84 Replies to “Good Questions”

  1. Go to Banff. Drive up the Bow Valley parkway until you hit Castle Mountain. There is a memorial there to Canadian citizens locked up
    in World War One because they had the wrong nationality: German, Austrian, Ukranian. These people were labeled “enemy aliens.”

    That was under PM Borden, a conservative. Imagine what a Trudeau would do.

    1. Imagine what a Trudeau would do.

      It’s already been done. Don’t forget who was PM, as well as his party affiliation, when the Japanese were interned during WW II.

      1. War Measures Act….imposed in Kaybec in 1970. Detained without trial under “Just watch me” Pere Trudeau.

      2. You don’t think the Japs needed to be kept track of during the war Look up the Kamloops Kid .Thats just one that we know of.

        1. Michelle Malkin has written a book about US Citizens of Japanese descent who betrayed their country, some beginning right on 7 Dec 1941.

    2. JG III,

      Too many people in this country believe that what happened during WWI could never happen again, and never happen here. We are living in a time of unicorns and fairy farts where complacency and submission to political authority is beyond the pale.

      The “sheeple” of Canada carry on with their lives oblivious to a civil war potentially brewing south-of-the-border and oblivious to both a dangerous PM and some potentially dangerous Premiers. They both continue to exercise dictatorial powers unchallenged and with no real mandate from the people to do so.

      Whenever there is talk of past genocides, like those perpetrated by Stalin and Mao, these same “sheeple” almost always dismiss it as an anachronism and in doing so dismiss the tens of millions of live that were lost. The vast majority of Canadians have no idea how dangerously close we are to the abyss. We are standing at the precipice looking over the edge. Yet, still there is no appreciation of how fragile freedom and democracy really are. Both can vanish in an instant.

      1. And Jim, don’t forget that History in the education system has become Social(ist) Studies. Very little of the cause-and-effect relationship over the past century or so is taught. As I recently read, (here, on SDA?) “Our children aren’t educated, they’re indoctrinated.” Thus, a generation – or more – of Sheeple.

      2. How’s that progression go again?

        Hard times lead to brave men.
        Brave men lead to good times.
        Good times lead to weak men.
        Weak men lead to hard times.

        I know I haven’t quite got the wording right but that’s the right idea. Anyone doubt where most of the western world fits in that setup? It ain’t lines 1 or 2, I’ll tell you that.

      3. Jim, Well stated sir! I look at it as if we are standing on the edge of a giant toilet bowl, and if the US gets flushed by it’s enemies, we’ll be caught in the splash and vortex, and then be pulled down that toilet too. As you say, the Canadian sheeple, are oblivious.

  2. Damnit, being right can be painful. How many times have I said there are no conservatives in Canada?

    1. There are mostly fake conservatives in Canada. Scheer, O’Toole, Kenney, Ford, etc.
      There is even a fake conservative party in Canada called the CPC.

      There are also millions of stupid voters who think they are conservatives by voting #LibCons CPC.

      1. Yes. Very commonly, the same people who insist the National German Socialist Worker’s Party has nothing to do with socialism, just because “socialist” is in their name, will insist that having “conservative” in the party name guarantees they are in fact conservative.

        “Some men change their party for the sake of their principles; others their principles for the sake of their party” ~ Winston Churchill

        It applies to voters too. How many are still here, trying to blame Maxime Bernier, calling him names, because he dared to have principles he would not give up for the CPoC?

    2. I can only speak for my own observations – but I’ve lived in Alberta for 14 years now, and the most liberal Texans I know are more conservative than the most conservative Albertans I’ve met.

      1. ExpatTexan, Thank you, finally it took a Texan to notice that vowg and others on SDA, are correct about the reality of the average Canadian “conservative” . You are in good company here.

    1. If I was ever “disappeared”, nobody would notice. If they did, they’d probably think I deserved it.

    2. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. They picked him for precisely those reasons. “No one will notice if we jail this one” “He deserved it, because of the inflammatory video that no one has seen”, … .

