47 Replies to “The Libranos: Bananada Is Back!”

  1. I want a “Get of Jail Free” card from Prime Minister Don Corleone too!

    the godfather best scene

    The Libranos on a roll, giving new meaning to the concept of “Pimp my Ride”…the feminist fop leading our nation on the wide and pleasant stroll into perdition.


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

      1. Vito corleone is not one person in this metaphor. It’s the “leadership” of the Quebec inc mafia.

    1. hi Hans.

      I read the book before watching the movie.
      I actually, and honestly, felt myself sympathizing with Don Corleone. surrounded his whole life by those wishing to kill him even as a child as we find out in GF 2.
      so what to do? a pre-emptive strike? but even *then* he tried to avoid a bloodbath, and STILL his opponents came after him.

  2. Just watched the entire 1.14 minutes of Rayboulds testimony. Toronto must be so proud of their soy boy. What an effin POS he and his creepy friends are. Do Liberal voters hate their children? Is this the Canada you liberals want?

    1. “Is this the Canada you Liberals want ?”… the short answer IMO is, yes… this is exactly the kind of country Liberals want… after all, this country is almost exclusively a Liberal party concept… public input is not required… as long as the institutional corruption and tribal graft serves the Liberal “progressive” cause, then no probs… whats a little obstruction of justice when the only desire is for power. The loyal Liberal voter is solely concerned with themselves or their protected racket (“special Trudeau Charter status”), keep the cheques coming and the Liberal voter is content, the soul of the country be damned… its been this way for decades and will continue to get worse until the final flatulent collapse. Trudopia is an artificial concept imposed on the many by the few and the few do whatever they need to do in order to keep the facade afloat and the rackets solvent… literally trillions of taxpayer dollars disappear into the black holes of this nation of rackets, this french language one party ethnic nationalist State… the people of this country have allowed the ‘wise men and woman” of the privileged class to soil this nations history, corrupt its heart and destroy its soul. This is the country of the LIberal Party for the LIberal Party, corruption is its very core. “The Liberal Party fosters and nurtures a culture of corruption”… Judge Gomery. Rant over.

      1. “special Trudeau Charter status”
        Let me correct that for you.
        The Trudeau/liberal protected species act

    2. Just Liberals being Liberals

      Don’t expect anything different from Andy 2%, just a Liberal in a blue suite.

      1. I’ll go for the blue suit to get rid of the crooks in the Red suits, if we reward corruption we will get more of it.

        1. Blue suit just as corrupt as red suit there the same party controlled by the same so you are rewarding them by voting blue.

          They red and blue suits need to lose period or we all lose…

        2. “I’ll go for the blue suit to get rid of the crooks in the Red suits, ..”

          Is that the blue suit with the milk mafia stains?

    1. Don’t forget this video one as well



      The Government of Canada has a duty to ensure the rights and wellbeing of Canadians;
      The maintenance of our borders and limited merit-based immigration are essential to our rights and wellbeing;
      Polls consistently have shown the majority of Canadians reject illegal border crossing and subordination of our citizens’ needs to those of illegal aliens; and
      Several of our allies notably the United States of America, Poland, Hungary and Austria have withdrawn from the United Nations’ global migration pact citing its threats to their sovereignty, peace, order and good governance.
      We, the undersigned, Canadians, call upon the Government of Canada to likewise withdraw from the Global Compact For Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
       Member of Parliament
      Maxime Bernier
      People’s Party

      Sign the petition here:


    2. The Liberals and Conservative Federal Governments past and present have all been corrupted with the paid off media as well and why do they do it For power and money and control over Canadians and their rich resources.

      Control the Canada’s Political and daily News narrative and introduce and instal China Computing and Cell Surveillance System beyond the Control of the USA to monitor.

      Silence all the opposition against LibCons and controlled Media forum either Party wins Power Corp control is kept.

      Retain power at all cost. (Power Corp) has owned every Prime Minister since Piere Trudeau to currently Justin and Sheer.

  3. More new candidates for the National Museum of Political Weasels, opening in 2020.

  4. 10.8 million dollars for a convicted murdering terrorist, almost seems like a drop in the bucket today.

    1. No. It is not. Not when you are a Veteran asking the country you served to give you fair compesation for your permanent injury. A Veteran asking for thousands and being denied when the country you served gives millions to someone who seved the enemy you fought against and who caused your injuries. Unforgivable.

  5. Revisitable? They didn’t stop FFS and that’s why they punted Jody! Jesus wept, if there hadn’t been a “leak” Lametti would have done it by now.
    Liberals are corrupt scum and anyone who defends them are scumbags. And I’m using my nice words.

