Rita Royale

Saskatchewan author (and long time SDA reader and advertiser) Terry Anderson has run into a rough spot, health wise. If you have a spot on your bookshelf that’s itching for a new novel, you might check out his work. The price is certainly right.
Merry Christmas, Terry – and to all our loyal readers who are facing challenges this season.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans

Erika Johnsen;

With Congress and the White House currently concentrating their laser-like focus on averting (or not averting, as the case may be) the fiscal cliff, the fate of various tax extenders is still very much up in the air, including the wind industry’s precious production tax credit (which covers about 30 percent of wind power’s costs — no wonder they’re so keen on keeping it around). The wind lobby is working overtime to convince Congress to pass an extension before the clock runs out on December 31st, but most lawmakers’ concerns are about the bigger fish we still need to fry before the end of the year.

The World Is Being Run By Crazy People

Business Insider;

After a 25-year ban, California sea otters are now free to float along the entire coast without being captured and hauled back to Northern California.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ended its “Southern Sea Otter Translocation Program” on Tuesday, Dec. 18, which forbid otters from paddling south of Point Conception — where the Santa Barbara Channel meets the Pacific Ocean — to the Mexican border.

h/t TimR

More Pavilions At Folkfest

The national census for England and Wales is out…

By any measure, what it reveals is a country undergoing seismic change. Over the course of a decade up to four million more people have entered the country to live. In the capital, London, people identifying themselves as “white British” have for the first time become a minority. Perhaps most strikingly, the national Muslim population has doubled.

h/t Adrian

“…while they smugly stand with their Secret Service and Police, armed to the teeth”

Some animals are more equal than others.

Mayor Bloomberg has a small cadre of hired hands who are near and with him literally 24 hours a day. They are armed, all the time, and they are paid to worry about these things so he doesn’t have to.
Likewise, President Obama has a literal army of trained, armed soldiers in the form of parts of the military and an entire division of officers (The Secret Service) who’s job it is, once again, to make this not his problem for both him and his entire family. Michelle and his children do not have to concern themselves about these issues because there are literally over a thousand others who are paid to take that responsibility — up to and including eating a bullet in their place.
Neither of these people is proposing to rely on what they claim you should rely on — a “law.” A piece of paper, which today doesn’t even get printed on real paper; it’s a ghost in a machine that glows at you in the dark.

Up until all of these people in political office disband their police forces, their Secret Service details, throw down their own arms, armored cars, body armor and other defensive means of interdicting assault they have nothing — not even a moral argument — behind them in their demand that you disarm and become an intentional victim — no matter who you are.

Read it all. (Via)


Let me know in the comments.

11:25am Update – things went very late last night, so this is still a rough draft. There’s lots of tweaking to do, and we’re just getting started on that. Thanks for the feedback!

– Okay. I’ve made a few changes based on Kate’s requirements. A few things though, captcha stays. It will help eliminate the 20/hour spam comments that SDA got on a regular basis. When we have that many spams, we don’t even look at the spam comments to decide if batb’s (as an example) is clean because the url had the word ‘ban’ in it. We just delete them all. So, the captcha will help you too.

See below the fold for up to date changes.


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