Margin Of Fraud (Updated)

The Texan;

Manuel Medina, chief of staff for state Rep. Liz Campos (D-San Antonio) and well-known Bexar County political operative, was served with a search warrant as part of an ongoing voter fraud investigation by the state.

Multiple sources with knowledge of the situation confirmed to The Texan that Medina was served the warrant this week. One stated that Medina has retained counsel.

Cecilia Castellano, Democratic nominee for House District (HD) 80, told the Houston Chronicle that her house was raided this week by agents — though they did not tell her the purpose. Medina was Castellano’s campaign manager during her recent primary race.

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) announced this week that it executed search warrants in three Texas counties — Atascosa, Bexar, and Frio — related to an ongoing election fraud investigation. The warrants were served on August 20 and stem from a 2022 referral by 81st District Attorney Audrey Louis. It’s been investigated ever since by the OAG’s Election Integrity Unit.

“We were glad to assist when the District Attorney referred this case to my office for investigation,” Paxton said in the announcement. “We are completely committed to protecting the security of the ballot box and the integrity of every legal vote. This means ensuring accountability for anyone committing election crimes.”

Though no charges have been filed, Medina is being investigated in connection with an alleged ballot harvesting scheme.’

He seemed like quite the mover and shaker.

Updated @DC_Draino;

Texas announces 6,500+ illegal aliens caught registering to vote and nearly 2,000 caught voting

They’ve all been referred to the AG for criminal prosecution

More: RNC sues Detroit after learning the city allegedly hired 7 times more Democrats than Republicans as poll workers for this election.”

White Woman Tells Other White Women To Do The Thing She Doesn’t Do

And gets rich while doing it.

Free Beacon- Robin DiAngelo Plagiarized Minority Scholars, Complaint Alleges

DiAngelo, 67, tells “fellow white people” that they should “always cite and give credit to the work of BIPOC people who have informed your thinking.”

It doesn’t matter if their contribution is just a few words. “When you use a phrase or idea you got from a BIPOC person,” DiAngelo says, referring to black, indigenous, and other people of color, “credit them.”

But the white diversity trainer has not always taken her own advice. According to a complaint filed last week with the University of Washington, where DiAngelo received her Ph.D. in multicultural education, she plagiarized several scholars—including two minorities—in her doctoral thesis.

Tit for Tat

How it started…

France 24- Allies freeze $330 bn of Russian assets since Ukraine invasion

The Russian Elites, Proxies, and Oligarchs Task Force (REPO) said in a joint statement that they had blocked $30 billion in assets of Russian oligarchs and officials, and immobilized $300 billion owned by the Russian central bank.

How it’s going…

Express- Russia seized £76m from Google ‘to support war in Ukraine’

The Kremlin seized more than £76m from Google’s accounts in Vladimir Putin’s Russia – and used this to fund propaganda supporting the war in Ukraine, court documents claim.

The assets seizure came after a Russian court ruled that Google must pay damages to three Russian TV channels.

Trump Shooting: Whistleblower

Secret Service Told Not to Request Additional Security For Trump’s Butler Rally

Secret Service agents detailed to Donald Trump’s rally in Butler, PA last month were specifically told by headquarters in Washington not to request any additional security for the outdoor rally where a sniper wounded the former president, and that if they made any request, it would be denied

A whistleblower reported the new information to Missouri Senator Josh Hawley who wrote to acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe, asking him to explain the “apparent contradiction” from Rowe’s Senate testimony. Rowe told the Senate Judiciary Committee last month that no resources were ever denied.

“You must explain this apparent contradiction immediately,” the senator wrote.

“Family Day”

Telegraph- Woman fighting for life in hospital after Notting Hill Carnival stabbing

Police have made 90 arrests across the carnival, including for possession of an offensive weapon, assaults on an emergency worker and possession with intent to supply drugs. Arrests have also been made for assault, theft, sexual offences, possession of drugs and robbery. Fifteen officers have also been assaulted, the force said.

The carnival is Europe’s biggest street party and is billed by organisers as “the greatest community-led event on the planet”.

Mike Neville, a retired Scotland Yard detective chief inspector, alleged that officers are hesitant to make arrests for fear of being called racist.

BBC- Mum stabbed at Carnival was with her young child

Blog Notes: Website Security Fundraiser

We don’t hold many fundraisers here at SDA, thanks to the financial support of regular readers. However, that reader support ebbs and flows and over the summer months, it ebbs especially low. None of this was ever noteworthy in the past, which is why I’ve never noted it.

However, after a major security breach last year due a previously unknown vulnerability in WordPress (that took two weeks and a team of technicians to diagnose and close) it became necessary to upgrade the blog’s security plan. It’s not outrageously expensive, but it’s still a hit on the pocketbook.

So – if it’s been a while, and you’re in the mood to hit the tip jar, we’d appreciate it. (If you’ve donated to the blog over the past couple of months, please consider yourself as already have done so.) Any funds raised over and above what’s required will be shared with our guest bloggers. Etransfer is the best method, but there’s a paypal link on the sidebar as well.

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to SDA over the years, with your tips, donations and word of mouth support!

When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

The manhunt continues…

Capitol Police officers met the hoodie-wearing person suspected of planting a pipe bomb near the Republican National Committee office during the alleged bomb-drop operation but did not detain or arrest the person, Blaze News has learned.

Despite apparently having the suspect next to two squad cars for nearly three minutes on Jan. 5, 2021, the officers did not detain or arrest the alleged bomber and allowed the person to go back to the crime scene and ostensibly finish the alleged bomb drop, previously undisclosed security video shows.

Apparent police interactions with the bomber were never disclosed by Capitol Police or the FBI, which has failed to identify the suspect despite nearly 44 months of investigation and a $500,000 reward.[…]

The video discovery raises serious questions about what was discussed during the nearly three-minute apparent meeting between police and the alleged bomber — and why the officers didn’t detain the person or publicly report the incident after the RNC bomb was found the next day.

It also raises the question of why the FBI never shared the video with its own agents or the public and did not disclose or explain the bomber’s seeming interaction with Capitol Police.


How Deep, Señor Maduro?

All is unfolding as prophesized.

One of Venezuela’s top election officials, in a declaration sure to jolt the crisis-weary nation, said in an interview that he had no proof that Venezuela’s authoritarian president won last month’s election.

Since the July 28 vote, governments around the world have expressed skepticism, and even outright disbelief, over President Nicolás Maduro’s claim to victory. But the statement by Juan Carlos Delpino — a member of the government body that announced Mr. Maduro’s win — represents the first major criticism from inside the electoral system.

Speaking on the record to a reporter for the first time since the vote, Mr. Delpino said he “had not received any evidence” that Mr. Maduro actually won a majority of the vote.

Neither the electoral body nor Mr. Maduro has released tallies to support assertions that the president won re-election, while the opposition has published receipts from thousands of voting machines that show its candidate, Edmundo González, won an overwhelming majority.

In declaring Mr. Maduro the winner without evidence, the country’s election body “failed the country,” Mr. Delpino said. “I am ashamed, and I ask the Venezuelan people for forgiveness. Because the entire plan that was woven — to hold elections accepted by all — was not achieved.”

Sean Penn was a man before his time.
