Broken Landing Gear

Economist Frank Shostak offers these insights as to how an economy comes to be saddled with massive malinvestments (EV plants come to mind) which must eventually be liquidated in a painful recession.

Whenever a central bank tampers with financial markets and manipulates the market interest rates this falsifies individuals’ “instructions” to businesses. As a result, businesses invest in the wrong infrastructure (i.e., not in line with individuals’ priorities). This ultimately undermines the process of wealth generation.

For instance, the central bank lowers the market interest rates while individuals have not lowered their time preferences. This means that people have not increased the supply of real savings. Businesses, however, attempt to increase investments in response to the central bank artificially lowering the interest rates. This will fail since there are not enough real savings to fund the buildup of the capital structure at that time.

Interesting Idea

Blacklock’s- Pay Seniors To Stay At Home

Parliament should pay Canadians over 65 to stay in their homes, say cabinet advisors.

“Aging at home can be understood as enabling healthy aging in one’s home and community,” said a panel report. “It also refers to the ability to live safely, independently and comfortably in one’s own home and community.”

Data show seniors in Canada last year outnumbered children for the first time in the nation’s history. An Actuarial Report On The Old Age Security Program counted 7.7 million seniors and 7.5 million children.

Great Success!

CP24- York Region Crime Statistics

MacSween said the region has also seen a 92 per cent increase in shootings, with a total of 46 in the region since January.

“Almost all of the guns being used in these crimes are illegal handguns, many of which are being smuggled across the border from the U.S.,” MacSween said. “The surge in gun violence can be attributed to organized crime rings who are obtaining and using illegal handguns to commit a number of offences.”

Critical minerals incentives

Lithium in SK, Part 31: Critical Mineral Incentives implemented. Lithium and helium, as well as other critical minerals, are impacted. There’s a lot going on in the lithium space right now, and more stories to come.

The story includes the full press conference, as well as a video from Arizona Lithium showing an animation of the process.

Also: A search committee has been struck to look for a new head of the Alberta Energy Regulator. Sounds like there might be some politics involved. Prior to his stint as CEO of the Alberta Energy Regulator, Laurie Pushor was Saskatchewan Deputy Minister of Energy and Resources from 2015-2020.

Margin Of Fraud (Updated)

The Texan;

Manuel Medina, chief of staff for state Rep. Liz Campos (D-San Antonio) and well-known Bexar County political operative, was served with a search warrant as part of an ongoing voter fraud investigation by the state.

Multiple sources with knowledge of the situation confirmed to The Texan that Medina was served the warrant this week. One stated that Medina has retained counsel.

Cecilia Castellano, Democratic nominee for House District (HD) 80, told the Houston Chronicle that her house was raided this week by agents — though they did not tell her the purpose. Medina was Castellano’s campaign manager during her recent primary race.

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) announced this week that it executed search warrants in three Texas counties — Atascosa, Bexar, and Frio — related to an ongoing election fraud investigation. The warrants were served on August 20 and stem from a 2022 referral by 81st District Attorney Audrey Louis. It’s been investigated ever since by the OAG’s Election Integrity Unit.

“We were glad to assist when the District Attorney referred this case to my office for investigation,” Paxton said in the announcement. “We are completely committed to protecting the security of the ballot box and the integrity of every legal vote. This means ensuring accountability for anyone committing election crimes.”

Though no charges have been filed, Medina is being investigated in connection with an alleged ballot harvesting scheme.’

He seemed like quite the mover and shaker.

Updated @DC_Draino;

Texas announces 6,500+ illegal aliens caught registering to vote and nearly 2,000 caught voting

They’ve all been referred to the AG for criminal prosecution

More: RNC sues Detroit after learning the city allegedly hired 7 times more Democrats than Republicans as poll workers for this election.”

White Woman Tells Other White Women To Do The Thing She Doesn’t Do

And gets rich while doing it.

Free Beacon- Robin DiAngelo Plagiarized Minority Scholars, Complaint Alleges

DiAngelo, 67, tells “fellow white people” that they should “always cite and give credit to the work of BIPOC people who have informed your thinking.”

It doesn’t matter if their contribution is just a few words. “When you use a phrase or idea you got from a BIPOC person,” DiAngelo says, referring to black, indigenous, and other people of color, “credit them.”

But the white diversity trainer has not always taken her own advice. According to a complaint filed last week with the University of Washington, where DiAngelo received her Ph.D. in multicultural education, she plagiarized several scholars—including two minorities—in her doctoral thesis.

Tit for Tat

How it started…

France 24- Allies freeze $330 bn of Russian assets since Ukraine invasion

The Russian Elites, Proxies, and Oligarchs Task Force (REPO) said in a joint statement that they had blocked $30 billion in assets of Russian oligarchs and officials, and immobilized $300 billion owned by the Russian central bank.

How it’s going…

Express- Russia seized £76m from Google ‘to support war in Ukraine’

The Kremlin seized more than £76m from Google’s accounts in Vladimir Putin’s Russia – and used this to fund propaganda supporting the war in Ukraine, court documents claim.

The assets seizure came after a Russian court ruled that Google must pay damages to three Russian TV channels.
