45 Replies to “December 28, 2019: Reader Tips”

  1. Lisa Mei Crowley

    The fake news media has written literally over a thousand hit pieces calling “QAnon” a “conspiracy theory” yet not ONE SINGLE reporter has the stones to DIRECTLY ask POTUS about Q. He makes himself available to the press REGULARLY. Bunch of cowards.


    Trump just retweeted a ‘QAnon’ conspiracy theory hashtag to his 68 million followers


    1. The communist media only report what they want. It is necessary to keep the ignorant, ignorant.

    2. Thanks for the thread.
      One for Blackie? Pfft. That would be a negative thread, more like a coil, like something my dog makes on a regular basis.

  2. San Franciscans, Inundated By Feces, Now Want To Ban Paper Cups


    Peter Gallotta, spokesman for the city’s Department of Environment, stated, “It’s a movement not just happening in San Francisco but nationally and internationally. The larger elephant in the room is the single-use disposable culture we find ourselves in, and straws are the epitome of this unnecessary daily waste.”

    Bullshit, “the larger elephant in the room” is the fact that this is strictly keep-busy stuff for liberal politicians and activists to look productive, because they refuse to make the hard decisions needed to solve the ugly big city problems that their dumb-ass policies created in the first place.

  3. Just read the list of the appointments to the Order of Canada. It is a virtual who’s who of CBC and left-wing media with the odds smattering of persons truly worthy of the honour. It has become nothing more that a club for those who suck up or pay up.

    1. Top 10 Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption Developments in Canada in 2017

      By Cyndee Todgham Cherniak on December 28, 2017

      Canada is not known for developments in anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws. However, 2017 has been a busy year of advancements and developments. Looking back on 2017, persons with a real and substantial link to Canada should be more concerned about compliance with Canada’s anti-bribery laws. In you have not done so already, it is time to implement a Canadian compliance program that includes anti-bribery policies and procedures or add Canada’s anti-bribery laws to your multi-national compliance program.

      The top 10 Canadian anti-bribery/anti-corruption developments in 2017 (in chronological order) are:

      On February 10, 2017, Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Canada) (“CFPOA”) charges were withdrawn in the Ontario Superior Court against three former executives of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.. This was Canada’s most significant and high profile anti-bribery prosecution against corporate executives. Former SNC vice-president of energy and infrastructure Kevin Wallace, former SNC vice-president of international development Ramesh Shah, and Bangladeshi-Canadian businessman Zulfiquar Ali Bhuiyana were charged with bribing an official in Bangladesh. The charges related to a bid to win a $50 million contract to supervise the Padma Bridge construction. The Crown’s case had been based on evidence obtained from a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (“RCMP”) wire tap. Justice Ian Nordheimer ruled that the wire tap evidence had to be excluded because of problems with three applications the RCMP filed in 2011 to get court approval to use wiretaps. Without the wire tap evidence, the prosecution concluded there was not a prospect of conviction.


    1. As for Westport and Gougarty, “the matter has been investigated by the appropriate investigating agency in the U.S., namely the U.S. SEC, and a settlement reached,” said RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Caroline Duval. “The RCMP works in collaboration with domestic and international partners to ensure matters of public interest and safety are investigated.”

      Duval declined an interview after Glacier Media noted Westport is a Canadian company that trades on the TSX (as well as the NASDAQ) for mostly Canadian investors. The company also has hundreds of Canadian employees.

      This makes it unclear as to why the RCMP considers the U.S. the “appropriate jurisdiction,” especially given, as the SEC order notes, “the $3.5 million dividend was credited to Westport’s bank account in Vancouver, Canada, having been sent from a bank in China.”

      Furthermore, while the BCSC has no authority to explicitly investigate foreign bribery under its own regulations, it could proceed with enforcement action in the absence of specific breaches of Canadian securities law by determining it is in the public interest to do so, as it has done in many instances.

    1. Somebody should report that fat asshole to the Southern Poverty Law Center because hate speech is colourless, right?
      Because if someone said you should cross the street if three black people were walking towards you because two out of three voted for Barry…

  4. Did anyone mention Rex’s recent year-end comment as a reader’s tip this week? He’s back in top form with this one.

    His take on the CBC cut to Trump’s cameo in Home Alone hit the mark: “I cannot help but surmise that had it featured one Barack Obama, or even Michelle, someone on Front Street would have found a way to put it on an extended loop, used it in promos, and offered to sell stills.” Fascist CBC…

  5. I have been watching on Amazon Prime the “Jack Ryan” series, based on Tom Clancy’s characters. My wife and I love it as do most viewers (73% on Rotten Tomatoes and 8.1/10 on IMDb). It’s excellent. Check it out.
    Vanity Fair is not a fan: “Jack Ryan Is a Patriotic Nightmare” and “It lauds Jack Ryan—a true American hero who unfailingly escalates every situation and lacks even basic collaborative skills—while neglecting to even attempt to challenge the narrative of noble American involvement and intervention abroad.”. I did a few minutes research on Vanity Fairs television critic, Sonia Saraiya, and it wasn’t long before I found this quote from her regarding the new “biracial” host of the daily show, Trevor Noah: “Praise, from those of us excited to see any club of all-white all-men rendered extinct, whether that’s late-night television or, you know, the presidency”.

