What We Really Need Is Democracy

With a Jew-hating theocracy to vote for;

There are a lot of illusions out there about how the exercise of power will moderate the Muslim Brotherhood and similar groups. To some degree, Morsi’s record in office shows a pragmatic willingness to maintain a treaty he deeply loathes with the “sons of apes and pigs.” But we would do better to think of this as caution rather than moderation. If a real opportunity presented itself to destroy the Jewish state, there can be little doubt that Morsi and the members of his movement would think it their duty to act.

Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Barack Obama, 2006“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit [to $8.9T] is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills. … I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.”
Barack Obama, 2013“Chuck, what I’m saying to you is that there is no simpler solution, no ready, credible solution, other than Congress either give me the authority to raise the debt ceiling [to $16.4T], or exercise the responsibility that they have kept for themselves and raise the debt ceiling. Because this is about paying your bills.”
The second link is worth reading, if only for the novelty of seeing journalists ask this President bona fide questions. (Video here)
Related: President Downgrade
h/t Canadian Friend

The Sound Of Settled Science

Rottweiler study links ovaries with exceptional longevity;

The study, published in the December 2009 issue of the journal Aging Cell, found that Rottweilers that were spayed after they were 6 years old were 4.6 times as likely to reach 13 years of age as were Rottweilers that were spayed at a younger age.
The finding is important because the average life expectancy of Rottweiler dogs is 9.4 years, observed research team leader Dr. David J. Waters. “Our results support the notion that how long females keep their ovaries influences how long they live,” he said.
Dr. Waters is the executive director of the Gerald P. Murphy Cancer Foundation at the Purdue Research Park in West Lafayette, Ind. The foundation is home to the Center for Exceptional Longevity Studies, which tracks the oldest living pet dogs in the country.
Researchers found that female Rottweilers have a distinct survival advantage over males–a trend also documented in humans. That advantage appears to be determined by whether the female dog is sexually intact, however. “Taking away ovaries during the first four years of life completely erased the female survival advantage,” Dr. Waters said.

There remain many good reasons to reproductively alter the family dog, but most are related to owner convenience – the health “benefits” claimed are a decidedly mixed bag and leash laws have largely solved the problem of unwanted litters. But as “spay-neuter” is a key political and legislative tool in service of the broader animal rights agenda to eradicate the ownership of companion animals, studies such as this have a tendency to be studiously ignored and their authors dismissed as unqualified. It’s not just “climate science” that’s been captured by a leftist agenda.

Game of Thrones in North Africa

Michael Totten

It feels strange visiting a country like Morocco and listening to people extol the virtues of a political system my country waged a revolution against. Morocco has a king, and he’s a real one too, not some kind of a figurehead. But I went there, I listened, and after almost ten years of visiting Middle Eastern countries wracked by tyranny, terrorism, botched revolutions, and wars, I was perhaps a bit more willing to hear what they had to say than I might have been a decade ago.

Oh, Frack!

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Promised LandNot only does Image Nation Abu Dhabi finance the “Promised Land,” but the Abu Dhabi government owns the media company that subsidizes Image Nation.
FrackNationwas funded on Kickstarter by small donations from more than 3,000 individuals. No donations were accepted from anyone connected to the oil and gas industry.

Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?

Today, at the direction of nobody in particular;

“United States forces provided limited technical support to the French forces in that operation, but took no direct part in the assault on the compound where it was believed the French citizen was being held hostage,” Obama wrote.
“United States combat aircraft briefly entered Somali airspace to support the rescue operation, if needed. These aircraft did not employ weapons during the operation. The U.S. forces that supported this operation left Somalia by approximately 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on January 11, 2013.”

Meanwhile, al-Qaeda still decimated.

Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!

CNN, October 2012On Tuesday, [American Airlines] said another flight had experienced loose seats, bringing the total to three flights on two planes in a week.[…] Robert Gless, deputy director of the Air Transport Division of the Transport Workers Union of America, dismissed the notion that the problems with loose seats were linked to labor issues as “without any basis in fact.”
Reuters, January 2013Boeing Co (BA) made a revised offer to the union representing its 23,000 engineering employees on Friday. The improved offer came on the same day the U.S. government ordered a review of the firm’s 787 Dreamliner following a string of mechanical and electrical problems.
h/t Melinda Romanoff