    3. Buddy, Noticed on a T shirt at a US rally. “When laws become tyranny, resistance becomes duty”. If only there was enough gumption to get er done in Canadah!

    1. You have a time limit for questions and answers During Question Period. It’s 40 seconds in Ottawa, I think 30 seconds in the Ontario Legislature. Hillier was being very long-winded. He should take advise from Pierre Polievre, the master of the short devastating one-liners that he uses to skewer the federal Liberals with.

  3. So they dance around the first question, the supplementary question doesn’t even get answered, then he’s summarily cut off, he’s laughed at, and the next question is put up.

    No, not ominous at all.

    1. Sad state of affairs Buzzard. That Canadians are so dumb they can’t see what is happening is extremely disturbing.

      1. I have been door knocking with my mla for the upcoming Saskatchewan provincial election. It is interesting to see the large number of people who have taken no interest in the election and a large number of people who have not thought about the election (undecided). Canadians are lazy. They let other people do the thinking for them. Or maybe they don’t think there is a difference between parties.
        If they got to know my mla, they would be pleasently surprised how honorable this person is. There are a few decent politicians out there but unfortunately there are a lot of scum.

  4. My husband and I are quarantining after a trip to the US (we’re dual citizens). We’ve received calls from the Govt. of Canada and the Ministry of Health (Ont.) and yesterday we actually had a police officer show up at our door to see that I was home. I had to show photo ID. She was very nice but really, is that the best use of the province’s resources?!

    1. Over 4 million people have flown into Canada through Toronto from other countries and have not isolated , or been in quarantine. I wonder how that would be possible? The Chinese flying into Vancouver also seem to manage to avoid it. So much bullshit and so few intelligent people.

    2. Kiera59,
      Its all part of the “conditioning”, but don’t you dare stand your ground and demand your rights, cuz you’ll suddenly find you no longer have them. Best advice would be to use your duals to relocate stateside permanently, also, would you consider adopting me please?

    3. Randy Hillyer has circulated an email that he has received from the father of a young lady who was isolating in Flinton ON after travel. (not QUARANTINE….she was not ill)
      She was awakened at 130 A.M. by the Flu cops checking on her. Scared out of her wits (alone in the house) she hid in bathroom, not aware that it was cops, called her dad…who put in the 911 call…and of course was informed that cops were already at her home.
      Randy Hillyer is asking all the right questions, and leading in this area.

      A bit of history ICYMI…Hillyer was elected as an Ontario PC MPP, but was kicked out by Ford for not toeing party line. He is a very brave , hardworking man.

    4. It happened to a friend In NB. His first home is in Halifax, new home in NB.. Told me he was to expect 3 visits from RCMP. If he misses a visit, it’s 2500 hundred dollars.. That was for the 14 window.This was in the summer.

  5. Now there is also a rumour floating around about Chinese (and UN) troops being sighted in remote areas near the border. South of Calgary, Thunder Bay and Salt Spring Island have been mentioned. Presumably, it is not unusual for foreign troops to train in Canada, but this does seem a bit peculiar. As I said, It’s just a rumour, but I thought I would mention in case anyone sees something. I am also concerned because of the other more believable rumour that our government is owned by the Chinese.

    1. I concur. Add to that rumors of the Dems having military games where if they don’t win the election, California, Oregon and Washington state announce they are succeeding. We know how the Dems feel about the Chinese.

      1. Caveat: These are just rumours. I have seen no solid proof there actually are Chinese troops in Canada. Until they are proven to be here, I don’t buy it.

      2. I actually think that would be “great” if the United States shed the West Coast. Then there would be room for Alberta and Saskatchewan to join.
        And I do not think this is wishful thinking. Driving around on Wednesday morning, I was listening to the call-in portion of the John Gormley show on CJME in Regina. He was asking for short answers as to which party the caller would be voting. He was taken aback, in that 50% of the callers were voting “Buffalo”. If Buffalo had someone running my riding, I too would be voting “Buffalo”.

