The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire;

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the last-minute fiscal cliff deal reached by congressional leaders and President Barack Obama cuts only $15 billion in spending while increasing tax revenues by $620 billion–a 41:1 ratio of tax increases to spending cuts.

Update: Are signs emerging of a GOP backbone? Stay tuned….
Related (this one is ugly): Putting America’s Tax Hike In Perspective

The Unlikely Story Of Magna Fortuna

In the back of a pen filled with horses, Vacca saw an attractive dark bay mare that appeared crippled. She asked the “kill buyer” if she could purchase the horse from him. He said no. She asked if the mare was a Thoroughbred. He said no.
“He went in and flipped her lip, and said, nope, no tattoo,” Vacca said. “I knew he was lying.”

Not political. Just a great story.

This Is Awkward

Right wing conspiracy nut and NBC News chief science/health correspondent Robert Bazell;

“All we have is a statement from her office. The hospital isn’t saying anything and the statement from [Hilary Clinton’s office] says that she had this blood clot that stemmed from the concussion and she’s being treated with blood-thinning drugs,” Bazell continued. “The problem is that usually when blood clots come from concussions, they can’t be treated with blood [thinners.] So either it’s not really related to the concussion and she’s got a blood clot in her leg or something, or there’s something else going on that we’re not being told. And right now, we’re just sort of seeking that clarification and hoping for the best as she’s being observed.”

Restoring Science To Its Rightful Place


The release came, FDA sources say, in response to the publication of an investigation in Slate by the Genetic Literacy Project two days before, on December 19. The GLP, which I head, had reported that the FDA had definitively concluded last spring that the fish would have “no significant impact” on the environment and was “as safe as food from conventional Atlantic salmon.” However, the draft assessment, dated April 19, 2012, was not released–blocked on orders from the White House.
The seven month delay, sources within the government say, came after discussions late last spring between Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius’ office and officials linked to Valerie Jarrett at the Executive Office, who were debating the political implications of approving the GM salmon. Genetically modified plants and animals are controversial among the president’s political base, which was thought critical to his reelection efforts during a low point in the president’s popularity.

h/t Odd Man Out

Why Is There Always A Big Screen TV?

Neil Edmondson;

Guess who owns shares in Enbridge, Pembina Pipeline Corp., Exxon, Cnooc (!), Halliburton, Canadian Oil Sands Trust, Occidental Petroleum, and what appears to be every natural resource company under the sun? Attawapiskat Trust fund, that’s who. They profit from the oil sands while concern trolling about the environment – nice racket.
The blockade that is costing CN $5 million a day isn’t helping the portfolio either since they own shares in CN too.
