British Polls Begin To Shift

“American abroad” New Sisyphussays margins are closing between Tony Blair’s Labour Party and the Tories in the just announced British election – plus;

” astonishing news is the continued rise of the fanatically pro-European Union Liberal Democrats, a party which, in our estimation, is absolutely astonishing in its ability to be wrong on just about every important issue of the day, foreign or domestic.

He then says the unthinkable.

Breaking Saskatchewan Weather News

Keeping an anxious nation* updated on continuing developments in the “Summer Weather Comes Early To Saskatchewan” story as it unfolds;

“Winter Weather Lingers Late In Saskatchewan”.
After a front moved in with high winds from the northwest all day Saturday, Saskatchewan residents were greeted this morning by rain, which has now turned to snow. Winter storm warnings were issued late last evening for the southwest. The sun rose at ….

Today’s weather here underscores the absurdity of the CBC’s attention to “breaking records”. The fact is this – there is no such thing as an “unusual” temperature on the prairies in the month of April. Or May. Or September or October or November. The only constant is inconsistancy.
Like the rest of the national media, The People’s Network is oblivious to this. For all the purported claim to “bringing Canada to Canadians for the low, low cost of $1billion dollars a year!”, Western viewers are resigned to seeing our presence on the national networks largely confined to residents jogging in January, snowbound in June or standing in a feedlot.
As someone snarked the other day, it’s a good thing that the grain elevators are coming down in Saskatchewan – it may finally force CBC reporters to look for different backdrops.

The Martin Connection

Months ago Canadian bloggers began digging through the Elections Canada database and discovered that a numbered company was the largest contributor to the party. Jay Currie asked; “Who is 55555 Inc.? Why did it/they give the Liberal Party $2,974,341.20? What did they get in return.?”

Mike Brock produced a chart.

MK Braaten;

Previously, Chuck Guite testified that he recalled that he had a telephone conversation with Terrie O’Leary who told him that “Paul would prefer (Earnscliffe)” for advertising contracts. Earnscliffe is an advertising/consulting firm which has very close ties with Paul Martin and was a large supporter in his leadership bid. In return, Earnscliffe’s owners David Herle and John Webster, who are also the national Liberal Co-chairs, donated nearly 3 million dollars to the Liberal party through a container company #55555 Inc. In total, Earnscliffe has earned over $6 Million dollars in government contracts under Martin’s watch. The question remains is whether Martin deliberately diverted contracts toward Earnscliffe, which is operated by Liberal party members, who then diverted money through #55555 Inc and back to the Liberal party. A phantom company with no previous history turned out to be the largest contributor towards the Liberal party in 2003; this definitely seems odd. Why else would a container company, whose financial statements are not public, donate millions of dollars to the Liberals? Similarly, Groupaction was given millions of dollars in contracts and was used as a container company. Government contract money would be ‘washed’ through Groupaction before it was illegally returned to the Liberal party disguised as donations. When Martin was running for leadership, Shelia Copps dared Martin to reveal who donated to his leadership campaign. Mr. Martin responded that the money was in a ‘blind trust’ and he did not know who contributed. Why the secrecy?

Discussion of this numbered company has arisen previously – without doing a lot of surfing around, it seems to me that the explanation given was that it represented the surplus from Paul Martin’s leadership campaign.
Now, here’s a question I can’t answer – perhaps readers can. What are the reporting procedures on donations to party leadership campaigns? Someone have Sheila Copps’ phone number?

9th Of April

The 9th of April has proven that the free world now has the guts and the required determination to make the change and throw the legacy of the past century behind its back; dictators shall be endorsed no more and the struggle will continue until humanity is freed from its dark nightmare that lasted way longer than it should have.
The winds of change that have blown away the tyrant in Iraq have begun to reach more and more people everyday and the heroic stand of Iraqis is inspiring freedom lovers in Beirut and Cairo, Kuwait and Bahrain, Arabia and Damascus; people are screaming enough is enough; enough for tyranny, enough for repression and enough for slavery.
Some naysayers and losers will say that terror had marked the past two years in Iraq but we the Iraqis believe that terrorism is merely the defeated remnants of evil fed by the other tyrants who got terrified from the fall of their demonic master. They’re holding onto a weak thread that will soon be broken no matter how hard they try.
Today we can see the idol of terror shaking and losing balance from the powerful strike Iraqis had given it on the glorious election day; the day when the world stood amazed before the extraordinary bravery of Iraqis defying fear and walking through bullets and bombs to say their word and give terror the purple finger.

