Psychological Disarmament

Two AK47s, two empty magazines and one used mortar shell.

Despite their massively superior firepower, the UN team deem it too dangerous to chase the militiamen into the bushes.
“Militants know the area, so you don’t see where they’re running to. If they sent us to run after them, soldiers would die,” says Rifleman Meshack Mathye, the reality of his admission in stark contrast to the “Aggressive and Fearless” T-shirt he sports to match his blue UN peacekeeper’s helmet.
The failure of the UN troops to live up to the slogan is most painfully evident in the quantity of weapons that the confiscation programme has gleaned in this lawless corner of the Congo.
After two raids involving more than 1,000 troops, supported by helicopter gunships and tanks, the sum total of the haul is two out-of- commission AK47s, two empty magazines and one used mortar shell.
As long as they can keep their weapons, the murder, gang rape and pillaging will continue and the credibility of the UN peacekeeping forces is likely to remain in doubt. Most of the rogue militiamen are loyal to the UPC, or Patriotic Congolese Union, and FNI, or Nationalist and Integrationalist Force, who both defied a UN-backed order to give up all weapons by April 1.
The FNI is believed to be responsible for the murder, beheading and mutilation of nine Bangladeshi UN peacekeepers in an ambush earlier this year, while the UPC has been accused of carrying out similar atrocities against children.
When the mission to disarm them began last month, it was in the rare expectation that the “get tough” rhetoric might be matched with words.
The reality is rather different. As the multi-national force approaches the target zone, the militia fighters simply run away with as much weaponry as they can carry. After a brief search of the camp, there is little for the UN team to do except get back in their helicopters and fly back to their base.
“We just searched the camp for weapons, saw the militia men on the mountain and didn’t go after them,” says one glum private. “Most of the weapons they leave are useless or broken.”
His commanders, meanwhile, shift the talk from “forcible” disarmament to “psychological” disarmament.
Major Arefin, from Bangladesh, said: “Even though we don’t catch them directly, I think these operations are convincing people to disarm voluntarily. We’re forcing them to disarm psychologically by scaring them.”

Canadian Shame Museum

I think I’m going to be sick.

One of the first images to confront visitors when they enter the new Canadian War Museum is not about war but about shame.
The painting of a dazed Kyle Brown, the only Canadian soldier imprisoned in the 1993 fatal torturing of Somali teenager Shidane Arone, is set on the portrait wall between a drowning sailor, a laughing war bride, a decorated war hero and a soldier with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Its prominence is a clue that this is a museum with a difference, one that doesn’t shy away from the painful, the shocking, the controversial. One that tells stories of ordinary people and turns heroism on its head.

No, the only legitimate history today is the Revisionist, Morally Relative History.
These people are pigs. Absolute pigs. I don’t think I’ve ever been as ashamed of my country as I am today.
Via Neale

Chuck Guite Testimony Ban

With the white noise of Liberal Party money dumps across the nation, not as much attention is being paid to the Chuck Guite testimony at the Gomery inquiry. However, what little news is trickling out hints that Guite’s testimony is as explosive as that of Jean Brault.
So, watch for the Liberal mantra to “wait for Gomery” to intensify. This is crucial to their game plan.
If the Liberals can survive long enough for public rage to subside, and extend his government’s life the full length of Gomery’s mandate, he’ll be in the clear – for Paul Martin is fully aware of the fact that Judge Gomery is prohibited from assigning blame under his terms of reference.
paragraph K;

The Commissioner be directed to perform his duties without expressing any conclusion or recommendation regarding the civil or criminal liability of any person or organization and to ensure that the conduct of the inquiry does not jeopardize any ongoing criminal investigation or criminal proceedings;

So, with the report effectively pre-sterilized and a national media overwhelmingly in his corner, Paul Martin is virtually assured of a report he can “take to the bank” when it comes to denying civil or criminal wrongdoing on the part of the Liberal party.
Jean Brault, Paul Coffin, Chuck Guite – it won’t matter what they testify to, or if they implicate the highest elected officials in the land – Gomery cannot lay blame. Neat, eh?

