Is the NDP’s Jinny Sims a Misogynist?

Jinny Sims appears to be one very confused Member of Parliament. In a recent Globe & Mail article she was quoted as saying that, “references to barbaric practices might stigmatize some cultures”. She was criticizing a new 146 page document from Jason Kenney’s Citizenship & Immigration department.
In the modern Leftist Game of Victimology and Moral Relativism, it seems that Sims’ initial gut reaction was that the rights of “Ethnic” Men Who Beat Up Women trumped the rights of those Women Who Are Beat Up. Minister Kenney explains the whole thing here to Charles Adler.
Since being called out on her peculiar views, Ms. Sims is now backtracking, issuing endless tweets against domestic violence.

Unspreading The Wealth

Canada’s smartest columnist;

I’ve got news for you, Ontario, when it comes to being jobbed by Confederation, you’ve got nothing on Alberta. Last year Mowat calculated that Albertans sent a similar amount more to Ottawa than the province received in return – and Alberta has one-quarter of Ontario’s population.
But the issue here is the folly of Canada’s vast system of interprovincial wealth transfers called equalization. When even Ontario begins whining that it deserves billions more in equalization, you know the system has become so dysfunctional that the best action would just be to dismantle the whole scheme.

One Step Closer to America No More

The Associated Press (AP), the largest news gathering organization in the world, announced earlier this week that they would no longer allow the use of the term “Illegal Immigrant” in any of their stories. Some people are ecstatic. Jay Leno has a suggestion on a replacement term for the AP.
In a Canadian context, perhaps Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair will now engage in a frenzied race to see who can first add to their respective party’s platform that Canada should be renamed “Turtle Island”?!

In The Mail

The Way to the Heavenly Home

Abram Teichrib’s story of his mother’s “memories of the establishment of the Orenburg colony, the early years of the colony’s growth, the revolution, the years of her family’s travail under the Soviet government, the Second World War, her experiences during the trek to Poland in 1943/44, and subsequent return to a Siberian labour camp in 1945, and eventually, her return to the former Orenburg colony in 1947.”


The Sound Of Settled Science

The new, and startling, feature of the Marcott graph was at the very end: Their data showed a remarkable uptick that implied that, during the 20th century, our climate swung from nearly the coldest conditions over the past 11,500 years to nearly the warmest. Specifically, their analysis showed that in under 100 years we’ve had more warming than previously took thousands of years to occur, in the process undoing 5,000 years’ worth of cooling.

h/t Glenn
