Christmas Greetings from Canada’s Occupied Left Coast

There’s an old Chinese proverb that has an extra special significance at this time of the year: “If there’s food on the table then the family will have many problems to discuss. If there’s no food on the table then there’s only one problem.”
As a special mention to my fellow SDA’ers, while we constantly gripe about politicians and taxes and the NHL strike (and rightfully so), do take a moment to look at the world as a whole and realize that most of us are so incredibly blessed to be living at this time in history. Do keep on working hard – for yourself, your family, and your country – but also pause this Christmas to take stock of the many blessings you have!

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

The importance of prosecuting David Gregory;

I still have not heard back from the three NBC News communications executives I e-mailed just after noon yesterday asking for the position of NBC News on whether the ammunition magazine was real and whether Gregory violated the law.
But assuming, as Gregory stated, that the magazine was for an AR-15, then why shouldn’t Gregory and the staffers to and from whom the magazine was transferred, be prosecuted? […]
Gregory’s possible violation of the law was exposed by the conservative blogosphere, which also pointed out that Gregory sends his kids to a school with armed security at the same time he was mocking the NRA suggestion of armed security in schools.

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

The devil made them do it.

Magnotta was elected Newsmaker of the Year even though he didn’t receive a single vote from a newsroom in Quebec, where much of the story was anchored.
Quebec had several big news stories in 2012, including the months-long student protests, the explosive Charbonneau Commission looking into corruption, and the shooting only metres away from Pauline Marois on the night she returned the Parti Quebecois to power.
“As news goes there were certainly far more significant issues that touched our nation,” Doyle MacKinnon, the Lethbridge Herald’s managing editor, said in explaining why he chose Magnotta.
MacKinnon said it’s a sad commentary that men such as Magnotta and former colonel Russell Williams become household names while many Canadians don’t know who the recently canonized Kateri Tekakwitha is.
“But the fact is,” he said, “the truly reviled invariably make bigger news than the moderately revered.”

“Invariably”. As though the “news” just flies out their asses on its own.
h/t soundofmusak