Blogging Tory Challenge

May 1 Update: Challenge is now over – thankyou to everyone who pledged. Final total for SDA was $1729.00 !
The Blogging Tories have undertaken a challenge to raise $10,000 for the Conservative Party by the end of the month.
1. Click on over to the Conservative Party donation page
2. Donate as much as you like
3. Report back here the amount that you donated in this post’s comments section. (comments can remain anonymous)
4. Vote Conservative in the next election!
With 80 or so members, it shouldn’t take long.
Keep this up, and I’ll have a future patronage appointment sewn up!

Keeping The Scandal In Perspective

Just a reminder of where Gomery fits in the grand scheme of things…
And that doesn’t include Indian Affairs or the Crowns.
On the topic of Crown Corporations, and converging with a Montreal Gazette article on Gagliano and Canada Lands featured by Andrew Coyne today, a couple of background items landed in my inbox this morning;

Every two weeks between 1996 and 1998, a well-heeled Montreal businessman would breeze into the downtown offices of Canada Lands, the federal Crown corporation that sells surplus government land.

Plus, this press release from 2002;

The former Quebec headquarters for the Canadian Army, located at 3530 Atwater Avenue in Montreal was appraised in 1995 at $9 million, but later sold in 1999 for $4 million!� At the time of the transaction in 1999, when the land was actually sold, the market value was conservatively estimated to be worth $12 million.�

Keep that in mind when you hear “wait for Gomery”. Concerns that Gomery will whitewash what happened are misplaced.
Gomery is the whitewash.

Bigotry At The CBC

At the moment I have CBC radio on – a show featuring Brent Bambury called GO – and they’re playing tape of people phoning in about “What’s Great About Alberta.”
There is banjo music playing in the background.
Dear Canadians from central Canada*: this is what we mean by CBC bigotry towards the west. It’s pervasive and insidious and it’s a major contributor to what you know as “western alienation” and what we are starting to think of as “time to get the hell out”.
Imagine if Foxnews were to play sound effects from a West African whorehouse as background for “man on the street interviews” in downtown Toronto. I bet you’d like that, eh?
(*With the notable exception of my enlightened Ontario readers, of course.)

Oil-For-Food Reaches Saskatchewan Wheat Pool

Uh oh…..

The Saskatchewan Wheat Pool has emerged as one of the companies involved in Iraq oil- for-food deals now under investigation by a U.S. congressional committee probing the United Nations aid program, which Saddam Hussein manipulated to skim off billions of dollars for himself.
The focus on the company comes as the UN announced Friday it had discovered a staff-rule violation by Canadian businessperson and international diplomat Maurice Strong, whose long record at the world body is being reviewed after he, too, was recently swept up in the swirl of oil-for-food allegations and inquiries.
Six U.S. congressional committees and the UN itself are investigating the $50.92-billion program following allegations of mismanagement and corruption that helped Saddam siphon off funds through kickbacks and other forms of manipulation. A U.S. federal investigation is also underway in New York, and has already issued several indictments.
The congressional hearing in which the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool was mentioned Thursday saw BNP Paribas, the bank the UN used to broker deals in the oil-for-food program, acknowledge it improperly made 403 payments to third parties or their banks rather than to companies approved by the UN to deliver goods for Iraq.
Four of those payments are listed as going to the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool from 1999- 2000, total value $23.15 million, and another two went to a Canadian-registered company called Limpex Trading in 2001, total value $124.1 million.
No allegation of corruption has surfaced, but congressional officials want to know more about the payments.
Officials of the Pool, Saskatchewan’s largest grain handler and marketer, say that “as an accredited exporter for the Canadian Wheat Board,” the Pool sent wheat to Iraq at that time.
They explain five vessels carried the shipments under the oil-for-food program, which the UN launched in late 1996 as a way to provide food and medicine to ordinary Iraqis as it pressed sanctions against the Saddam regime over weapons inspections.
“We received all the required verified approvals, and I have no reason to question the documentation wasn’t valid,” Mayo Schmidt, chief executive officer of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, said Friday in an interview.
“We disclosed in our annual report of 2000 that there were shipments to Iraq. In fact, we ended up suffering an $8.7-million loss because portions of the CWB wheat were rejected, and there were costs related to unloading delays and the transfer of the wheat to alternative buyers.”

