45 Replies to “March 5, 2019: Reader Tips”

    1. Yup, that’ll strike terror into academe. With all those students out on strike, professors will actually have to do their research by themselves.

      While I was a grad student at UBC, there was something similar. Grad students took job action and formed picket lines at certain locations on campus.

      One of those was the computing centre. Since I was working on my research at the time, I wanted to access the facilities and actually get something done. So I crossed the picket line and was quickly persona non grata. After all, I was supposed to show my support.

      Since I gave up a job to attend UBC, as well as having paid my fees out of my own pocket, I didn’t particularly care. I wanted to have something to show for my time there and those striking idiots were interfering with it.

      And there’s the difference. I’ll bet that most of the striking Quebec students never worked a day in their entire lives and didn’t understand that an education is an investment, not an occupation.

      I transferred back to my alma mater a few months later.

    2. This is probably the first Woke Coup! Want proof?

      “Five short weeks ago, Wilson-Raybould, Philpott and Whitby MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes sat huddled together at a festive social event, laughing and enjoying themselves at an annual Robert Burns dinner on Parliament Hill.”

      This gem comes from the Red Star and up til today Justin Cheerleader

      Read it here: https://www.thestar.com/politics/political-opinion/2019/03/04/justin-trudeau-has-no-political-playbook-to-counter-this-rare-implosion.html

      The problem is they have a very real chance of getting power and then we will be really screwed!

      Justin’s cabinet was simply the Woke Trojan Horse.

      1. I believe the comments by the females at this dinner were very sexist and misandrist.
        There oughta be a law!
        Justin would be wise to jettison these troublesome women and rely more on the other genders of his cabinet.
        Or maybe he should just wait a week.

  1. Good news–AOC is in the middle of a campaign finance scandal:


    Better news–the Hildabeast won’t run next year:


    Then again, why should she, because she will, no doubt, have won the 2016 election retroactively, right? (Uh huh….)

    1. It is actually disappointing that Hitlery does not run. Seeing her lose election again and then lose her $hit again would be very schadenfreuding.

    2. Re AOC: she should take a couple of pages from Turdeau’s play book: 🙁 It’s not corruption if it was used to try and create jobs, or it depends on your perspective. Or she could just use the Ocasio excuse; “I’m now in charge.”

      Hopefully the FBI will do something. Ha, ha, ha.

    3. Feels like she is being targeted by her own party. Having her leave the Democratic scene would be a blow to the Repubs.

    1. Watching CBC News this morning, host Heather Hiscox has been stressing the revised strategy by Justin Trudeau’s crew moving forward. This new look started with Trudeau’s speech last night, where he said gracious things about Jane Philpott, and that he has been “listening” to those worried about recent Liberal government statements. Ms. Hiscox, needless to say, heartily approved of the new Liberal look.

      On CBC News this morning, variousv Liberal operatives emphasized the need for a “mea culpa”. So expect to see this, starting tomorrow, with the House Justice Committee hearings, with Mssrs. Gerald Butts and Michael Wernick. Both are considered dirty inside-boy fighters, but boiler-room strategists must be coaching both on being contrite, and nicey-nicey. Expect that for tomorrow. I sure hope the Consefvative and NDP questioners are on the ball. We need well-planned questioning, instead of righteous fulmination from the opposition.

        1. I have started to watch the corrupt CBC News, since the scandal broke. I will stop the dirty habit once things cool down, which could be soon.

          If watching CBC News is bad for you, watching the notorious Heather Hiscox on CBC Morning News could lead to terminal illness.

      1. Attention-hooers miss an opportunity to grandstand in front of the nation? It is to laugh.

        But…one can hope.

        1. That works so our Canadian Media Masters can’t disable 8 Chan….

      1. tech tip:
        dont click on the link, instead do a copy and paste into a new tab.
        works for me.
        (some browsers web sites sense and disallow a hyperlink)

        p.s. VERY interesting find. compares various megadigitalmasteroftheuniverse logos with satanic symbols.

  2. Saving Quebec jobs?
    Wilson-Raybold doesn’t understand?
    I call horse-hockey.
    “Wilson-Raybold wanted to back the country’s public prosecutor, to let a court do what courts do every day:
    Weigh and judge. He wanted to change the rules mid-game and hope we wouldn’t notice.”-Macleans.

