62 Replies to “LGBTQ+P”

      1. yep.
        lasted on my TV less than 10 seconds.
        on the TAXPAYER’S dime. or should I say 100,000,000+ dimes per year.
        if harper the harpooned whale had pierced their chest with a pickaxe, he might have got my vote.

        1. agreed. not cutting the communist broadcasting company loose from federal funding was Harpers big mistake.

  1. When the Long March to normalize homosexuality began in earnest, in 1969, this is the sort of outcome that, we were assured, would never happen . . . slippery slope fallacy and all that.

    1. As soon as I heard what the group was after in London, ON, (a police-safe zone for evening sex rendezvous) I – who live in Leeds Co. – sent out telegrams to as many Fed. & Prov. politicians as I could find in the few hrs I had. Senators, every name I could quickly find online, and warned them it was opening Pandora’s box. Hate to think it, but it’s still not as bad as it could be. I’m waiting for the BIG one – legalization of sex with children as young as babies – the initials of that group are engraved on my mind. We know there are groups and it is happening as we speak, but no govt has legalized it yet that I’ve read about. And too many otherwise normal people sit back and allows the advance into hell.
      Last week, our tourist town was blessed with its “inaugural” Th. Is. Pride Parade. New people in town who are interested in this being the gay community top attraction area have initiated this and with the small numbers now attending the churches, there won’t be anyone to fight it. At one time the United Church minister would have been leading a parade of his congregation and others to fight against it
      Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

    1. They don’t even have to retool the show. Just the title card. What happens in Little mosques stays in Little mosques.

          1. As a matter of fact Mo (piss be upon him) married Aisha when she was six years old. He proceeded with full-on pedophile act when she was 9 years old.

  2. Methinks it’s not the so-called “haters” that these kids need protection from.

  3. A registered psychologist says it’s ok…adding to the rightful skepticism most common sense people have of modern psychology and psychologists. You have to wonder if she actually believes that or is just too scared to actually say what she thinks about pediatric drag culture.

    It was a nice place. Glad I got to enjoy it before the commies destroyed it.

    1. So is this the beginning of the end result of birth control pills/hormones in the water, or were there always this many nutters in the general population. It seems more than 4% to me.. Maybe just more coverage.

  4. Like BBC in the UK, does CBC have their own Jimmy Saville problem? Is there a high profile pervert(s) on staff and a whole bunch of colleagues that know what is going on, know that it is wrong but are too afraid to say anything? It sure seems that someone at the CBC is very specifically interested in child drag which most normal adults recoil from because of its obvious sexualization of children and recognition that those who enjoy child drag are more than likely engaging in a sexual fetish for children. No alarm bells going of at the CBC…none at all?

    ‘Atmosphere of fear’ at BBC allowed Jimmy Savile to commit sex crimes, report finds


    1. One of the worst things about this is that we are forced to fund this garbage.

      My vote for anyone who not only defunds the CBC but chucks the creeps who run this muck into an active volcano.

  5. Lots of drag mothers, I see. Only one drag father could be reached for comment.

    (Is he a closeted queer or just afraid his wife will have the court take his son away or lock him up if he complains?)

    Your queer best friends’ victory in the sexual revolution wouldn’t have been possible without you, girls. I do hope making enemies out of every man who made the mistake of loving women was worth it. I really do.

    That includes your sons, who make the mistake of loving their evil mothers. One day they’ll figure out how you robbed them of their boyhood. There will be consequences.

  6. Yes, well ‘dressing yer kid in ‘drag’ and putting them on stage for the enjoyment of a ‘adults’ is abuse.

    Its not the ‘new values’ and gassed up ‘haters’, it is ABANDONED VALUES and CHILD ABUSE.

    A freak show circus act for pedophiles and confused creeps dressed up and sold to the public as ‘self expression’.

    Some parents sell their children into sex for money, most people recognize this as abuse. Selling tickets to a freak show is simply enabling the child circus act abusers and exploiters.