All those folks who bailed on their SWP shares 10 days ago will be feeling pretty lucky, I think.
Background links ” Saddam Hussein forbade any purchases of U.S. wheat in 1998, others had a virtual lock on the closed market, working through the Oil for Food Program”
From an article on the investigation into involvement by the Australian Wheat Board – “everyone who participated in this program benefited. You were not a player unless you were giving something to Saddam.”

More Newbies!

Only a week after the inaugural Carnival of the Newbies I have a several others to introduce. I may make this a semi-regular exercise, if the rate of blog propogation in Canada continues at this pace. However, some advice – be sure you actually have some meat on your blog bone before tossing it to the hordes. Work at things a week or two before sending me any mail about what you have to offer.

The Black Kettle
Reject The Cookie
More To The Story
Cream of the Crock
The Maple Lounge
Rogue Political Mind
Random Notes – Check out the song “Poor Paul”
This one isn’t new. Just “born again”… Paul Martin’s Blog
Happy surfing!

Waiting For Nothing

A great post at Gin and Tonic that peels away the layers of misrepresentation by Paul Martin about the powers of Justice Gomery – that ” Only he can cut through the partisan politics. Only he can tell us what happened and who was responsible.”
Well, it turns out that he can’t. He’s not actually permitted to do that under his terms of reference. Go read the whole thing, and then raise some hell with your national news broadcaster of choice. Ask them why they haven’t called Martin out on this?
h/t Strongworld.
BTW – does anyone have an email for Robert Fife?

Coleman Vs Volcker

Senator Norm Coleman, Chairman of the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has subpoenaed the two lead Oil-For-Food investigators who resigned from Volcker’s committee.
Volker has directed them not to testify. Coleman is not amused.

I spoke with Mr. Volcker yesterday and expressed my grave and growing concerns about the credibility and independence of the investigation into the criminal misconduct that occurred in the U.N. Oil-for-Food program. Robert Parton and Miranda Duncan’s resignation from the Independent Inquiry Committee (IIC), and a lack of adequate explanation for their departure, only fuels concerns about the credibility of the IIC led by Mr. Volcker. His refusal to permit Mr. Parton and Ms. Miranda to cooperate with the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation (PSI) cannot stand. I have directed staff to issue subpoenas as soon as possible to Mr. Parton and Ms. Miranda to compel them to cooperate with PSI investigators. In order to preserve public confidence in the IIC investigation and the United Nations, it is vital to hear from these two individuals immediately.

Breaking Down The Pollster

With the release of polling data that shows an abrupt return of support for the Liberals, people are taking a look at the “new pollster on the block”.
Conservative Life has damning information on previous work. Canuckistan Chronicles (who should remember that etiquette requires that you not ping sites you’ve not actually mentioned in your post) writes that the pollster has “provided stats for the botched gun registry and is loaded with ” former premiers, cabinet ministers, senior bureaucrats and political advisors.”.
Now perhaps these polls are legit, and Paul Martin’s simpering really did turn hearts and minds. And maybe the Liberals and Liberal-friendly media outlets who commissioned them are borrowing from the US Democrats playbook, and using deliberately skewed polls to throw cold water on the election fires burning.
It isn’t hard to skew a poll without deliberately falsifying the results – by polling during certain times of day, or first asking a series of questions designed to influence the respondant in one direction or the other. The early exit polls in the 2004 US presidential elections are an example – with initial “leaked” results showing a blowout for John Kerry, it’s suspected that both the polling and the leaking were deliberate attempts by the Democratic Party to dissuade Bush supporters from voting at all – a repeat of events in 2000, when CNN actually declared Al Gore elected a few minutes after Florida closed.
updateOccam’s Carbuncle has been running the Liberal donation numbers on these pollsters….
By the way – If you are interested in some fascinating discussion on polling, and examples of how data can be skewed, through deliberate efforts or simple sloppiness, bookmark Mystery Pollster.