        1. The problem is urban vs rural. I lived in rural Washington state for a number of years. Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia are Democrat lost causes but most rural counties, while outnumbered, voted Republican. The same in Oregon and parts of California. With a few exceptions, BC is the same.

    2. We’ve noticed daily flights of a military chopper traveling south to north, late in the day at altitude here in SW Calgary. I pay attention as I am well familiar to the whopata wopata wopata at Petawawa while doing basic training during the War Measures Act, 1970.

        1. I’m in Somerset and face south, too. Around supper time or there after. Maybe earlier, I’ll note the time and dates from now on. I’m surprised that signature thumping, blade bashing in the sky hasn’t twigged you, if at home. About 3-5 thousand feet up and at a full clip. South to north. Dark green.
          Once you’ve heard one, you never forget. I’ve flown in them and had the controls a few times, just for fun. A very stable machine for a greenhorn vs Jet Rangers, Gazelles or Hughes 500D’s. I’ve had a lot of chopper time, so I can still tell what machine is flying, just from the noise.

    3. Visit Saltspring regularly, this is all bullshit, surprised it is being repeated. Give your head a shake, you are treading in tinfoil hat territory.

    4. There’s a large training ground in SE Alberta – Suffield. The Brits train there regularly. The question is how foreigners would get there as normally Calgary International Airport is the landing point.

  6. Perhaps China is getting ready to invade Canada. They will use those “trade centres” they are setting up in strategic points on the west and northern coasts as jumping off points. Turdo will be their puppet in Ottawa. The internment camps will be for those who don’t like it.

    1. “Perhaps China is getting ready to invade Canada.”

      China absolutely does not have the capability to project power over such a distance. Neither does it have the capability to maintain a logistic chain to supply their forces over such a distance. That said, Canada is a member of NATO.

      North Atlantic Treaty Article 5 provides that if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked.

      1. In addition to being a NATO member, Canada is also a partner with the U.S. in NORAD where Canadian and US forces jointly occupy bases in the Canadian north and Canada is also a signatory of the Tripartite Treaty which gives the U.S. and UK free and open access to any and all of the military bases situated in each other’s nations.
        Being a member of such military alliances and treaties, I can’t think of any aggressor nation which would attempt to invade Canada, including China and Russia.

      2. Who says the Chinese are going to be armed or that there are going to be any more than about 5 guys? Just how large a hostile force do you think would be necessary to subdue Canada given that Justin Trudeau appears to be a hostile force and he subdued Canada armed with nothing more than a smile – and that guy’s a nitwit!

  7. “A horrible suspicion that has sometimes haunted me is that the Conservative and the Progressive are secretly in partnership. That the quarrel they keep up in public is a put-up job, and that the way they perpetually play into each other’s hands is not an everlasting coincidence.”

    G.K. Chesterton

    1. Progressivism: taxation, inflation and war. Bury the bodies and repeat. Democracy dies in its darkness.
      Conservatism and progressivism are not the same at all. One believes in limiting government, the other wants to rule by it.
      Liberalism and progressivism are opposites. One believes in natural rights, the other denies that so elites decide your “rights.”
      Progressive are Marxists in a hurry, with apologies to Louis St. Laurent. Inevitable depravity and shared misery is no different.

  8. Hey ….

    Little bit by little bit by little bit, they will get you.
    You won’t even notice until it will be too late.

    Note the neutral language, non answer, good for you, the people of Ontario and Canada.

    And watch as the plebeians nod in agreement.

  9. Private concentration camps. What a novel concept!
    My ancestors had been to concentration camps. They willed it upon me to never go to one, and I am not going by any means necessary. Solzhenitsyn wrote this 45 years ago:

    “Resistance! Why didn’t you resist?” Today those who have continued to live on in comfort scold
    those who suffered.

    Yes, resistance should have begun right there, at the moment of the arrest itself.
    But it did not begin.