Neale, And The New Northern Alliance

Nealenews is breaking ground in the Canadian blogosphere, and deserves to be commended for it. (For US readers, Brian Neale is the closest thing we have to a Matt Drudge, but he’s better at it- and he deserves to be on everyone’s blogroll.)
In a move reminiscent of Drudge’s link to Powerline’s historic post on what became known as “Rathergate”, he made the unprecedented decision to break wide open the poorest kept secret in Canada with his headline link to the “banned” Brault testimony posted at Captain’s Quarters.
In so doing he catapulted the Canadian blogosphere – and just as importantly, the exponentially more powerful US blogosphere – into the consciousness of thousands of Canadians.
Yesterday Nealenews linked to SDA in a headline about the CBC’s downplay of the Brault testimony. That is the reason the post remained at the top of the page all day. (I don’t know how much traffic he drove here, as I was already under assault with around 100 hits a second coming in by way of an Instalanche. )
Today, he’s linked to Greg Staples well written timeline of events. Greg gently rebukes Jane Taber of the Globe and Mail, for giving Monte Solberg credit a full three days after events began to evolve, but she can be forgiven. She wasn’t in the loop.
I learned of the Canadian Press story in the way that Greg describes. In a flurry of small events that originated at the Shotgun, I came to learn privately the gist of the testimony. I had no idea what to do with it, though, and was beginning to prepare ground in the US when I received a heads up that Ed was likely to run with it. I had already pulled together a background post in preparation for… I wasn’t sure.
A short time later Ed shot me an email to let me know he’d linked to it. Events unfolded very fast. After CTV disclosed the identity of Captains Quarters, the deluge began. In 48 hours nearly 100,000 hits came in, most of them to that post. (The TTLB ecosystem shows that at least 18 others linked it as well, including Wizbang, Malkin and Glenn).
So, that’s the rest of the story. Hopefully the long term effects of the traffic surge will be converted to an expanded audience of Canadian blog readers. That is really up to us, though – to meet the challenge of providing interesting and unique takes on stories here and around the world, to dig out the new ones as they emerge in advance of the mainstream news cycle (the number one strength of the blogosphere, in my opinion) and to entertain – while not taking ourselves too seriously.
I think we’re up to it.

The Most Politically Incorrect Question You’ll Read All Day

I do so love it when people open a link to my blog with such enticing provocative commentary…
April 11 Update:
Warren Kinsella subpeonaed by Commons public accounts committee.;

“I found it fairly amusing,” said Bloc MP Benoit Sauvageau, who tabled the original motion to hear from the Liberal insiders.�
“They’ve probably got the country wrong or the time in history,” he said of their requests to negotiate their appearances before the committee.

Update: To the friends of Warren Kinsella – the best friend Chuck Guite ever had – who are stopping by. This is the reason the thin-skinned Librano has directed you to this post. (which links to a story of World Health Organization workers being attacked for attempting to bring relief to Angolans.)
Warren has been outed as a pro-pollution chemical industry lobbiest in a post lower on the page titled “Whorin’ Warren”. He doesn’t like it very much, and true to the testosterone-challenged technique he is famous for – chooses to misrepresent the content of this post instead.
What a pussy you are, Warren.
Globe and Mail;

The Ontario government came under attack yesterday for allowing an influential Liberal Party strategist to attend a cabinet meeting just days after he was hired to lobby against proposed environmental legislation that would impose stiff penalties on polluters.
Progressive Conservative Bob Runciman asked Premier Dalton McGuinty why Warren Kinsella was allowed to attend the meeting on March 23, nine days after he signed on to help the chemical industry fight legislation that Mr. Runciman says is now at risk of being watered down.
“Do you not see a massive conflict of interest here?” the Tory MPP asked during Question Period.

Original post, and link unchanged below.
Is there a point where we are allowed to stop feeling sympathy for these people, seal off the borders and just let nature take its course?

Caterpillar Demonstration

Press Release

On April 13th, 2005 Caterpillar Corporation invites residents of Chicago and area to join our company in commemorating the 30 year anniversary of Evel Knievel’s successful 1975 jump over 14 buses at King’s Island in Ohio. A variety of family friendly events are scheduled, with the highlight a special appearance by the son of the 1970’s motorcycle daredevil, Robbie Knievel. There is no charge to attend.
With the assistance of a ramp, Robbie Knievel will be attempting a jump in our own company provided D11R tractor.
The demonstration will take place at 50 South LaSalle Street from 12 noon until 3 PM.


