Reader Tips

Tonight we watch 100-year-old newsreel footage of a horse race marred by the actions of a suffragette who stepped in front of the thundering pack in an attempt to stop Anmer, a horse owned by King George V, who was a man.
Spectators “claimed that they heard a woman shout ‘Votes for women!’ before leaping out in front of the king’s horse. [Footage] shows clearly that (Emily) Davison stopped in front of Anmer…and it appears that she tried to make a grab for the reins of the horse but the speed of Anmer and the impact on her were so great that she took a terrible blow.”
To some people “the iconic image of the suffragette being trampled by George V’s horse has come to symbolize the bitter struggle that women fought to win the right to vote in Britain”; to others, perhaps, it’s reminiscent of a panel from an Edward Gorey tale. The only thing everyone can agree on is that when women in the UK were enfranchised five years later there was one less female voter.
Putting politics aside for a moment, here, at last, for all you fans of horse racing, is some grainy footage of the exciting 1913 Epsom Derby, won by 100-1 long-shot Abboyeur.
The King’s horse was fine, btw, and finished the race sans jockey.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

Are York Regional Police Now the Self-Proclaimed Arbiters of Free Speech?

Well known American blogger Pamela Geller is scheduled to speak in Toronto this month. But if the allegations are true, then some in the York Regional Police force appear to have decided that she should not appear:

Insp. Ricky Veerappan of the force’s diversity, equity and inclusion bureau, confirmed he and officers from the force’s hate crimes unit met with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan of the Chabad Flamingo Synagogue on Tuesday.

Oh, Shiny Pony!


The political debate in Canada is heating up, with the Conservative party recently launching a series of attack ads aimed at the new Liberal party leader, Justin Trudeau. Whatever you think of these kinds of ads — and I am of the mind that it sucks to see them getting more and more popular in Canada, no matter which party is using them — former Liberal leader and current Liberal MP Stéphane Dion has now shown everyone how not to respond to them.

h/t Howard

“When the Democrats do it, that means that it is not illegal”

Dem Voter Fraud Caught On Tape in Colorado

The Colorado legislature is in the midst of considering a bill to pass same day voter registration, so if Brandon had done this on election day, he would have subsequently been given a ballot and could have voted.

Related: Like hundreds around the nation, these two [Mississipi] counties have more active registered voters than there are voting age-eligible residents, according to data from the U.S. Census and state voter registration offices.

It’s Probably Nothing

The Chicago Purchasing Managers reported April’s Chicago Business Barometer fell 3.4 to 49.0, a 3-1/2 year low. Except for a minor gain in New Orders, all Business Activity measures weakened in April with five of seven now in contraction. BUSINESS ACTIVITY: SUPPLIER DELIVERIES, PRICES PAID, and PRODUCTION: all lowest since 2009; ORDER BACKLOGS: ten months of contraction in the past 12 months; EMPLOYMENT: third month over month decline. BUYING POLICY: CAPITAL EQUIPMENT longest since August 2012; MRO SUPPLIES shortest in five months.


Baby Boomers

Reading, writing, reloading;

This month, Hamas introduced its new training program in Gazan schools, where for one hour a week terrorists from the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades – Hamas’ military wing – train 16-year-old boys to use Kalashnikov assault rifles and other forms of weaponry. […] Its new program is now part of the mandatory curriculum for every public school in Gaza, and every male student is required to attend. A program for girls is in the works, said Mohammed Syam, general director of educational activities at Gaza’s Ministry of Education.