    And so they are leading you. During a daylight arrest there is always that brief and unique moment
    when they are leading you, either inconspicuously, on the basis of a cowardly deal you have made,
    or else quite openly, their pistols unholstered, through a crowd of hundreds of just such doomed
    innocents as yourself. You aren’t gagged. You really can and you really ought to cry out — to cry out
    that you are being arrested! That villains in disguise are trapping people! That arrests are being made
    on the strength of false denunciations! That millions are being subjected to silent reprisals! If many
    such outcries had been heard all over the city in the course of a day, would not our fellow citizens
    perhaps have begun to bristle? And would arrests perhaps no longer have been so easy?

    But Khanadians never learn from history and never listen to those who do.

  10. A common tactic. Speak voluminously on a subject other than the one in the question, then answer a different question, or answer with a question on another subject.

    ie. he did not answer the question.

    Simple question; “how many people does the government of Ontario plan to jail in internment camps?”

    The answer; “people should isolate when the travel out of the country and return, …. “

  11. As I’ve stated here before on numerous occasions, Liberals/Democrats are nothing more than Nazis in clown suits! They have ‘dressed’ up their programs and plans to put us at ease, and they are on the brink of ultimate success. The vast majority of three post war generations have little to no knowledge of the fascist rise to power of Hitler’s Nazis. Abortion and eugenics were the start in Germany and the Liberals have succeeded in bringing both to our society through pro-choice and right to die agendas. Since 1945 the Liberals have been steadily removing our right to self-defence through incrementally increasing the restrictions on gun ownership. No self-defence for you! The corona virus has introduced the next phase, isolate and expose. We have neighbours now reporting on whether you are observing the ‘protocols’ that have been introduced for our own good. Now we have ‘isolation camp’ plans being introduced. We have a government opening bids for 36,000 canisters of tear gas, implementing gun ‘buy back’ confiscation, advocating that you apply the tracing app on your cell phone, and three generations that cannot make the connection to history. And to cap it all we have an attempted coup that was foiled in the most powerful nation in the world and yet we still vote for Liberals and Democrats. The indoctrination is complete and what is left of the boomer generation may be the first occupants of the camps, and in a way perhaps we deserve it because we let it happen during our watch.

    1. Antenor Sadly, but well stated, I’m going to get fitted for a brand new tin foil hat, so they just laugh at me and pass by, looking for more internment victims. How many times must it be said, that when we forget history, we are doomed to repeat history. We have not forgotten the camps, but we have forgotten the horror of them, and may now experience it first hand. I for one will not go quietly into that cold night! There is much I could say on this, but nothing that has not already been said. Yet no one listens, as they are too wound up in their own petty lives to see the darkness approaching, and it will be too late when they finally notice. As the darkness descends, their screams will rise in anguish, and then they’ll realize the futility of their screams, and their whimpering will be silenced.

    2. You should study your own history better!
      Canadian gun control began even before 1892.
      Go to RCMP web site and look it up: they have an essay on the ‘history of firearms in Canada’.

  12. History REPEATS itself:

    1933: Jews are the unclean
    2020: Whites are Racist Bastards

    1933: Jews must wear the Yellow star of David
    2020: Wear a Goddamned MASK..!!!

    1933 Krystal Nacht – Book Burning etc.
    2020: Internet Censorship/Contorl – Leftist Shaming etc

    1937: First Internment Kamps for invalids, Mentally Disturbed & selected Jews
    2020: Govt of Canada puts out RFQ for Internment KAMPS. (for COVID and other unrelated issues)

    I can see the Writing on the Wall…Can YOU.??

    My Father (rip), spent 4 years as a SLAVE Labourer in Eastern Germany ’41-April 45.

    I have no wish to see my Children go through this NAZI Bullshit….and dont think for ONE NanaoSecond that the majority of Political Figures in this SAD Fkd up Country are not NAZI’s at heart…?? Just look around you. Nenshi, Iverson, Trudeau, Butts Every Asshole in Parliament, in the Legislatures and pretty much most of the big city Mayors.

