Good Work If You Can Get It

Globe & Mail:

A former government employee has been sentenced for her role in one of Canada’s most serious cases of passport theft.
Toula Blanas, 27, was sentenced on Friday to 5� years for dealing with blank Canadian passports, and two years, to be served concurrently, for breach of trust.
Ms. Blanas, who worked in the passport office in Scarborough, was accused of stealing 246 blank passports, which were being sold on Toronto streets for the bargain price of about $1,000 apiece.

Now, let’s see…. 5 1/2 years, with a release at around the one third point of time served… around 20 months.
So… about $12,300 a month, take home.

There Must Be Something About Public Works

..that causes their ministers to do weird stuff with money

The cabinet minister who has mounted the vigorous defence of the Liberal government over Adscam is himself snared in a nasty money dispute with his old Conservative riding association that prompted a complaint to the RCMP, Sun Media has learned. For more than a year, Public Works Minister Scott Brison has been asked to provide receipts or invoices to the King-Hants Conservative riding association to account for a $4,400 cheque given to him in 2003, while he was a Tory MP.
“It’s still not properly accounted for,” said Debbie Janzen, who sat on the board of Brison’s old Progressive Conservative Party riding association.
The cheque, which Brison assistant Dale Palmeter says was used to help pay down debts from his failed bid for the PC leadership in 2003, was made out to Brison on July 31 that year.
But it wasn’t cashed until Dec. 11 – the day after he defected to Paul Martin’s Liberals.
The money was deposited into Brison’s personal bank account in Wolfville, N.S., and the contribution does not show up on the list of contributors to his campaign.

I just happen to have a copy of that check. (click on it to enlarge)


People send me such cool stuff.

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Monopoly On Martin

This is one great idea:

Because we all know how much the Liberal party likes envelopes stuffed with money, so we might as well help them out and all send one. But don’t forget to put a note in the envelope too, because you have to request something from them in return for your envelope stuffed with cash. From what we have been hearing, that’s how things work inside of the Liberal machine.

Help spread the word!
update: sorry! link fixed

Life In A Police Province


A website critical of Calgary’s police chief and his senior managers has been shut down, after the chief used a rare legal tactic to seize a computer from a private home.
Chief Jack Beaton obtained a civil court order this month to enter the home of a civilian police employee and seize the computer.
A sweeping gag order issued at the same time prevents anyone from talking about the case or reading documents related to it, which have been sealed.
CBC and other city media are arguing against that order.

You read that right – seizure of property and gag order in a civil case.
All I can say is… Yay for Google!

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The Black Rod

The writers who supplied the information I quoted in “Keeping St. Boniface In Winnipeg” have their own blog. Welcome The Black Rod to your blogrolls.
This teaser:

We’re referring to the marijuana grow-operation found in the home owned by David Basi, the assistant to B.C.’s finance minister, and a member of the Young Liberals who campaigned for Mr. Dithers during his bid for party leadership.That home was located on Shawinigan Lake.
Holy Shawiniganman, Scotty! Quelle coincidence!

I’ve been pretty busy the last couple of weeks – if you’ve sent me an email about a new Canadian blog, and I’ve missed it, my apologies. Drop it in the comments, send me another, or trackback to this post.
Maybe a “Carnival of the Newbies” is in order. Except it needs a more fitting title.
Yeah. Let’s do that. Send them to me this week, and I’ll put up the inaugural post.

Blogging Note: Trouble At Both Ends

Sorry about the slow posting today. A night of high winds took down power poles across the southwest of the province, and power has been intermittent. Not that it matters. Some joker on the same server SDA is hosted on announced a free offer, and the traffic slam has had the equivalent effect of a DOS attack. That seems to be resolved now, but that’s by no means certain.

Oh, And The Ice Floes, They Be Stained With Ink

Canadian seal hunt resumes
By Barbara Stewart, Globe Correspondent �|� April 13, 2005
HALIFAX, Nova Scotia — Over the vigorous protests of international animal-welfare organizations, the largest seal hunt in a half-century resumed yesterday off Newfoundland and Labrador.
Hunters on about 300 boats converged on ice floes, shooting harp seal cubs by the hundreds, as the ice and water turned red. Most of the seals were less than 6 weeks old.

(Google cache)
Boston Globe, April 15 Editor’s Note:

An article by a freelance writer based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in Wednesday’s Globe said that the season’s hunt for baby seals off Newfoundland had begun the previous day. In fact, the hunt did not begin that day; it was delayed by bad weather, and is scheduled to begin today, weather permitting. The article included details of the day’s hunt as if it had taken place and without attribution or other sourcing, as if the writer had witnessed the scene personally. Details included the number of hunters, a description of the scene, and the approximate age of the cubs. The author’s failure to accurately report the status of the hunt and her fabrication of details at the scene are clear violations of the Globe’s journalistic standards. Because the freelancer was not reporting from the scene, Globe editors should have demanded attribution for any details she provided about the hunt itself. The story should not have been published in the Globe, and the Globe has discontinued use of the freelancer.

