Elon Musk vs. Corrupt Brazil

Michael Shellenberger chimes in.

Update: Right on cue, the little dwarf, Robert Reich, is calling for Elon Musk’s arrest in the UK. Interestingly, he’s ashamed to post a link to his article on X.com. But people instantly connected the dots and are lighting him up big time!

Sunday On Turtle Island

Comrade Kamala’s America:  Democrats kiss the ring of Alex Soros.  The Democrats mooned America.  Slaves in California.  A message from Tim Walz’s brother.

Blackie’s Canada:  Wolves.  Justin appoints two Liberals to the Senate for Alberta. One of them is an advocate for gays (CBC).  Turtle Island’s hereditary dictators.

Woke World:  The colour blue is fascist.  Paul Joseph Watson – Why this makes them so mad.

Your Sunday Hymn.

September 1, 2024: Reader Tips

Welcome to September! How was your summer compared to past years?

This month, we’re going to do something a bit different with the media offerings in each reader tips posting. More precisely, the weekends will continue to offer a potpourri of different videos, but on weekdays we’re going to serialize assorted podcasts that you will hopefully find compelling.

So, we shall begin the month with 52 Lesser Known WWII Battles.

Your most interesting tips to start out this new month are most welcome!

Go Woke, Go Broke

Amandla Stenberg is a hyper-woke, entitled actress. She played one of the main characters in The Acolyte series, which was canceled because of dismally poor ratings. The reviews reflect how truly terrible it was.

Pro Tip: On Rotten Tomatoes, if the critic reviews are high and the general public’s reviews are low, you can almost be guaranteed that it is woke (and really bad) :

Related: A few months ago, the boys at the Podcast of the Lotus Eaters chimed in on this disastrous latest entry to the Star Wars saga.

Take That Putin!

Spiked- Does the US need to ‘queer’ its nuclear arsenal?

According to Nair and her co-author, ‘diversity and inclusion’ are ‘especially important’ for nuclear policy. Apparently, ‘discrimination against queer people’ can ‘undermine nuclear security’ and increase the risk of nuclear war. They also lambast the nuclear-security community for being largely ‘cis-heteronormative’ – for those not up on the queer vocabulary, that means filled with straight men who identify with their birth sex.

We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars


Ownership costs for electric vehicles will have to come down by at least 31% if the government wants to reach its sales target of 60% EVs by 2030, according to the latest report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer.

“Assuming that preferences, technology and policies remain unchanged from a baseline scenario without the standard, PBO estimates that the relative ownership cost of battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) would need to decrease by 31% to meet the ZEV sales target of 60% in 2030,” reads the PBO report released on Thursday.

“That is, the ownership cost of ZEVs relative to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles in 2030 under the standard would need to be 31% lower compared to the baseline scenario without the standard in 2030.”

There’s No Business Case For LNG Exports

Bloomberg, with nifty graphics.

Every six hours, somewhere in the world, a shipment of liquefied natural gas controlled by a Japanese company leaves a port. The vessels — giant, floating thermoses that keep the fuel super-chilled — cross the globe, destined for pipelines in energy-hungry countries in every hemisphere.

These tankers, which handle a quarter of all LNG shipments, are only the tip of Japan’s increasingly dominant gas empire. With the enthusiastic backing of the government, corporate Japan now offers a complete package for countries looking to replace aging, and near-unfinanceable, coal power stations with gas: Its engineering firms will provide technology and parts, its utilities some fuel, and the banks will offer financing.

Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community

Doing the Jew hatin’ that Canadians won’t do.

More than 200 Gazans have arrived in Canada under a special temporary residency program launched in January, according to Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

“As of August 24, 2024, 209 people have arrived in Canada under the temporary public policy,” wrote IRCC spokesman Jeffrey MacDonald in an email to the National Post.

This is a four-fold increase in arrivals since late May, when the program’s cap was expanded from 1,000 to 5,000 visas. At the time, officials said that 41 displaced Gazans had arrived in Canada, receiving visas under both the new policy and a pre-existing one.

Not to say they won’t have community support.
