Today In Canadian Infrastructure

Blacklock’s- Military No Help On Housing

At least a quarter of Department of National Defence buildings and other infrastructure dates from the 1970s and requires “significant maintenance,” says an internal audit. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had proposed to recycle federal property for housing.

“Approximately 25 percent of existing infrastructure is greater than 50 years old and requires significant maintenance, repair and recapitalization to ensure it remains serviceable and compliant with health, safety and environment regulations,” said an Audit Of Defence Infrastructure.

Democrat Apparatchik Posing as a Journalist

Something that wasn’t on my 2024 Bingo Card was to witness a “journalist” pleading with Biden’s press secretary to censor free speech. Yet this is exactly what happened earlier this week when WaPo’s Cleve Wootson Jr. asked Karine Jean-Pierre for censorship of the Musk-Trump discussion.

One wonders if he did this voluntarily or was “pressured” to do so? Either way, people are letting him have it here and here.

Related: Here’s why Elon Musk doesn’t treat the media as a special class of people.

Feeding The Addiction

Global BC- Fraser Health to offer free delivery of harm reduction supplies

BC Conservative Party MLA Eleonore Sturko said it was “concerning” that the harm reduction supplies were being made so easily accessible, while access to treatment remains “difficult.”

“The services should be equal, at least. It should be just as easy to access detox and treatment as it is to order a crack pipe online,” she said.

Place your orders now!

h/t Cameron

O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas

Hear my prayer.

San Francisco’s glitzy hotels have been plunged into massive debt following a dramatic drop off in tourism to the Golden Gate City.

The Californian city’s two biggest hotels, the Hilton Parc 55 and Hilton San Francisco Union Square, have lost a combined $1billion in value, according to the Kroll Bond Rating Agency.

Their worth is now $553.8 million.

Meanwhile, the delinquency rate among commercial mortgage-backed security loans for the sector jumped to 41.6 percent in June from 5.7 percent the same time last year, according to data from real estate analytics firm Trepp.

It comes as San Francisco’s tourism industry struggles to recover to its pre-pandemic levels, while other parts of the country bounce back.

Mischief Makers

Closing arguments are finally being heard in the freedom convoy court case centering on charges of mischief. The trial was supposed to take a couple of weeks but wound up lasting nearly a year. That’s in addition to varying periods of incarceration for the defendants since early 2022. It’s anyone’s guess as to what it cost the prosecution to pursue the case.

Lich and Barber’s lawyers have argued throughout the trial that organizing a protest is not an illegal activity and is protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The court has scheduled three days to hear the final arguments in the case, as well as several extra days next week in case they go long.


Telegraph- Self-checkouts have been a self-inflicted disaster for Britain

As customers grow frustrated and shoplifters fill their boots, bosses of grocery giants are finally asking themselves the question customers are asked at self-checkout kiosks every day. Do you wish to continue? Not really, as it turns out. Having ruthlessly replaced cashier staff with self-checkout terminals to speed up purchases and save on wages, boardrooms now want the humans back.

You Don’t Hate the Media Nearly Enough

You can read the full transcript here. It is COMPLETELY UNETHICAL to not quote someone accurately & precisely. You think the folks at CNN did this “just by accident”?!?

Margin Of Fraud

Show them the woman preserving election records, and they’ll show you the crime.

“The FBI raided my home at 6 a.m. this morning, accusing me of committing a crime. And they raided the homes of my friends, mostly older women. I was terrified,” ” Peters said on the Lindell channel, adding the FBI “used a battering ram” to destroy the front door of one of her friends’ homes, according to Colorado Politics.

h/t Roaddog


Blacklock’s- English “Don’t Belong”: Data

“Some described a backlash among English-speaking Quebécers as a result of government measures that were seen as Draconian and felt this is causing some resistance to speaking French when it is seen as something people are being forced to do,” said Bridges.

“Forcing people to learn a language is not a solution,” the report quoted one participant. “If some one forces me to do something I’ll do the exact opposite,” said another.

Shush, Daddy’s Being Fabulous

You’ve got to pretend that it’s all okay… You have to realise that your dad has fallen in love with himself, and there’s no part for you in that where you are not just a prop.

It’s like this person came along and said, “You know how you had a dad? Well, that was all a lie. And all that time, your dad didn’t like being your dad.” And my dad was kind of replaced by this other person. This other person who didn’t love me like my dad loved me, wasn’t interested in me like my dad was.

And his love was conditional.

From the forthcoming film Behind The Looking Glass, about women whose partners, or fathers, have ‘transitioned’.