Two Birds With One Hose

Keep this story in the back of your mind the next time someone tells you that only the state should be trusted with our fresh water resources. BBC;

India’s western state of Maharashtra has told banana and sugar cane farmers they will not get water for irrigation if they have more than two children.
The state’s water minister says the move will help curb the rising population and solve water shortages. The upper house of the state’s parliament has backed the bill and it will go to the lower house on Monday. Water shortages in the past few years have caused droughts that have led to hundreds of farmers committing suicide.
The scheme is the brainchild of state water resources minister, Ajit Pawar, who is the nephew of the federal agriculture minister, Sharad Pawar. The bill’s backers say it is needed because water resources are static while the population is continuing to rise. The bill also requires all banana and sugar cane farmers, regardless of child numbers, to use drip or sprinkling systems of irrigation within five year or lose their supply.
The bill is targeting the crops because of the large amount of water they require.
Sharad Joshi, founder of the farmers’ association in Maharashtra and the farmers’ coordination committee nationwide, said: “If the Maharashtra government is imposing restrictions on agriculture and asking farmers to implement drip irrigation, it should also make finances available, at least in the form of credit.”
If the bill is approved into law it will not apply to farmers who already have more than two children.
Maharashtra is agriculturally one of India’s most advanced states but has suffered bad droughts over the past few years.

Kind of them to allow for existing kids.
This is no totalitarian state – India is the world’s largest democracy. For all the criticism leveled at their one child rule, the Chinese at least had the intellectual honesty to simply force families to abort the surplus.

Adscam Media Coverage: Know The Players

This is the number one story across much of the nation.
(Apr.10…original G&M cover has moved, so replaced with another from the same day)
This is the front page of the CBC website this morning.
This is your explanation.
Update – A reader writes: “Our pals at the CBC, who stand on guard for We, waited until 9:17 tonight to post today’s bombshell that has testimony linking adscam directly to the PMO.”

Tip Of The Iceberg

A reader passed on these figures for The Canadian Firearms Registry ad contracts in the comments, pulled from website. Lufa is a little gaudy in its layout, but it’s a good place to refresh one’s memory as to how much taxpayer money has gone down the drain in corruption and incompetence over the years.
GroupAction is Jean Brault’s outfit. MediaVision is part of GroupEverest – the firm associated with Paul Martin and his team. Testimony about GroupEverest’s involvement in Sponsorship contracts is still to come.

SOURCE: Justice Department
Year ……. GroupAction ………. MediaVision
1997-98…$ 345,219.53
1998-99…$ 783,799.42 …….. 1,528,471.55
1999-00…$ 740,048.28 …….. 1,264,645.64
2000-01…$1,658,194.48 …. $14,892,511.62
2001-02…$1,006,999.00 …… $5,116,520.89
TOTAL … $4,534,260.71 ….. $22,802,149.70
Groupaction had to pony up $100,000 for their share of the action, can you IMAGINE what Mediavision had to pay for 5x the work?

Good question.
While we’re busy refreshing our memories, this lengthy post from last year at Rightpoint is a must read. It covers the testimony of Allan Cutler before the Public Accounts Committee, and suggest that the kickback scheme existed well before the Sponsorship program was hatched.

A CTV news report says that since word of the sponsorship scandal was made public, the Liberals have insisted the troubled program was launched to boost Canada’s image in the wake of a near-loss in the sovereignty referendum.
But Allan Cutler, a former federal bureaucrat, who was the original whistleblower at Public Works, told the Public Accounts Committee that he saw shady dealings in the department in 1994 — the year before the plebiscite.
That was when Cutler said departmental checks and balances on contract procedures were effectively erased by a senior Public Works official allegedly working with ministerial backing — Chuck Guite.
Cutler said he first raised his concerns with Guite shortly after his duties were changed in 1994, a move that upset his boss.
Allan Cutler “It quickly became apparent to me that my employment was in jeopardy,” he told the committee probing the findings of Auditor General Sheila Fraser, whose report uncovered $100 million in sponsorship money that was misspent or mishandled between 1997 and 2003.
At that point, Cutler said, he began keeping a diary of events, and putting aside copies of contracts and correspondence — all of which he submitted to the committee on Thursday.
“I have had to unlearn 20 years of good contracting,” he said in one entry to his diary from December 1995. “Falsification of information, payments to firms to conceal improper contracting . . . it never ends”

None of this should surprise any thinking person – organized theft on this scale does not spring fully-formed from nowhere. It starts small and grows with experience, confidence and success. The number of individuals implicated in the scandal indicates this was no isolated scheme, but “business as usual”.
This is a government that has placed billions of tax dollars in the hands of foundations that are headed by Liberal patronage appointees, and who are outside the reach of the Auditor General. There they remain, despite her suggestions that their books be open. Billions.