    Psychological abuse isn’t an act of self expression, it is the depredation of children for the enjoyment of maladjusted adults. Why else would you need to put ‘drag kids’ on stage, other than creating a spectacle?

    And where pray tell are the hapless “Child Protection Services” Gestapo, when you might actually need them?

    A psychological abuse farce masquerading as free self expression, because we haven’t explored all the new avenues of exploitation for other demented souls.

    Hell’s bells the child abuse circus has come to town and yer all invited to join in!

    Yes Sir, That’s My Baby

    That’s my baby
    No sir, I don’t mean maybe
    Yes sir, that’s my baby now.
    Yes, ma’m, we’ve decided
    No ma’m, we ain’t gonna hide it
    Yes, ma’m, you’re invited now.

    The CEEB wasting yer tax dollars advocating the psychological abuse of children for ‘fun and entertainment’. Jefferey Epstein could not be reached for comment as he is currently indisposed.


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

      1. Another way of adding “P” is:



        I’ve been using that to describe the people who must be thrown out of any portions of control.

        Yeah, I know, but at least we’re still in a position to hold Scheer’s feet to the fire.

  7. Oh well, I’m sure the parent(s) are beaming and basking in the spotlights they so desperately wanted.

  8. It is interesting in the UK where Tommy Robinson’s campaign against pedophilia keeps landing him in jail for extended periods for offenses that no-one else ever goes to jail for. He is constantly accused of racism but he grew up in the lower classes and most of his friends were and still are coloured. Pedophilia is as English as beef steak and kidney pie and the likes of Theresa May and Boris Johnson seem to do everything to protect the British right to abuse children including the sacred British rite of buggering boys.

    1. “the sacred British rite of buggering boys.”


      An old one from the Kipling era….

      Get a girl
      Get a girl
      Get a girl if you can
      If you can’t get a girl
      Get a little brown man.

    2. From a rugby song
      Assholes are cheap today, cheaper than yesterday
      Little boys are half a crown, standing up or lying down.
      Bigger boys are 3 and 6 for they’ve got bigger pricks
      Assholes are cheap today.

      I was singing this over 50 years ago. Is it still sung at rugby clubs when the beer is flowing?

  9. What most people don’t know about devout Roman Catholic Jimmy Savile was that he was made a Knight Commander of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of Saint Gregory the Great (KCSG) by Pope John Paul II in 1990.

    He also raped hundreds if not thousands of children over his lifetime.

    The correlation between devout Roman Catholics, their clergy, and pedophilia/child sex trafficking is sickening.

    And that’s the reason they like to use disposable Jews as frontmen for their perverse operations. In this case, Jeffrey Epstein.

    Those who read newspaper articles will only see a Jew. Those who dig deeper will uncover Roman Catholics. But Catholic laity will demonstrate cognitive dissonance, and reflexively defend the pedophiles in robes.

    Because they see them as “Christians”.

    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    1. Nothing could be further from the truth…

      … than pretty much anything posted on SDA by you.

  10. Things you need to know before going to play dress-up…

    Hey Joey – that girl has a penis.

  11. I’m just curious … did the CBC (or ANY news outlet in N.America) run programs about the virtue and diversity of children’s beauty pageants during the Jonbebet Ramsey murder mystery? Answer: NO. Kids beauty pageants were universally and soundly reviled for their “sexualizing of young girls for the pleasure of creepy, dirty, old men. I cannot recall a single news story like this CBC … celebration … of tiny drag queens. Just the opposite.

    What this disgusting CBC fan-fest should SCREAM to the public is just how much political power the tiny minority of LGBTQq+PU has been ceded by a cowed public. A public so bent-over to “not offend”, that they would sacrifice children on the alter of Gay pedophiles.

    Sick. Time to speak up … and risk being de-platformed or whatever other consequence arises from exercising your God-given RIGHT to FREE SPEECH. Any government that limits FREE SPEECH is pure evil. They are doing Satan’s bidding.

      1. I suppose your rampant anti-Catholicism could be seen as a refreshing change from rampant anti-Semitism.

        You really need to get that bee out of your bonnet though.