Via NealeNews

Paul Martin Knew

“I have never had a lunch with Claude Boulay or anybody else to discuss the direction of contracts, directing contracts, intervening in contracts, that’s just simply not my style of politics,” he said, referring to the Montreal ad executive.
Asked if he had lunch with Boulay to discuss something else, Martin told reporters Thursday: “I can’t recall having had lunch with him since we formed the government.”

A long time was spent on crafting this answer…. and it shows.
Too many qualifiers. The safety valve: “recall”. “since”.
Paul Martin has just broadcast that there are skeletons in his closet.
This was not a man who had a question thrown to him from the blue. The details and personalities involved in this scandal have been on the public record for many months.
Paul Martin works closely with a team (teams?) of advisors. His people will have scoured every agenda book, every office record, every telephone log, to ensure that they are aware of any and every figure that Martin may have had contact with who is implicated.
When the question about Paul Martin’s lunch with Claude Bouley were asked in the House, he would have known instantly if there was truth in the accusation. A man who was completely out of the loop, who had no knowledge, would have known that his team had confirmed that. And he would have been able to state as much, without qualifiers.
He waited three days to answer, and then parsed his words extremely carefully. He waited because he couldn’t be sure if they had missed something. He stalled for a reason – they were checking their records.
He’s lying. He knew.

Keeping St.Boniface In Winnipeg

The Black Rod has been collecting federal sponsorship trivia – in Manitoba.

Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival was given $30,000 in 2001. However an access-to-information request showed that the festival had actually been awarded $34,500 by Public Works Canada.
Festival organizers were told that the other $4,500 was a commission to Compass Communications in Halifax. They were told to send a bill to Compass, but to make the bill out to Media/IDA in Montreal. The letter to the Ukrainian Festival was written by Pierre Tremblay, a very familiar name in the Adscam investigation.
Conservative MP Bill Casey asked the obvious question in the House of Commons:
“Does the minister have any idea at all why Public Works would tell a Manitoba organization to send this bill through one Liberal advertising agency in Nova Scotia and have it funnelled through another one in Montreal for an event in Manitoba to be paid for by Ottawa?
Did the government pay commissions to Media/IDA Vision in Montreal or did it pay commissions to Compass Communications in Halifax, or did it pay commissions to both of these Liberal advertising firms?”
He never got a straight answer. Nor has anyone.
Compass is owned by Tony Blom, a Liberal strategist who is also related to former Nova Scotia Liberal party president Gerald Blom.
Government records show it received $463,365 in commissions and more than $4.6 million for production costs related to events between 1998 and 2001.
The names Compass and Tremblay showed up again in documents surrounding sponsorship of the Pan Am Games in Winnipeg in 1999. Compass Communications billed $1.6 million in fees and commissions.
Objections were raised as to whether the sponsorship project met the government’s own rules. “Pay it,” said Tremblay, who overruled the naysayers.
NDP MP Pat Martin has invoices showing the Pan Am Games Society received $634,000. A letter dated May 1, 1999, from Games president Don MacKenzie to Blom indicates the group was expecting another $300,000 from Compass. He’s still wondering where that money went.
“I believe this sponsorship program blew way out of control,” said Pat Martin. “It appears to have turned into a cash cow. The abuse began immediately and the abuse extended it seems beyond Quebec’s borders at least to Halifax and now to Winnipeg.”

You can obtain a full copy of the article by email: Black Rod.

An American Blogger In Lebanon

Dear friends, colleagues, and fellow bloggers,
Lebanon still has some deadly serious problems aside from just the Syrian dictatorship and the secret police. Hezabollah runs their own terrorist state-within-a-state in the southern suburbs of Beirut. I went down there yesterday and blogged about it – with photos – here.
It was, um, creepy to say the least.
Best regards from abroad,
Michael J. Totten
Beirut, Lebanon

Sgrena Update: US Military Cleared

The New York Post is reporting that a joint US-Italian investigation has cleared US military personnel in the death of an Italian secret service agent who was escorting terrorist collaborator-journalist Giuliana Sgrena after her purchase from Iraqi “captors”.

The car was about 130 yards from a checkpoint when the soldiers flashed their lights to get it to stop. They fired warning shots when the car was within 90 yards of the checkpoint, but at 65 yards, they used deadly force. Calipari was killed and Sgrena wounded.

Via Powerline

Leaked Liberal Talking Points?