Call Your MP

A good day to pick up the phone and call your MP, I’d say.
You can find their numbers here.
Saskatchewan residents might funnel their calls to our lone Liberal MP, and finance minister “Honest Ralph” Goodale who, as of yesterday, still hadn’t responded to local media requests for an interview. Perhaps he’s taking his cue from “Scurring Through The Corridors” Chretien and “Fleeing In Dark Windowed Cars” Martin.
Ralph’s phone number: (613) 996-4743 fax : (613) 996-9790
Don’t bother with email. The words “sponsorship” and “you stinking band of crooks” won’t make it through the spam filters.
Neale News is on top of the items now flooding out of the mainstream press. (The London Fog blog scored a write-up in the local press).
In the National Post, Don Martin is picking up the “Canada’s Watergate” meme.

The Liberal spin of this as a scandal confined to a small band of unsupervised rascals who auctioned off contracts to the highest bidder and used the proceeds to line their own pockets is a tough sell. How, then, to explain the rogue party official who was able, after receiving a $50,000 cash bribe, to muscle the justice ministry into killing a planned advertising tender for the much maligned firearms registry, leaving the business in Brault’s hands? That’s deep penetration stuff, not just the small circle running the sponsorship program.

Some of our lefty blogger friends are pooh-poohing the comparison[1] to the Nixon scandal – as though the systemized theft of millions from the federal treasury by top government officials is just so much small potatoes when stacked againt the cover-up of a hotel room break-in.
Though, in a sense they’re right. Had this taken place in the US, the Prime MInister would already be gone. There would have been no “Gomery Inquiry”. The original Public Accounts Committee hearings would have resulted in Jean Chretien and Paul Martin both making their exit on a Sea King from the lawn of Parliament Hill.
[1] It’s also possible that the writer was just trying to stir the pot as a way of boosting readership.

Paul And The Pope

Greg Staples has mugshots a photo gallery of the “Parallel Liberal Group” featured in this SDA post from yesterday. It so nice to put faces to the names… go check it out.
In other late breaking developments – John Welsh has stepped down as chief of staff to Heritage Minister Liza Frulla. His Sponsorship claim to fame;

Liberal organizer, John Welch, now the chief of staff of Heritage Minister Liza Frulla.
Mr. Welch got paid $8,000 a month. For a year, he kept a small office at Groupaction, where “he was very active on the phone and I understood he was doing work of some type for the party,” Mr. Brault said.”

The Canadian contingent has arrived in Rome for the funeral of Pope John II. The BBC reports;

Vatican dignitaries who were on hand to meet the Canadian Prime Minister and his entourage were at first shocked when he kneeled on the ground immediately after disembarking.
Concerned that Mr. Martin might be attempting to emulate the late Pope in kissing the ground, their fears that an embarrasing protocol breach was about to occur were allayed when it was realized that he was merely attempting to claw a hole in the earth into which to crawl.

MSM Coverage Begins

The Globe and Mail is out of the box with the Brault testimony.
There is almost too much to absorb in one or two readings. For all that we have heard about the depth and routine nature of the criminality, it is worse than I thought. This part jumped out at me;

In September, 2001, Mr. Brault needed something from Mr. Morselli.
“You’re asking a lot of me. I do what I can. You said `If I can help, I’ll do it’,” he said he reminded Mr. Morselli. “I challenged him.”
He told Mr. Morselli he needed to delay the bidding for a contract with the Justice Department.
He said Mr. Morselli called a few days later and asked him to his office, in an east-end industrial park. As he went in, he saw Mr. Mignacca leaving.
He said Mr. Morselli asked for $100,000 in cash. “It’s $100,000 and your problem is solved,” Mr. Brault said he was told

The scandal broke before the payments were complete.
If true, it means that Minister of Justice and Attorney General Irwin Cotler’s office has been compromised by the very people it is supposed to be investigating. It does not matter to what extent or in what manner. What we do know is that none of his officials or department employees have been charged or publicly implicated – so it is not unreasonable to suspect that there are individuals there who are still playing for the other team.
In this light, every move by the Justice Department in prosecuting (or not prosecuting) individuals involved in the corruption must be highly scrutinized for any whiff of conflict of interest or the setting up of tactical legal roadblocks, unless and until the Minister addresses the accusation and demonstrates that his officials have been thoroughly investigated for any role in the affair.
