A Short History of Backfiring Reporters

Here’s Canwest News Service in early 2007, 20 months before the Stephane Dion-led Liberals lost 18 seats and the federal election:

“Negative Tory ads could backfire, say experts.”

Here’s The Canadian Press on March 2nd, 2009, before the Conservatives’ attack ads against Michael Ignatieff were released:

“Any attempt by the Tories to smear rookie Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff would backfire with recession-ravaged Canadians, Liberals say.”

Canadian Press headline in May, 2009, after the ads were released and two years before the Ignatieff-led Liberals were decimated in the federal election:

“Tory attack ads find audience, but could backfire: poll.”

The Star, June 1, 2009:

“Tory attack ads backfiring…”

Now, the Justin Trudeau era. An editorial in today’s Star —

“Conservative attacks on Justin Trudeau backfire on Harper”.

A CTV report published today, with the byline “CTVNews.ca Staff”, begins —

“Attack ads released hours after Justin Trudeau was named leader of the Liberal party, framing the 41-year-old as being “way over his head,” may backfire on the governing Conservatives, says one public relations expert.”

Ah yes, the experts. In yesterday’s Globe and Mail, in report headlined “Negative ad strategy holds risks for Conservatives, experts say”, Gloria Galloway writes:

“Can the ads backfire, and under what circumstances? All three experts said yes…


A revolting story. A reinforcement of why I, a socially liberal fiscal conservative, am in favour of banning third trimester abortions except when under 16, rape or health.
But then, Canada has no laws at all governing abortion and the uterus corps will mobilize at the first mention there of, so whatever, eh. The Aztecs had a pretty good civilization for a long time with human sacrifice too.
While I don’t particularly believe the media cone of silence theory, one really has to question their bubble … or at least good journalists would.
h/t: Instapundit

This isn’t your fathers NDP

I know that most people were engrossed in Prince Justin’s coronation this weekend, but another notable event also happened in Canadian politics. The NDP had a policy convention.
Nothing much of note happened, except that chief radical* Barry Weisleder was ejected from the NDP convention.
You know how it’s the ‘new’ NDP? How people question the association of marxists and socialists with the ‘modern’ NDP? Yeah, nothing says we aren’t socialists like ejecting the head of the Socialist caucus from your policy convention.
What’s that?

Oh, never-mind.
* I had a very similar beard for several years. Growing a beard doesn’t necessarily mean you are a radical. Given my political leanings at that time though it may actually mean you are a radical.

Reader Tips

What happens when you remove auto-tune, reverb, and all other studio gimmickry from this modern-day bunco that some call music? Well, let’s just say the results aren’t pretty: here, for example, are the legendary Beach Boys as they actually sounded.
Absolutely shocking.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

The Gilded Tit

Alberta’s opposition Wildrose Party released documents today showing that Michele Lahey, the former executive vice-president and chief operating officer for the former Capital Health Authority, was reimbursed by Alberta taxpayers for a $6,230 bill from the Mayo Clinic.
Deputy Premier Thomas Lukaszuk, who appeared personally bereft of even the first whit of any factual information about the case, opined “It is very possible this individual went to this clinic for a meeting and actually was at a seminar for two or three days.”
Possible, yes, but not very possible:

The Wildrose said it appears the trip was personal because there’s no mention in the documents of a work-related conference. Lahey also did not claim any airfare.

Guess we’ll have to turn to AHS for answers:

AHS spokesman Kerry Williamson said the department won’t be investigating…”Alberta Health Services isn’t going to speculate or comment on the past.”

Why would they?

Spending by health bureaucrats has been under the microscope since last year, when it was revealed that former AHS financial officer Allaudin Merali charged taxpayers almost $370,000 for lavish restaurant meals, repairs to his Mercedes Benz, and a butler.

Venezuela Election

Trouble without;

This is the single worst thing that could’ve happened: CNE has announced Maduro won the election by 7.51 million votes to 7.27 million for Capriles, but the opposition may well be sitting on clear evidence that this is not true. What comes next is a deep governability crisis.

Trouble within;

Maduro’s speech tonight was innocuous. He talked as if he had scored a huge win, instead justifying that a one vote win would have been enough.
But it isn’t and it wasn’t, for the simple fact that Chavismo’s party PSUV is divided, even more so now, as those that aspired to succeed Chávez likely think that Maduro was not the rightful successor to Hugo Chávez. And most of them think they are.

h/t marc in calgary, jwkozak91

Great Moments In Socialism

Run out of other people’s money? Not a problem;

Taxes on property or other assets would mark a significant change in Europe’s approach to funding bail-outs for eurozone members. Until now, the cost of rescue packages for countries like Ireland, Greece and Portugal has fallen largely on people who invest money in either those countries’ bonds or – in the case of Cyprus – bank accounts.

I like this idea.
Via Drudge.

Oh, Frack!

Daily Mail;

After examining hundreds of thousands of gas extraction operations, the scientists found only three instances where resulting shocks could be detected by residents above ground.
In contrast, they found other man-made activities, such as mining and waste-disposal, are much more likely to trigger noticeable seismic activity.
Lead researcher Professor Richard Davies from Durham University’s Energy Institute, said the risk of fracking resulting in seismic activity that could be felt on the surface is ‘not significant’.
‘In almost all cases, the seismic events caused by hydraulic fracturing have been undetectable other than by geoscientists. It is also low compared to other man-made triggers,’ he said.
‘By comparison, most fracking-related events release a negligible amount of energy roughly equivalent to or even less than someone jumping off a ladder onto the floor.’

h/t EBD

Reader Tips

This evening we bring you a double-feature of delightful videos, designed to bring deliriously appealing eye-candy to widely discriminating tastes. So grab a hot beverage of your choice, slow down your mind, and watch both full-screen.
Those who love nature will enjoy this glorious view of people in New Zealand watching the moon. Those who more prefer technology will enjoy this longer video of a Lufthansa aircraft flying over San Francisco and eventually landing at SFO.
Your interesting reader tips are welcome and appreciated, as always, in the comments.
