The New Economy

As is typical, the leftist corporate media is dancing around the real reason why automakers are looking to close plants: tapped out car buyers cannot afford to fund ruinously expensive EV mandates.

Volkswagen is weighing whether to close factories in Germany for the first time in its 87-year history as it moves to deepen cost cuts amid rising competition from China’s electric vehicle makers.

“The European automotive industry is in a very demanding and serious situation,” said Volkswagen Group CEO Oliver Blume. “The economic environment became even tougher, and new competitors are entering the European market. Germany in particular as a manufacturing location is falling further behind in terms of competitiveness.

Climate claptrapping – climate alarm, but no alarm about a supertanker about to sink

The Houthis keep trying to blow up a loaded supertanker, and no one’s stopping them

The Houthis have, on multiple occasions now, set explosives on a fully loaded oil supertanker in the Red Sea. Their initial attack had the crew abandon ship, and since then they’ve repeatedly boarded it, set explosives, blew it up, while they filmed the whole thing and posted it online! And the production quality is really good – drone footage, onboard. You’d think it was a professional production!

For reference, the Exxon Valdez spilled 240,000 barrels of crude. The Sounion is carrying a million barrels.

Two podcasts for you on Labour Day:

Energy Realities Podcast: The Real Climate Claptrapping – Climate Alarm!

Irina Slav, Tammy Nemeth, and Stu Turley will be live talking about the most critical threat to our world, democracy, and our finances, “Climate Alarm.” or “Claptrapping”. Apparently if you question climate change, you’re no longer a denier, but producing climate claptrap.

Nemeth Report: Brad Hayes on energy literacy

Dr. Tammy Nemeth interviewed Dr. Brad Hayes, a sedimentary geologist, on energy literacy.  I signed up for his course last year but simply didn’t have time to follow through on it. I will get to it one of these days.


“On the clock of contemporary history, it’s showdown time…”

Richard Fernandez;

But something happened that Gramsci did not expect. As the march through the institutions progressed, the “progressives” — so confident of their intellectual superiority — did not sweep all before them. Rather they found the resistance stiffening unexpectedly. Unlikely coalitions rooted in the “Working Class” and even among formerly left-wing sympathizers began to multiply. The surprise setbacks of 2016, Trump and Brexit, grew rather than declined, as one might expect of the last-gasp resistance in the inevitable tide of history.

Today the Reagan castle the progressives captured by coup is in shambles. They are in possession of a ruin. The Global World has not only shattered but is breaking out in war. The only answer to inflation is price control. Worse, the political opposition to progressive ideas has become assertive and even respectable. Things have come to a head; that is what makes November 2024 so special.

In the future, J6 may be regarded as an echo of J5, 1968.
