By-Election Watch: LaSalle-Émard-Verdun (bumped for extra ridicule)

Bumped for results.

Cosmin DzsurdzsaThings are so bad for the Liberals in Montreal that their LaSalle—Émard—Verdun byelection candidate Laura Palestini just ran away from her own election night watch party with only 5% of the polls reported.

At 1:08 Eastern, the Block and Liberals are in a dead tie at 6,715 votes apiece. LOL

Part of me wants to see the Liberals lose the seat, the other part wants Trudeau to feel empowered and hang on to the leadership for the ultimate shitkicking.

Final results, a win by the Bloc. Let the games begin.


With the Bloc polling ahead, just how desperate are Liberals to keep the seat once held by Paul Martin?

Desperately desperate.


I’m back “home” in Vancouver for a short visit. The moment I saw this advertisement, I thought it very apropos for this Left Coast city.

Update: I had lunch at Granville Island today and started talking with two Swiss couples. When I explained that I grew up in Canada but now lived in America, they asked if I supported Trump or Kamala. I hesitated about answering but did so this way: “Well, here in Vancouver, you’re programmed to believe that Trump is Hitler but I very much support him over Kamala. She has done some really bad things in California.” Turns out they support Trump too and are not big fans of Zelensky in Ukraine.

To Wokely Go Where No Woke Has Gone Before


The Department of National Defence spent over $30,000 in taxpayer funds on an “intersectional feminist” and “decolonialist” review of the Liberal government’s space exploration program. The review advocates banning words such as “exploration,” “mankind,” and “frontiers” due to the supposed harm such verbiage causes.

According to access-to-information documents obtained from the Canadian Taxpayer Federation, the DND spent $32,250 on the report by Project Ploughshares, a University of Waterloo-based research institute.

Elections Have Consequences

Sun- These are Canada’s ‘Hunger Games’

In 2023, while 13.5% of Americans households grappled with food insecurity— characterized by low or very low food security (USDA-ERS, 2024) — the rate in Canada was significantly higher at 22.9% (Proof Toronto, 2024). This suggests that food insecurity in Canada is a staggering 69.6% more prevalent than in the United States — a deeply unsettling statistic.

Ryan Routh Criminal Complaint Docs

Motion to seal, too late. Read them here.


The would-be Trump assassin #2 told the court he has no assets and lives off $3,000 a month while supporting a son as a roofer, yet he’s finding $$ to travel back and forth to Oahu AND to Ukraine as a mercenary while amassing a small arsenal of weapons plus GoPro equipment. Hmm.

Poso: How many journalists was Ryan Routh in touch with?

And check this out: Probation for a repeat criminal with a machine gun…

Great Success!

Blacklock’s- Fear Gangland Crime Wave

“One in five Canadians report they or someone close to them has been affected by gang-related violence,” said the report Guns And Gangs Awareness Campaign. “Seven in ten agree Canada has a gang violence problem,” it added.

Cabinet in 2023 budgeted $390 million in five-year spending on its Action Fund to support community programs. “The Government of Canada has a comprehensive plan that gets guns off our streets,” then-Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said at the time. “Safety and security of Canadians is our government’s top priority.”

Asked, “How would you rate the performance of the Government of Canada when it comes to introducing measures to address gang-related violence?” only one percent rated it “excellent.”

Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Show me the man, I’ll hide you the crime;

As hearings resumed Monday in Ottawa, Commissioner Marie-Josée Hogue confirmed that Canadian MPs and Senators suspected of colluding with China, according to the bombshell “NSICOP 2024” report released in June, will not be publicly named during Canada’s inquiry into foreign interference in federal elections.

Hogue agreed to review NSICOP’s report amid a wave of public outrage following its release this summer.

The report’s most critical findings suggested that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has failed to act on repeated intelligence warnings about specific threats from states, including China and India, that would likely lead to criminal charges in other nations. These warnings included cases of Canadian politicians knowingly accepting funds from foreign diplomats in transfers consistent with money laundering. It also highlighted the “egregious” actions of a People’s Republic proxy, causing a “high-risk, high-harm threat to some Canadians.”

Fly The Expensive Skies

If you think air fares are already high in Canada’s centrally planned airline market, just wait.

The airline has offered to increase the aviators’ pay by 4% annually over three years, plus an upfront 26% pay boost as well as other benefits, according to a source who asked not to be named to discuss confidential details of the agreement.

The 42% compensation increase over the four-year contract is expected to cost the carrier C$1.9 billion.


Fight for free speech

Bill C-59 has not gone away. Pipeline Online editor Brian Zinchuk and energy advocate Deidra Garyk appear on the Patchwork Podcast to discuss its implications on free speech and Canadian society. This occurred at the Lloydminster Heavy Oil Show on Sept. 12.

Meanwhile, south of the border:

Federal judge temporarily blocks Biden administration rule to limit flaring of gas at oil wells

Also, getting really into the weeds of overseas gas production:

Op-Ed: Kaase Gbakon: Strategic Gas Infrastructure: The Gulf of Guinea Pipeline and Equatorial Guinea’s Mega Hub Vision

An Interest In Children

According to Mr Andersson, other academic colleagues have hailed his “queer autoethnography” as “wonderfully written, reflective, analytical and intriguing,” and have described it as “very publishable.” Readers will doubtless recall the dizzying rigour of Mr Andersson’s academic work, noted in the post linked above, in which we learned that his feverish wanking gave him “a more embodied understanding of the topic.”

On the standards of academia’s Clown Quarter, that fiefdom of progress, and an unrepentant pervert.
