16 Replies to “Everyone but the Far Left is Afraid to Speak Their Mind”

  1. Thank you, I enjoyed this very much. Very reasoned, very articulate (how refreshing!) – the interview goes at a nice pace. He expressed many of my thoughts ” judge people as individuals, small government, speak up (just do not be rude or crude)”. I had not realized I was a libertarian.

  2. The left is full of good intentions and that makes them superior to the unfeeling right.
    We need to help them to understand that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

      1. Not everyone that you disagree with is actually evil. Most of them are just wrong and I’d wager that the vast majority of them actually believe they are doing the right thing. I know. It’s a mystery how so many people can swallow and regurgitate so much B.S.

        1. Majority stupid.

          It’s why any and all political parties are pointless; stupid people take over.

          It’s why voting is pointless; 2,000,000 stupid votes for every intelligent one.

          It’s why debate is pointless; you cannot reason with stupid. You cannot scare stupid. You cannot threaten stupid. You cannot beat the stupid out. You cannot wash the stupid out.

          1. Don’t despair,Kevin.
            You have have to find the right way to bribe the voters to get your agenda into play. The Liberals know, and have always known that the average voter is like a child and has to enticed or lead by the nose to the right conclusion,in their case, voting Liberal.

            I’ll tell ya a tale: during one of Mulroney’s Referendum campaigns, my Sister,who was a high ranking member of the LPC, and I discussed the upcoming ref. I stated that it was unfortunate we didn’t have more referendums and more often.

            Her reply floored me,”don’t be ridiculous.The average voter is too goddamned stupid to be trusted with anything important”.

            A Liberal political operative for once spoke the truth,and I have no reason to believe the political types in any of the political Parties think any differently.

            As the old song goes, “I’d like to be seduced……….”, and for many,that’s just fine.

            And THAT is why I spend so much time on SDA, we know when we’re getting screwed and don’t mind saying it..

  3. This was an interesting dialogue. They aim to see that people get woke to Conservatism. Good.

    (Ha! Can’t call Ghostbusters when theMasterCard bill is due)

      1. Hello Kevin – Your comments are thought provoking, at least insofar as they provoked this one. I am curious, given your apparent mistrust of voting, politcs and your fellow man in general, what would be your solution if ‘put in charge’?

  4. Jordan B. Peterson’s book has sold 3 million plus copies ! It’s a world best seller. People are still buying a year after it’s release in very high numbers. Additionally, the Aussie interviewer said re-sellers of tickets to his speaking events there are asking $900.00 per ticket!

    He has completed a year of promotion of his book and speaking to packed audiences all over Western Europe, the U.K., America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. The demand to hear him has not diminished. It has grown.

    To meet the demand, he’s now doing a 2nd tour of the same countries, and people are traveling from countries not on his tour to hear him speak. That is unheard of.

    To meet demand, his book is now offered in translations to the non-english speaking world. That may have profound implications, too.

    All this to hear the message of the Good Father (archetype) counseling men and women, to find *meaning in their life by taking up responsibility,(to pick up their cross and bear it, walking up the mountain towards the City of God- in Western Judeo-Christian terminology).

    *(“He, who has a why, can bear almost any how.”-Nietzsche

    Two conclusions follow:
    1. Throughout the West, citizens are beginning to re-assert confidence in themselves as individuals with potential, and thus in Western Civilization.

    2. The mass response to Prof. Peterson’s lectures and books is actually evidence/proof for the thesis of archetypes, he expounds in his Maps of Meaning !

  5. I just have to comment that before I left home early this AM, I took a quick look in at SDA while my car was warming up. Right at the top of the blog was the headline… “Everyone but the Far Left is Afraid to Speak Their Mind”

    Right under it of course, it still said… “No Comments”.

    Nothing better than a good yuck to start an early morning.
