Still fighting Bill C-59

Op-Ed: Deidra Garyk’s Bill C-59 submission to Competition Bureau

Op-Ed: Deidra Garyk’s Bill C-59 submission to Competition Bureau

Energy advocate Deidra Garyk made the following submission to the Competition Bureau regarding Bill C-59, which came into law in late June. That law is an egregious assault on free speech in this nation, and Pipeline Online vehemently opposes it, as should you.


Crown land sale shows interest in three areas, but none in the fourth. Hate to say it, but it looks like southwest Saskatchewan is withering on the vine.

Embrace Hollywood!

“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story. – Michael Moore

Over a shockingly short period of time, Hollywood intentionally abandoned a one-hundred-year-old system for making, releasing and profiting from the theatrical distribution of motion pictures that had served it and its audiences very well.

This was a system that generated billions of dollars, created an army of jobs and ancillary businesses, exported American cultural soft power across the world and made a lot of people extremely wealthy… and it was abandoned, all for a technological pipe dream of captured audiences mindlessly pressing “renew” on their subscriptions with the glassy eyes of the permanently zombified.

Now that the chips of that capricious decision have begun to land where they may, it has become clear that the new streaming model is a failure in almost every way. An ocean of ink has been spilled analyzing why streaming is bad business, but I want to approach the problem from a different perspective.

What Would We Do Without “Knowledge Keepers” ?

The peddling of Canada’s Indigenous mass grave and genocide libels’

… focusing solely on the recent history of both the genocide and mass grave allegations neglects their historical roots and impact, namely that what could be called an Aboriginal-style blood libel was promoted, perhaps even invented, by a Christian minister decades earlier.

The fabricator is a still active propagandist named Kevin Annett, a defrocked United Church of Canada cleric who began peddling poisonous snake oil by the bucketful to gullible Indigenous and non-Indigenous people 30 years ago.

Hurry Up And Wait

Blacklock’s- Can Spend 4 Hours On Hold

Taxpayers can wait up to four hours to speak to a Canada Revenue agent, says in-house federal research. The Revenue Agency earlier acknowledged taxpayers who prefer email will wait an average 57 days for a reply.

Even taxpayers able to speak to an agent found it unsatisfactory, said the report. “Some participants reported receiving what they perceived to be inaccurate or incomplete information,” it said.