    I presume she wants the all-white, all-men club rendered extinct, not all white men rendered extinct. But I could be wrong. The actress who plays the terrorist’s wife in the show, Dina Shihabi, was born in Saudi Arabia (she probably knows what non-intervention abroad looks like) and some of the better episodes are directed by a Mexican woman, Patricai Riggin (who also directed the Christian movie Miracles from Heaven so Vanity Fair probably hated that one too). I guess these professional women are not woke enough for Ms. Saraiya .
    Bottom line, if Vanity Fair hates it, it must be good!

    1. Good time to remember what the Liberal Party wants for you:

      “Advertised as the World’s Greatest Summit, Rio was publicly described as a global negotiation to reconcile the need for environmental protection with the need for economic growth. The cognoscenti understood that there were other, deeper goals. These involved the shift of national regulatory powers to vast regional authorities; the opening of all remaining closed national economies to multinational interests; the strengthening of decision making structures far above and far below the grasp of newly minted national democracies; and, above all, the integration of the Soviet and Chinese empires into the global market system. There was no name for this very grand agenda that I had heard anyone use, so later I named it myself–the Global Governance Agenda.”

      “Licenses to have babies incidentally is something that I got in trouble for some years ago for suggesting even in Canada that this might be necessary at some point, at least some restriction on the right to have a child. I’m not proposing this, I was simply predicting this as one of the possible courses that society would have to seriously consider should we get ourselves into this kind of situation.”


  6. And now a wrap up of Blackie’s CBC last night. Multiple stories that Trump is Hitler, including the outrage that Hitler Conrad Black was pardoned by Trump. Why evil Black even wrote a nice book about Trump. The new Star Wars movie is racist because it doesn’t give enough screen time to a Chinese actress. And a great interview with the world’s most famous author Margaret Atwood.

  7. And now Blackie’s Saturday Toronto Star. Editorial that old women like Pelosi and Warren are wonderful. Prime Minister Freeland is also wonderful, although she is not old. Major front page story that Millennials are suffering from anxiety because of global warming and not getting enough free stuff. Numerous other global warming stories. Standard Trump is Hitler stories. Major story on a musical being made by Canadian/Chinese producers on the life of Canada’s favourite commie, adulterer, and drunk, Norman Bethune. Prime Minister Freeland supports the project, and nice picture of former Governor General Clarkson in front of the federal Bethune museum in Gravenhurst Ontario. Funny how we have a taxpayer funded, newly renovated federal museum to a commie in China, but no museum for Canadian soldiers who fought the Chinese in Korea. And of course stories that Blackie is wonderful, the Liberal Party is wonderful, Canadians are racist bastards.

  8. In case someone in the country is interested, Blackie is still on the beach in Costa Rica. But don’t worry, Prime Minister Freeland is still here.

  9. I see the pissant harry windsor and his trailer park bride are spending the holidays away from family in (lucky us)

    The wokesters were refused a seating in a local seafood restaurant on Vancouver island as the restauranteur refused their security requirements.

    Hopefully they had to resort to Joey’s Only and Skip the Dishes.

    1. Security was the owners concern and with the rabid insanity in this country he may just be right. Your personal dislike is noted.

          1. I bow to no man, the royals are part of our heritage, your likes or dislikes are meaningless.

      1. The poor owner is being punished by millions of strangers for becoming part of fake news by doing nothing – positive or negative. Shoot the messenger, Trudeau, who should have kept his mouth shut in the first place. They didn’t ask to be welcomed to Canada by the great one. They obviously wanted a quiet holiday with Meghan’s mother and should have been entitled to it. Has nothing to do with whether we like, dislike, approve or disapprove of royalty.
        God, I despair. Canadians are becoming like the rest of the world! How did that happen, and why?

    2. Canada the Fake Country, Fake Democracy, Fake Negro PM, Fake Head of State, when the Old Queen dies, time to dump the Fake Head of State and directly elect our own President with real powers to curb the excess’s and corruption. A Head of State that can balance the Fake Democracy.

      1. “elect our own President with real powers to curb the excess’s and corruption.”

        Politically elect a president to a deliberately non-political office? Many countries like Italy appoint their president. Most presidents of countries where the president has defacto power wear uniforms and lots of medals for wars that were never fought. In 152 years there has not been one obvious decision that would have been made differently if our leader was an elected president instead of an elected prime minister.

        1. So you are fine with a total flake and scum bag like Trudeau making your choices for you. Here let the Fake Negro pick your Head of State for you, because after all the taxes you pay all your life, you are still not MATURE ENOUGH to make your own choices whether it is what tv programming you can watch, or who your HEAD of STATE is….. Pathetic Scar just PATHETIC… Have an another bottle of Molson’s Horse P*ss and sing “I AM CANADIAN” Tug your forelock and submit……

  10. If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?


    Turns out it’s just chance.

    “The most successful people are not the most talented, just the luckiest, a new computer model of wealth creation confirms. Taking that into account can maximize return on many kinds of investment.”

    Of course the computer model was created by a university professor so … it’s probably total bull-shit.

    Bill Gates was lucky he started coding in Basic in high school. Warren Buffet was lucky he started buying securities at age 11. Amancio Ortega was lucky he dropped out of school at age 14 to help his family and later started Zara, becoming a multi-billionaire – all lucky ducks.

    And me? I was unlucky enough to be trapped playing soccer and chasing girls so I never really got that lucky billionaire break…

  11. Blackie’s CBC is excited about the New Year’s message from the Governor General. She ranted about global warming and diversity. Well, at least she hasn’t assaulted anyone lately.

  12. Just curious as to why Pajama’s Media link is gone from Kate’s favourite links over on the bottom right?

    I use them to visit other sites from here. Helps her ranking too.