        1. I have yet to see you retort with any facts to counter my statements, JJM. Just insults.

          Lemme guess. You’re a Catholic?

  12. Has a brain dead moron suggested someone call child and protective services yet?


    You wanted government in charge of education, speech laws, employment laws, pensions, trade, building codes, gender equity, healthcare, eldercare, roads, self-defense, policing, property, …

    You never voted for less government, only more. Only your guys instead of theirs.



  13. “Sexual abuse occurs when a child is used for the sexual gratification of an adult or an older child”.

    “The child may co-operate because he or she wants to please the adult or out of fear.Sexual abuse is any sexual exploitation of a child by a caregiver or someone else.
    Subtle signs of sexual abuse may include (but are not limited to):
    Frequent sore throats or urinary infections
    Constant sadness
    Re-enactment of abuse using dolls, drawings or friends
    Sudden fear of the dark
    Behaviour extremism—aggressiveness or withdrawal
    Recurrent nightmares or disturbed sleep patterns
    Loss of appetite for no apparent reason, or excessive appetite
    Avoidance of undressing or wearing extra layers of clothes
    Abrupt decline in school performance”

    Contacts are found here:



  14. The CBC – doing to the culture what the NDP, LPC, and Greens are doing to the economy and for the same reasons. First world problems from a culture well beyond its “best before” date.

  15. “It bothers me that some people think that we’re sexualizing children” – Narrator. Really?? WTF else would you call this perversion? Children hold their elders as examples to follow. Then you get totally bent individuals who hold this crap up as something to emulate. “SICK” doesn’t cover it.

  16. As progressive as rust.
    First we are told;”We must tolerate the poor perverts”.
    Then that we must not “abuse the sick ones”.
    And now we must “embrace the diversity”.
    Cyclic behaviour is our history,I see the herd swinging against the “norms” of CBC.
    That I am robbed by government theft to finance the likes of CBC offends me mightily..
    The reason we call that behaviour perversion,is that it has never benefitted society before,on the many occasions in our history where child abuse has flourished, it has flourished briefly.
    Because it is generationally destructive,mutilating your children produces dangerous adults.Enough damaged adults and that society falls.
    Maybe this is why so many “Sh*t hole” societies cannot break free of their centuries of failure?
    Of course killing your children before they be born, that might produce some truly deranged adults too.
    For how is murder prebirth different to murder postbirth?
    Enquiring minds might want to know?

  17. In related news Trudeau’s Toronto Star is upset that the Ontario government is giving grant money to a Christian parade in Toronto. The federal and Ontario governments give lots of money to pervert parades and that isn’t a problem. I wonder if the Star would be upset if it was a muslim parade. Although I guess a muslim parade and a pervert parade would be the same thing.

    1. But then, Christians are an easy target for “journalists”.

      Even our most fervent acolytes are generally unlikely to blow up your building or gun down your staff because you’ve slighted our beliefs.

    2. I wonder if the Star would be upset if it was a muslim parade. Although I guess a muslim parade and a pervert parade would be the same thing.


      So Sad but you did make me laugh…

  18. So here it is again.
    Another government agency working to benefit and enlarge the agency and not the folks that pay the bills.
    Who are they working for?
    Not anyone I know.
    If they start relentlessly attacking someone its because that individual is an existential threat.
    Meaning they will protect their meal ticket.

  19. “Is it OK for your kids to watch or take part in drag performances?”


    Not now.

    Not ever.

  20. Why not just call it LMONP movement at least it’s not confusing isn’t it. As for the pedophilia thing that’s existed with LGBTQ community for decades at least since the early eighties.

  21. The only way to make Communism look good is to totally downgrade our culture and values until they are no longer appealing. Create a blank space so a minimal system looks better.

  22. I do not know. All I know is that when I see the picture of that smiling kid getting make-up put on, my heart aches.

  23. I used to add “WTF”. But now I’ve regressed to just “F”, for Freak. It’s time to bring the word back into the popular vernacular.