I had a draft post sitting open in my browser with a handful of new blogs that wanted a little publicity… and accidentally nuked it. Please drop them in the comments today, and I’ll promise to get it up tomorrow. (Besides, a couple of you were on your first day, and it’s better to wait until you have.. eh.. something to read, before I send traffic your way.)

Chuck Cadman

John Gormley is interviewing Chuck Cadman – first health: He’s still on chemo, but not feeling too badly, and trying to rebuild his strength.
It’s been a “wild week” for him. He’s paying attention to the calls and emails, and the situation is volatile. Reserves his right to change position. Philosophically, with the Conservatives.
He’s closely monitoring the views of constituents on this, to reflect their views in parliament.
His Conservative nomination was hijacked by someone who employed a “mass sign-up” of 1.500 members who haven’t renewed. He doesn’t blame Harper for not intervening, because he wasn’t leader at the time. Party heirarchy was responsible. (Amen – see Grant Devine’s nomination battle, which might have resulted in resulted in a Liberal coming up the middle had the riding not been so heavily Conservative in philosophy.)
Are the Conservatives making a mistake if they pull the plug? “Hard to say – it’s volatile.. everything is so fluid it’s hard to tell one day to the next.” Mentions Guite, and what might happen when the publication ban is lifted on his testimony. Maybe wait until Gomery works out, at least until all the evidence is in. … will hold off to make a decision until he’s sure he’s making the responsible one for Surrey North…. “I’ll have to make up my mind sometime before the moment of voting” … and there is an expectation of everyone being in the house – that may not happen, and with a day’s notice, he may not be able to get to Ottawa from Vancouver. He also mentions the other two Conservatives who are ill.
He didn’t tip his hand, which means he really hasn’t decided, but I get the impression that it won’t take much to convince him to vote alongside the Conservatives – revelations from Guite or the upcoming auditors report, for example.

Liberating Conservative Voices

Daniel Henninger on the rise of conservative media in the US in the wake of Ronald Reagan’s dismantling of the “Fairness Doctrine” in media.

Ronald Reagan tore down this wall in 1987 (maybe as spring training for Berlin) and Rush Limbaugh was the first man to proclaim himself liberated from the East Germany of liberal media domination.
It wasn’t obvious that conservatives soon would dominate talk radio. Radio programming has always been a soulless decision based on ratings. If programmers thought they could win the drive-time slots with Don Imus reading “Das Kapital,” that would be on the air and advertisers would support it. But it’s not.
What worked after speech became free in the spectrum ozone was hyper-articulate conservative hosts opening their microphones to millions of hyper-angry conservative voters–not least in such liberal bastions as New York, Boston, and Los Angeles.
In 1994, Newt Gingrich, his Contract With America and the Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives for the first time since 1952–the years in which the Fairness Doctrine largely kept politics off the air. This didn’t happen because the Gingrich candidates were getting their message out in the Los Angeles Times or Boston Globe.

Boo Ho

Bono fans boo Paul Martin. He’s working hard to make up for that, though. Today he’s in Winnipeg and Regina, making spending announcements #80 and #81 – of the week. About 6.3 billion worth, when you tack on Buzz Hargroves budget amendment.
BTW – if you want to track how quickly Paul Martin, Jack Layton and friends are shovelling your money away, bookmark this page… today’s entries:

  • April 29, 2005 The Government of Canada Anticipates up to $38 million for Transportation Infrastructure in the Outaouais 11:42 ET
  • $602 Million Allocated for Affordable Housing in Ontario 11:37 ET
  • The Government of Canada Anticipates Up to $64.5 Million for Transportation Infrastructure in the Estrie and Mont�r�gie Regions 11:21 ET
  • The Government of Canada Anticipates Up to $51.5 Million for Transportation Infrastructure in the Beauce Region 11:04 ET
  • Government of Canada provides funding for community college to offer Employment Assistance Services 10:30 ET
    756m plus… stay tuned

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