I’m republishing two comments from a Shotgun thread here. Take a gander at them. The talking points are in the extended entry, as the list is long.
Now, I suppose this could be a crank, or a devious diversion scheme, to suck in the right wing blogs to pull the Conservatives from the real Liberal agenda to finish siphoning off another billion or two before taking a one way flight to their undisclosed MP trust funds (yes, they actually have those) in tax havens in the Barbados where they’ll all live it up with Uncle Jean and Papa Alphonso on the Canada Steamship Cruise Line …. but, this looks legit, on the basis of the content and what has been coming out of both Liberal spin and the softening media coverage.
And it’s not as though the Conservatives are busy taking blogger advice, anyway, so if there’s no harm in giviing it space.
The second part first.

I should add that the Libs have been feverishly testing the campaign talking points I outlined above on representative voter groups across the country. The “strategy” is also being bounced off some contacts within the Asper and Thompson media, the CBC, and Global. More communications work rendered to the Liberals as donations “in kind”. In a one party state, the regime has powerful friends everywhere.
Based on preliminary survey results, they are convinced they will pick up seats from the Conservatives in B.C., Sask, & Man. They also believe the Conservatives will collapse in Ontario. Bye-bye, Belinda! They will hold Atlantic Canada. Here’s a surprise: the Liberals will be pulling a nolo contendere in Alberta. Their numbers are abysmal and they don’t see that the fight would be worth it — particularly as Alberta will be the bogey man of Confederation in the Liberal campaign, yet again. Look for an announcement just after the government falls that Landslide Annie is getting some government-engineered plum appointment. My source said she’d rather cash in on a sinecure with some payola than run again in Alberta. The Liberals can’t believe their good luck on how soft and shifty Conservative support is across the country. The Libs are getting prepared for a battle of Berlin fight with the BQs in Quebec — street by street, and, if necessary, house by house combat. Emotions are getting so volatile, I wouldn’t be surprised if, by the end of it all, some good ol’ Dupplesies ballot box tactics aren’t resorted to. The Liberals are determined not to lose any of the seats in Quebec. When all the seats are counted across the country, the Libs believe, based on their current polling and their election “strategy”, they will come off with a very modest (read: squeaker) majority. No Liberals will be going to jail in that case, and CSL and Power Corp. (BNP Paribase et al.) will be getting will be getting some very nice contracts, courtesy the Canadian taxpayer. I think a Martin majority will be a disaster for the justice system and for good government. Hence this leaked info.

Still have no opinion on this, other than the notion that the Liberals picking up seats from the Conservatives in Saskatchewan seems damned far fetched. I don’t know which ones they’d be. Half the calls coming in to talk radio on this topic are openly pro-separatist in the event the Liberals return to power at the hand of Ontario. Comments from our politically connected lurkers here?

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Dune Question

If you call up the library, and the folllowing transpires…
Carol: “Delisle Library, Carol speaking.”
Me: “Hi Carol. are you busy at the moment?”
Carol: “What do you mean by busy?”
Me: “Do you have a big line-up of people or something” *stifle giggle*
Carol: “Oh, no.. I’m alone here.”
Me: “Great. Could you do me a favour? Could you look to see if you have a copy of Frank Herbert’s Dune?
Carol: “Boon?”
Me: “No, Dune, D-U-N-E”
Carol: “Dune… oh… and the title is?”
Me: “The title is Dune. Frank Herbert is the author.”
Carol: “Just Dune?”
Me: “Just Dune – like a sand dune.”
Carol: “I have Heretics of Dune
Me: “No, just Dune. It’s the first of a series.”
Carol: ” Dune Messiah …Children of Dune …The Machine Crusade
Me: “Those are others in the series. It has to be Dune. I’m looking for a passage.”
Carol: “Only in Dune? He wouldn’t repeat himself…. no, probably not.”
Me: “Probably not”
Carol: “Well I can look on the internet for you”
Me: “I’m pretty good at that. It’s not there.”
Carol: “Well we have a thing called Infotrack, but I don’t that that would work. It’s more for magazines and …. what’s the word..”
Me: “Periodicals”
Carol: “Yes, periodicals”
Me: “Probably not. I need a paragraph”.
Carol: “But for some reason, we can’t get on it anymore.”
Me: “Well, that’s ok”
Carol: “I’ll look in the back. We have some old books there”
Me: “Thanks”
Carol: “I’ll call you back if I find it”.
Me: “Thanks.”
… You might be in Saskatchewan.
Now – in what is surely to be the strangest question I’ve ever asked here… if anyone surfing in with time on their hands and a copy of Dune handy would be so kind as to send me an email as soon as you possibly can, I need a copy of the passage from the dinner party, where Jessica relates the story of a man drowning…. (check the time stamp to be sure this post isn’t 3 years old before you rush to answer). Or type it in the comments. Or if you do know of a url where I can cut and paste it, better yet. Google came up dry.
I’m desperate here.
UPDATE: Thanks to commentor Trodwell, I have it.
Blog as research tool…. makes me nostalgic for Usenet, in a way.
