“Ever heard of SB3341?”

It’s probably nothing.

…Provides that a person who is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall obtain a proof of ownership, create a record of the sale, and verify the identity of the seller. Provides that a person who is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall not pay for the precious metal in cash and shall record the method of payment.

Requires the purchaser to keep a record of the sale for one year or, if the purchase amount is over $500, for 5 years.

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We Don’t Need No Stinking Sparky Cars


A lawsuit recently filed in the United States Court of Claims may shed further light on the corruption of the Obama administration’s “green energy” programs. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of XP Vehicles, Inc. and Limnia, Inc., companies that competed for Department of Energy loans under a Congressionally-authorized program. The owners of XP eventually realized that there was no real competition, and that the whole Department of Energy program was a scam intended to funnel money to Obama and Democratic Party campaign contributors and political allies. They allege in addition that DOE misappropriated proprietary technology that they submitted in connection with their loan applications, and gave that technology to Obama administration cronies.

The World Is Being Run By Crazy People

Ian Cumming;

Eleven months ago when former Ontario agriculture official Jack Rodenburg announced at the Woodstock dairy conference that the world yogurt phenom, Chobani, was going to be building a plant in Ontario to manufacture Greek yogurt and that it had just been approved by the Ontario government, he never predicted this.
But within the Canadian farm marketing system, how could it have been otherwise? That by the end of the year — after more than $1-million in lawyer fees on each side and major infighting within the warped tangle of the Canadian dairy supply management system — no construction would even get started.

Oh, Frack!

Youtube cracks down on F-word;

This isn’t McAleer’s first run-in with YouTube over his work dispelling environmental activists’ fear-mongering claims.
“I decided to make ‘FrackNation’ documentary because Josh Fox – the director of the anti-fracking documentary ‘GasLand’ forced YouTube to remove one of my previous films challenging his inaccurate claims about ‘burning water.’ It seems that anti-fracking activists don’t want debate or dissent – they want to silence criticism and questions.”

Government Sucks

Richard Anderson at The Gods of the Copybook headings:

Meeting in the leafy and pleasant suburb of Oakville will be two groups trapped in nostalgia and afraid of the future. The economic structure of the auto industry has changed forever. A few hundred millions in subsidies may purchase some votes for the governing party, but it cannot change the underlying reality. The billions which the taxpayers of Canada pour into the bottomless pit of aboriginal affairs will not make real the dream of Turtle Island. The money goes we know not where, we know only that the Chief’s driveway is always paved and his home well heated.
Government will not solve the problems it helped create. Instead it preserves those problems…
Big government is ultimately a Big Lie that breeds smaller ones. Among the most pernicious of those lies is that the state can stop the clock.


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