    1. The carbon tax is our strength. Taxing carbon is vibrant cultural enrichment.

  6. HA! Credit where credit due.

    Ben Shapiro: ” Justin Trudeau is what would happen if the song “Imagine” took human form and then ate a Tide Pod.”

    1. I like much of Shapiro except his desparate need to be accepted by the orthodoxy.

  7. I don’t think Butts will let him run the enxt election on a platform of more taxes!

  8. Our boy is a saint. He will change water into wine.

    Not just Scheer and Moe who say free money won’t stop GHG emissions

    . . . Support for the federal government’s carbon pricing ($50 a tonne by 2022) went into full press mode Monday with the release of the Canadians for Carbon Dividends report commissioned by Canadians for Clean Prosperity, which provides a household cost-benefit analysis on how households will fare after the federal government rebate.

    The report suggests a Saskatchewan low-income household earning between $20,000 and $40,000 in 2020 will pay an average $356 for carbon pricing (higher gas prices, more expensive food, etc.). However, all Saskatchewan households will be getting back $1,567, yielding a net benefit of $1,211 for the low-income household. . . .

    1. yeah that makes perfect sense. if we give the gubmint money they will give us even more money back.

  9. Our PM can’t even figure out what CO2 is: it’s plant food, not pollution. Pollution is nitrous oxides, nasties in the water, and particulates in the air.

  10. I hope he sticks to his guns, demanding we adhere to foreign pronouncements how our country should use its resources.

    Then he can go. Canadians know intuitively climate change is bunk, or at least its policy prescriptions.

    Impose a carbon tax which slows economic activity which reduces emissions. What genius.

    Remember this is from the technocrats who think it’s a national imperative to throw borrowed money at solving non-problems.

    Or even making them worse; like helping people get in the housing market by increasing their financing requirements.

    Out here in BC, the wise ones are attacking not only property values with piled on regulations, plus landlords by ensuring they are set up for failure with rent control to CPI only while property taxes, utilities and regulation rise much faster than inflation.

    You don’t have to be a clairvoyant to see what that gets you. Now the City of Victoria piles on with tenant assistance plans for rental redevelopment and demolition.

    IOW, no new redevelopment and no new builds, which of course strains supply which increases rents.

    More genius from our betters, where parasitism meets symbiosis.

    Justin got in just under the anti-establishment wave currently sweeping democracies by posing, with unethical mediocracy help, as a populist and false branding the bottom up libertarian Stephen Harper as part of the establishment.

    Just(in) not their establishment, which consists of Bombardier, the CBC, dairy farmers, and Khadr lovers, plus leave it in the ground types who have terrified people about pipelines, climate change fantasies and middle class taxed into crisis.

    That sleight of hand projection nonsense must be redressed in 2019 lest our nation become divisible.

  11. The prime minister is the one who appoints people the supreme court. How much utility do you think there actually is, in going to court to oppose the prime minister? You think Rosalie is on the side of citizens, or keeping the biscuit wheels on her gravy train?

  12. UN report on global warming issues life or death warning (yawn)…
    Meanwhile Justin Trudeau’s government is more likely to give us our money back than any provincial government plan. “Give us our money back”? Then why take it in the first place?
    In the Global News link notice that the “news” is based on claims by an advocacy group “Canadians for Clean Prosperity” that the carbon tax will be paid mostly by business rather than “families”. That will help the economy no doubt.

    1. What are the odds that the products or services from the businesses will ultimately be bought by ‘families?’

      What are the odds that their prices will go up due to carbon taxers?

      100% – thought so!

  13. Bongo’s policies are already slowing the economy. If he insists on the carbon tax the CPC is going to have a field day with this.
    Are Canadians that stupid they will vote to tax themselves?

    1. As an answer to your question as Elizabeth May has already explained “Canadians are stupid!”

      Lets explain this carbon tax to the LIV’s that voted for the Boy Blunder. If the world’s climate was in such a tenuous position and the Liberals were as concerned as they would have us believe then they’re immigration/ refugee program would be cancelled immediately. Every Canadian requires “X” amount of energy to survive in this country, ergo for every immigrant/refugee that is allowed to enter the country our energy consumption must increase and therefore our carbon emissions increase. Therefore it is a no-brainer that if we want to address our carbon emissions to stabilize the climate we must curtail all immigration/refugee arrivals immediately, to claim anything other than that is to deny common sense!

      1. Yes. I’ve wondered about that as well.
        Bring people from warm climates where their overall footprint was small to a place where home heating alone ensures a larger footprint. Go figure.

      2. remember lizzie denied saying that, tried to ‘insert’ a qualifying word to minimize the offensive nature of the statement. but the video clip showed otherwise, she DID say the quote, to whit she “fundamentally agreed” that Canadistanis are stooooopid,( just not THAT stoooopid).
        only the ones in her riding were fooled by the backtracking.