    1. You left out the corrupt Conservative Party, there fixed it for ya…


  7. Like many Canadians I have been wondering why Turdeau did not release JWR to speak about what happened after she was fired from her post as Justice Minister.

    I am now thinking that Turdeau offered her a bigger cabinet posting in the future if she would keep quiet about SNC and about or about the Mark Norman ‘trial’.

    Stayed tuned I think both SNC and Mark Norman are going to get a lot uglier.

    1. “JWR to speak about what happened after she was fired from her post as Justice Minister. ”
      It is not hard to imagine that Trudeau threatened to fire her for cause… incompetence, (his fixers were talking to her staff & building a case) which would be a setback to the Indian Nations lasting for 100 years… She took the beatdown until he bragged about her integrity, or lack thereof….

      When you count the number of illegal contacts with AG Staff (each a separate count….) by political operatives… 10 years for each count….They all each spend 30+ years in Prison

  8. Well I guess those two Canadians in a Chinese prison are screwed. The CBC reports that the commies in China are on a rampage on why the laws can be bent for Lavalin but not for their commie spy executive. Canada is back! As the laughing stock of the world.

      1. Good he won’t be missed…..just herd he is going to shuffle cabinet again…..seems like re arranging chairs on the Titanic…Steve O

    1. Exactly. Do recall that Wells has been a Liberal shill for decades, but appears to still retain some moral fiber.

  9. Of the 9,000 Quebec jobs that might be lost, the only one Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was worried about,,,WAS HIS OWN !

  10. The Chinese should have had their emigres settle in Montreal rather than Vancouver … their own fault

  11. Our new agriculture minister is a Quebec MP. She doesn’t speak english very well, but then all she has to worry about is Quebec dairy farmers anyway.

  12. How does the liberals protecting SNC corruption protect Canadian jobs?
    Trudeau keeps yapping about that.
    If SNC can’t bid on Canadian government contracts won’t others simply get the work?
    Either way there’ll be jobs for Canadians.

    Have the corrupt Liberals already promised SNC the work?
    Is it simply about protecting Quebec corruption?

    1. The reason that all the focus now is on Canadian jobs is because Butts has left the theatre and he didn’t update the recorded speech for the PM. Watch the PM’s answer to any question posed to him in the HofC over the last 12 months, its always about the Liberals standing up for jobs, the middle class, and Canadians. Without the script writer, the director of the Kabuki Theatre has a star on stage with no lines to speak.

      On the matter of jobs it will be interesting to see how intelligent the average Canadian is by how many buy this line. 9,000 jobs are being presented by the Liberals that these jobs are lost. By no means will there be 9,000 jobs lost. 9,000 employees of SNC-Lavalin will not be moving with their families out of Canada. At most Canada will loose at most 10 jobs, 10 executives and their families will move out of Canada to avoid prosecution. The rest of SNC-Lavalin employees will be unemployed when the company closes the door, but the honest, hard working employees, if there are any, will be employed by other companies that will only be to glad to perform the work that has to be done, whether it is building roads and bridges, or maintaining public buildings and infrastructure. By prosecuting SNC-Lavalin the legal system in Canada will help to create a level playing field for all businesses, but the lynchpin here is that corruption must be prosecuted no matter where or how high or low the corruption has seeped or crept.

  13. Grit reality.

    Cronies who committed actual crimes are supposed to be let off because the national interest, aka Grit fortunes, are at stake?

    When Grits get embarrassed by a leak that outs them trying to put the supply ship construction on hold for crony review and usurping, against the national interest I might add, they try railroad an Admiral over their sieve like protection of information?

    If it weren’t for double standards, this bunch would have no standards at all.

  14. the TURD is going into space.
    if I tag along and throw a rock at his visor and break it, will the TURD’s head explode due to the vacuum of space and air underneath all that cute hair, or not because there is actually a VACUUM there also?

    jist askin’ . . . . .

    can any tell yet just[in] how much I deeply DESPISE that communist loving spawn?

    1. Lametti got a briefing on the SNC file and the briefers didn’t tell him that JWR had already made a decision? If true, then Lametti should fire his deputy minister and said staff that briefed him.

      However, like Bruce, I think Lametti is lying.

      Speaking of lying, I notice very few columnists have listed all the lies by Turdeau, the Liberal House Leader etc. A few have mentioned some of the lies, but no one has listed them all on paper.

      The lies on this matter will come back to haunt the Turd.