    Fact is, deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs) allow a sort of negotiated fine in lieu of a trial.
    Negotiated is the key word.
    IOW’s-However much you donate to our party will dictate how much of a fine you should pay.
    Standard practice in every jurisdiction DPA’s are allowed.
    IMHO DPA’s are legislated legal corruption!

  3. Can someone tell me why we need a clerk of the privy council earning $300,000 per year. It is long past time we have to clean house at the government and get rid of these ceromonial positions.

    1. The Clerk of the Privy Council is the head of the federal public service. It’s not a ceremonial position – he actually runs the federal bureaucracy. The deputy ministers of the various departments might report to the elected ministers, but they actually get their marching orders from the Clerk.

  4. Having watched the malodorous Canadian Media for many years, I feel like I have a solid understanding of just how they connive, diddle and finagle.

    So, in my best Canadian Media falsetto:

    Anonymous sources say that LavScam isn’t really about what you think it is. That there are many more female Liberal MPs ready to come forward. In fact, all of them.
    It’s all about sex people.
    Isn’t it always?
    It seems that the ladies could not restrain themselves in Juniors presence, often imitating the worst of Canadian journalists in their salacious interactions with Trudeau.

    Rebuffing every single female in caucus has caused a definite schism in the cabal leading to some very uncomfortable questions on why male Liberal MPs have been so uniformly silent and supportive.

    We’ll leave that to the internet to ponder.

    1. tattler:

      There’s always been a lot of behind the scene humping in politics. Powerful men, adoring women – 1+1.
      It’s no longer considered much of a scandal.

    1. Maybe a 50% import duty on cheap Chinese stuff that falls apart is in order. Maybe we should switch to cheap Indian stuff that falls apart. China gives us nothing we can’t get from India or Southeast Asia. And I hope Trump doesn’t stop until tariffs between the US and China match dollar for dollar.

      1. And Canada should tell Huwawei to F*ck Off with their 5G network. Just like Australia.
        Give them back their precious Meng Wahzoo in an agreement to not retaliate.


        It’s too bad Turdough just HAD to approve the sale of a Canadian communications company to the Chinese . Against the advice of security experts and CSIS too.
        Is that useless shit stain even working for Canada?
        Dont bother. I already know the answer


        1. It’s too bad Turdough just HAD to approve the sale of a Canadian communications company to the Chinese . Against the advice of security experts and CSIS too.

          Why should this be surprising? Go to just about any university engineering or science department and there’s a good chance that most of its new faculty are Chinese. It’s a sure bet that anything that R & D work that a company has farmed out to academe will quickly be copied and smuggled to China.

          This has been going on after Deng Xiaopeng allowed students and scholars from the PRC to go to the west some 40 years ago.

        2. Quicksilver – Agreed

          Canada has no complaint with Megs Wazoo. Cut a deal with the americans/ chicoms and let her go in exchange for your suggestion of an agreement to not retaliate. Add to it no more money to Canadian universities from Huwawei for ‘research’…..

          Problem is you can’t trust the chicoms – or the laurentian elite who profit from a cozy relationship.

    1. … I like waterpistols fights. There’s that element of surprise that is unmatched…
      squirt… °
      ○ °
      °○ °⊙
      ⊙ °○
      got ya!

      1. Your comment about water pistol ambushes reminds me that some 20 years ago, the “assassination game” was popular with university students.

        Some were quite obsessed with it. At that time, I was a teaching assistant in a certain course and I remember that one of the students was a volunteer at a booth that the on-campus group had set up. That in itself was neither here nor there, but he seemed to spend more time on that than on the course material.

        1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin_(game)

          Really? I have never heard of it. The devil is in the details. It sounds too risqué for my taste. I don’t blame some administrations for forbidding it at the various places, as indicated in the link.

          As for the place where one can play hide and seek that is equally as crazy. That is a business doomed to failure. Did they get a government grant? Ha!

  5. https://nationalpost.com/news/deeply-disturbing-u-of-t-talk-by-anti-israel-activist-norman-finkelstein-to-test-ontarios-campus-free-speech-policy
    So the BDS among us have got their Judenrat to speak. The headline claims its a test of Ford’s free speech policy. I believe if he speaks, the test is passed. Frankly he seems like a freaking weirdo, but then so does everyone who thinks Hezbollah fights the good fight, especially considering his parents, but that’s what free speech is all about IMHO.
    “Organizers of the lecture did not respond to messages through the event website and to their email address hosted by the school’s student union. The club’s executive is listed on the student union website as June and Jane Doe.”
