This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society

It’s a good thing there isn’t a “People for the Ethical Treatment of Activists”.

Despite $35,000,000 in annual revenues and millions of “animal-loving” members, PETA does not even try to find them homes. PETA has no adoption hours, does no adoption promotion, has no adoption floor, but is registered with the State of Virginia as a “humane society” or “animal shelter.”

Pamela Anderson’s breasts were unavailable for comment.

Why Is There Always A Big Screen TV?


An aboriginal association tasked with disbursing federal funds for flood evacuees has spent over $1 million in eight months on snacks for evacuees, CBC news has learned.
The Manitoba Association of Native Fire Fighters (MANFF) spent the money, which was over and above the three meals a day Manitoba evacuees from the 2011 flood received from the hotels they were staying in.
Ted Ducharme, a MANFF community liaison who is currently on stress leave, has provided documents to CBC News that show the organization paid Winnipeg’s Mona Lisa Ristorante Italiano more than $1 million to provide “light refreshment” in the evenings to hotel-bound evacuees.
A copy of a ledger Ducharme provided to CBC News shows the restaurant delivered up to $1,500 worth of snacks every day to each hotel housing evacuees from April 2012 to December 2012.

If you build it, they will come.
h/t Orville

Reader Tips

Tonight’s music en route to the Tips is a simple, riff-driven, lyrically childlike rock ‘n’ roll nursery rhyme of sorts from Neil Young, backed by members of Pearl Jam including drummer Jack Irons. So, let’s go Downtown….where the hippies dance the Charleston.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

Y2Kyoto: “Remember 1979?”

That was the year….

… of “We Are Family” by Sister Sledge, of “The Dukes of Hazard” on TV, and of ” Kramer vs. Kramer” on the silver screen. It was the year the Shah was forced out of Iran. It was before the web, before the personal computer, before the cell phone, before voicemail and answering machines. But not before the global warming campaign.

Meet the Misandrists of Ryerson University’s Students’ Union Executive

Charles Adler has an interesting editorial about strange happenings at Ryerson University in Toronto. It’s a follow-up of this article:

[The Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU)] is afraid of three students–two of them women–starting a men’s issues group.
Despite the constant rhetoric about diversity, equity and inclusion, the RSU cannot tolerate ideologies that run counter to its own. The irony of this patronizing attitude towards campus freedom is hard to miss. It’s as if the spirit of closed-minded religious dogma has jumped into bed with modern political correctness to prevent blasphemy against RSU ideological orthodoxy.
The principle is this: if you challenge official narrative, you don’t have the right to speak. But this is supposed to be a university–a place where we learn and debate in an open environment; where those we disagree with are challenged, not with censorship, but with other ideas. To agree to disagree and to respectfully debate–this is true tolerance.

So no one forgets, let’s clearly remember the 5 anti-Canadian bigots who comprise the Students’ Union Executive. Expect them to be running as NDP candidates in a riding near you in the not too distant future!

We Don’t Need No Stinking Sparky Cars


Fisker Automotive, the struggling, government-backed hybrid sports car maker, terminated most of its rank-and-file employees on Friday, in a last-ditch effort to conserve cash and stave off a potential bankruptcy filing […]
About 160 employees were terminated at a Friday morning meeting at Fisker’s Anaheim, California, headquarters, according to a second source who attended the meeting. They were told that the company could not afford to give them severance payments.

h/t Carol

Reader Tips

Tonight, Agnetha, Björn, Benny, and Anni-Frid, accompanied by a small orchestra, bring their catchy Euro-pop confections to generations of fans in Sydney, Australia, in a live performance of Dancing Queen.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

Reward success, Punish cheats

Tony Merchant is fairly notorious in Saskatchewan circles, deserved or not. Many people react to the name with a an upturned eyebrow and a smirk. Anyone familiar with David Orchard’s reputation in the province is by default familiar with Mr. Merchant’s reputation.
He is, by all accounts, an excellent class-action lawyer and as such, richly deserves the rewards that our justice system allows in those types of suits. Whether they are justified or more akin to ambulance chasing is secondary. They are allowed in law and as such Mr. Merchant has every right and responsibility to make as much for his clients and himself as possible.
And that’s why the allegations regarding taxes and hidden money really gets my goat.

A prominent Canadian lawyer, husband to a Liberal senator, moved nearly $2 million to secretive financial havens while he was locked in battle with the Canada Revenue Agency over his taxes, according to documents in a massive leak of offshore financial data that were shared exclusively in Canada with CBC News.

Make a pile of money doing something most people don’t really want to be associated with, well done. Try and cheat the country out of it’s share; whose laws allowed the pile in the first place, very wrong.
(Note: Liberal lawyer in this story. Watch your comments.)

March Jobs Reports

The US: “The unemployment rate fell to 7.6%, amid a drop in Labor Force Participation.”
Canada: “Following an increase the previous month, employment declined by 55,000 in March, all in full time. The unemployment rate rose 0.2 percentage points to 7.2%.”
Saskatchewan: “While employment in Saskatchewan was little changed in March, the province experienced the strongest year-over-year growth in the country, at 4.6%. The unemployment rate was 3.9% in March, still the lowest among all provinces.”
Note, CDN numbers are not comparable to US numbers, different means of measurement. As I understand it, if the US followed CDN metrics, the US would be around 13-14% unemployed.