  13. A German , Von Papen , tried to blow up the Welland Canal in WW1.
    The Japanese conquered Indo China in WW2 with the enthusiastic help of local Japanese.
    What you think you know about it , the internment, is fabricated feeling. Not fact.

  14. Well,well.
    Here we go again.
    My patron saint is Allan Roche Head.
    Canadian Saint of Cached Guns and Ammunition.

    Is it still a “conspiracy theory” when the government puts out official requests for “partners”?
    I hope the caretakers at Guantanamo Bay put in a low bid.
    Cause if I am to be imprisoned for doubting the fools and bandits who infest our Parasitic Overload,it may as well be someplace warm.

    The parallels between Canada 2020 and Frances 1780 are very revealing.
    If human nature is unchanging,then history will repeat.
    Torn between what could have been and what we are reduced to,people tend to get ugly.
    As I will never be able to accumulate and enjoy the fruits of my labour,due to government theft and regulation..I will stop producing.
    And then sitting idle and festering,begin to destroy.
    For if I cannot keep ,nor enjoy what I built,but must be pushed aside to reward persons who contributed nothing.
    I will ensure we are “equal”.
    Equal in our misery and despair.

    For those of us who can build,grow or orchestrate creation of wealth,have hope.
    We know,under certain conditions we can better our world..
    Those who have nothing,no ability,talent or fellowship..These are “No Hopers” under any conditions.
    No Hopers need to silence ideas,imprison critics and worship the Norm.

  15. According to Martin Armstrong, the Covid “crisis” is a warm up for the real game, a “climate lockdown” where world government takes over. If true, those camps will be needed.

  16. I also heard a rumour that the shelters are for Americans fleeing the violence after the November 3 elections. Wouldn’t be the first time we played host to our neighbours down south as they sorted a few things out. If that is all this is, I’m happy, and a little surprised, that the feds are stepping up to help out if a problem occurs.

    1. jgriffen, Don’t be surprised when they will also have room for you and yours as well. The “Feds” are not our friends.

      1. The government is a necessary evil. It is a tool that is needed to get certain jobs done. Nothing more. When the government is misused it has the same effect as misusing a chainsaw; the wielder is seriously injured and has a good chance of bleeding to death. We Canadians have been misusing the government for years. We shouldn’t be surprised if it suddenly turns and mauls us.

        So I guess I kind of agree with you. I’m not going to panic but I am also not going to rest easy.

  17. An extra thought, If they are seeking partners and tenders for such camps now, it must be for Canadians, for the feds to be ahead of the game to house US expats during their coming struggles, That could only be done by an enlightened forward thinking government, and that ain’t what we got!

    1. Don’t worry they’ll clean out Ottawa first – that’s me and maybe 4 others. Try my best to give a heads up before mine’s lopped off.

    2. This is why “conservatives” hate Tor. Everything has a purpose, and everything is revealed, sooner or later.

  18. Come on people lighten up – there are some real business opportunities here! I am working the phone with old Russian business connections to see if I can find some old Checkisty that can provide me with consulting services for setting up a few camps. So far I have a friend of a friend who was a close neighbour of Lazar Kaganovich, but I am a bit late as he died in ’91. Got to be a few of the old guys left. I’m thinking those endless stretches of forest south of Prince George will have lots of room for camps. Lets work on this!

  19. DCH
    Maybe instead of camps we should just put more seating in hospital emergency rooms. They could wait out their isloation there. I have felt like I did isolation wait-times a couple of times in recent years.

  20. I was going to suggest that somebody who knows the proper format for submissions and can do a convincing spoof submit the specs and ground plans for Auschwitz and see if they bite… but I think some of you are ahead of me on this.

    If you do it, keep the labelling innocuous. Just one little tag on the appropriate area designating “Gas Chambers” or “Crematoriums”. They should have to put in a little investment in actually reading it. I wish I had the background for this: it would be fun…
