Lest We Forget

Just a small reason why I will NEVER forgive these people!

Your Home Is Not Your Castle

When a society accepts the premise that those with wealth deserve to have it strip mined, nothing is off limits.

Governments’ extraction of value from our homes has accelerated in recent years as they have became more desperate, both to raise revenue and to find scapegoats to deflect blame for their own starring role Canada’s housing shortage. As the byzantine extractions multiplied, our homes, once considered our main assets, have morphed for many into our main liabilities. Once upon a time, “safe as houses” was a no-brainer investment strategy. Anyone who now sees a house as a safe investment needs his head examined.

October 6, 2024: Reader Tips

In early September, I was visiting Concord, Massachusetts and came across a small war memorial. There was a plaque which stated that a local man named Daniel B. Roberts died in the 1965-66 Dominican Republic conflict. I had never heard about this event, so did some research. The Dominican Civil War mostly occurred in 1965, but the last of the American soldiers didn’t leave until September 21, 1966.

Here’s a video about the Dominican Civil War.

Your best tips, be they about conflicts or not, are much appreciated!


Something wicked this way comes:

In the days before the cabal enjoyed total power, California boasted a remarkably diverse economy that included not only Silicon Valley and Hollywood, but also some of the country’s largest banks, a highly diversified industrial sector, and thriving oil and aerospace industries that employed hundreds of thousands of largely unionized blue-collar workers. At the turn of the millennium, California job creation was well-distributed in terms of regions, job types, and incomes. This economy proved to be a powerful engine for upward mobility and social progress.

But as the progressives, including Harris, completed their total takeover, California’s economy has been slouching toward what former Gov. Jerry Brown once warned would be a “Johnny-one-note” model, based almost entirely on returns to real estate, tech stocks, and the value of privately held startups. The progressive regulatory tsunami—notably on labor, climate, and energy—hammered all businesses outside the elite tech sector. Harris talks about creating an “opportunity” society by aiding small businesses, but according to the Small Business Regulation Index, progressive California has the worst business climate for small firms in the nation.

The Tragedy Unfolding in North Carolina

This is an AI generated image but it instantly conveys so much of what is happening to the people in the western part of North Carolina:

Hurricane Helene victims in NC are fending for themselves as response from Biden-Harris’ FEMA underwhelms – h/t Joe

FEMA is Out of Money for U.S. Hurricane Victims After Its $640 Million in Migrant Funding

This is Kamala’s America. Americans should vote accordingly.
