We Don’t Need No Stinking Sparky Cars

Prayer request;

Mary Nichols, of the California Air Resources Board (CARB), is chiding automakers for petitioning for a relaxation of the state’s requirements that 1.4 million electric, plug-in hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles be sold by 2025. “Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot, or maybe I could say, tripping over your own halo,” CARB’s chairwoman told the Society of Automotive Engineers’ International World Congress. “Rather than rehashing the same, tired legal battles of our past, why not work together to collectively support and develop this market?”
Indeed, according to Automotive News, California is requiring General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, Nissan and Toyota to sell a combined 60,000 plug-in, battery-electric and fuel-cell cars through 2014 and by 2018, the state’s zero-emissions-vehicles (ZEV) mandate will extend to BMW, Hyundai, Kia, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen.

h/t Kevin B

Things You’ll Never See On The CBC

john g, in the comments;

2009: CBC Refuses to run CPC anti-Ignatieff attack ads. “We’ll only accept political advertising like that when there is an election campaign on,” he told Canwest. “We have generally pretty strict guidelines.”
2013: Justin Trudeau’s “teacher” ad aired on CBC’s Hockey Night in Canada during the Ottawa/Philadelphia broadcast tonight, at least once. I must have missed Stephen Harper’s visit to Rideau Hall earlier today.

You can pester the Ombudsman by email and Twitter.

Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!

Eric Holder, April 24th“The way we treat our friends and neighbors who are undocumented – by creating a mechanism for them to earn citizenship and move out of the shadows – transcends the issue of immigration status. This is a matter of civil and human rights.”
CBS, April 25th“I am an informant and all I can tell you is that Talibans are walking freely right here in the soil of America right now, right now.”
h/t Frank

It’s Probably Nothing


[T]he Swiss government on Wednesday announced a new policy to cap residence permits for all of Western Europe. Switzerland, which is not part of the EU but joined the Schengen bloc that allows freedom of movement of people across European borders, says that it is being overwhelmed by arrivals from across the continent, to the tune of 80,000 people each year.

h/t Adrian

Reader Tips

Sad news from the music world today: George Jones, one of the all-time great voices in country music, has passed away at the age of 81.
Whether he was delivering a heartfelt, romantic love song perfect for a bride and groom’s first dance, or an all-time classic tearjerker, you always knew that you were listening to “The Possum”, and that he was born to sing.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.
