We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans

Silicon Valley Ditches Green Energy

The Wall Street Journal reports that Silicon Valley venture capitalists are learning what the rest of us have known for some time: most green energy projects simply aren’t profitable. A recent survey of venture capitalists suggests that these investors are preparing to pull their money out of green ventures in record numbers in 2013 to invest in more traditional enterprises.

The Tolerant Left

Via Jonah Goldberg;

Samuel L. Jackson plays crusty, waxen Stephen as a vision of depraved loyalty and bombastic jive that cuts right past the obvious association with Uncle Tom. The movie is too modern for what Jackson is doing to be limited to 1853. He’s conjuring the house Negro, yes, but playing him as though he were Clarence Thomas or Alan Keyes or Herman Cain or Michael Steele, men whom some black people find embarrassing.

This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society

ASPCA Pays $9.3 Million in Landmark Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Settlement

That decision found that the plaintiffs’ litigation was based on the untruthful testimony of a paid plaintiff and witness who the Court found received at least $190,000 in payments as his sole source of income over an eight year period by animal special interest groups, including ASPCA, their lawyers and an entity founded and controlled by those lawyers, the Wildlife Advocacy Project.
Based upon what was revealed in ASPCA, et al., v. Feld Entertainment, Feld Entertainment brought suit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against ASPCA, HSUS and other animal rights activists and their lawyers alleging violations of the RICO statute and Virginia Conspiracy Act, malicious prosecution, and abuse of process. The court denied the defendants’ motions to dismiss that case on July 9, 2012.
