No War, For … eh… Desmarais

A follow-up to this post on the UN oil-for-food involvement by UN Deputy Secretary-General, Canadian Louise Frechette.
Canada Free Press

It appears the impartiality and credibility of the Volcker Committee’s Investigation into Oil-for-Food is growing grim, exacerbated by Fr�chette’s troubling actions during the Oil-for-Food Program, and her colliding work history with investigators and possible defendants.
According to Fox News, “When [Louise] Fr�chette served as Canada’s ambassador to the United Nations from 1992 to 1995, her boss during most of that time was Canadian Deputy Minister Reid Morden, who is now executive director of the Volcker team.” Fr�chette’s current boss, Kofi Annan appointed Paul Volcker, to investigate the UN’s Oil-for-Food Program. The Volcker committee and Reid Morden have “no comment” at this time concerning Fr�chette.
After leaving her first post at the United Nations, Louise Fr�chette returned to Canada serving from November 1994 to June 1995, under then Minister of Finance Paul Martin, as his Associate Deputy Minister. Paul Martin held Canada’s Minister of Finance position from November 1993 until June 2002, becoming Canada’s 21st Prime Minister on December 12, 2003. Together, in 1995, Martin and Fr�chette worked on several issues including the Halifax G-7 Summit, and participated in the “Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade.” Inquiries to Prime Minister Martin’s office were not answered as of press time.
Louise Fr�chette joins the illustrious Canadian connection in the UN Oil-for-Food Program, where there is her former boss, Prime Minister Martin who replaced Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Jean Chretien’s daughter, France is married to Andre Desmarais, the son of Paul Desmarais. Desmarais is the chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of Canada’s Power Corporation, and the largest shareholder and director of France’s TotalFinalElf. TotalFinalElf was one of the largest benefactors of Oil-for-Food contracts. According to the Financial Post, “In 1974, Desmarais, Sr., made Martin president of Canada Steamship Lines and then in 1981, he made him spectacularly rich by selling the company to him and a partner for $180 million.” As CFP previously reported, Canada, the seventh largest contributor to the United Nations, will not investigate the Oil-for-Food Program.

Today, Kevin Libin at the Shotgun picks up the Desmarais meme;

On the China watch, we have the National People’s Congress passing “a new law that could provide the basis for an attack on the island [Taiwan].” Also note that Beijing Clamps Down as Parliament Delegates Gather. Then, China proposes massive military spending hike. Just days before we have the EU announcing their stance on ending the arms embargo with China.
So, for absolutely no reason, let’s flash back to Nov. 26, 2003 when we see BNP Paribas–European–officially opening in China as the first foreign-owned enterprise bank. (BNP Paribas, you might recall, is the bank that handled Saddam’s oil-for-food money, now under investigation for possible improprieties in that scam.)
So you’ve got potential domestic unrest, a possible nationalistic target for a fascist government to redirect that unrest, an arms build-up, a willing foreign arms supplier, and a bank the supplier and the buyer both trust. Let’s get down to business.

Kevin’s post is rich with links – I”ll send you there to check them out. From an earlier post here on BNP Paribas;

BNP Paribas bank is part of a holding company, Pargesa Holding, which is jointly owned and controlled by the Fr�re and Desmarais families. Paul Desmarais Sr. is the chairman of the group, while Albert Fr�re is the vice-chairman. Gerald Fr�re, Albert’s son, is one of three general managers who oversee day-to-day operations, and Paul Desmarais Jr. is also an officer.
Pargesa, and thus Power Corporation and the Canadian Desmarais family, holds a controlling significant stake in TotalFina Elf, the Belgian-French petroleum multinational corporation formed from the merger of Total and Petrofina.

Caught At The Border

The RCMP seized a computer from the Canadian daughter of a suspected al-Qaeda financier when she entered Canada two weeks ago, according to a report.
Police officers took a laptop and other property from Zaynab Khadr as she entered Canada from Pakistan, the Toronto Star said Thursday.

Canadian border and security officials have also confirmed that they have possession of Fateh Kamel’s Playstation, Ahmed Ressam’s cell phone, and a Guy LaFleur rookie card once owned by Paul Rose.

A “Blistering Memo”

Editor And Publisher;

Laurie Garrett, the prize-winning Newsday reporter, left the Melville, N.Y., paper Monday with a blistering memo to her colleagues that may provoke debate elsewhere in the newspaper industry.

Well, there went the gold watch.

“When I started out in journalism the newsrooms were still full of old guys with blue collar backgrounds who got genuinely indignant when the Governor lied or somebody turned off the heat on a poor person’s apartment in mid-January. They cussed and yelled their ways through the day, took an occasional sly snort from a bottle in the bottom drawer of their desk and bit into news stories like packs of wild dogs, never letting go until they’d found and told the truth. If they hadn’t been reporters most of those guys would have been cops or firefighters. It was just that way. …
“Honesty and tenacity (and for that matter, the working class) seem to have taken backseats to the sort of ‘snappy news’, sensationalism, scandal-for-the-sake of scandal crap that sells. This is not a uniquely Tribune or even newspaper industry problem: this is true from the Atlanta mixing rooms of CNN to Sulzberger’s offices in Times Square. Profits: that’s what it’s all about now. But you just can’t realize annual profit returns of more than 30 percent by methodically laying out the truth in a dignified, accessible manner. And it’s damned tough to find that truth every day with a mere skeleton crew of reporters and editors.
“This is terrible for democracy. I have been in 47 states of the USA since 9/11, and I can attest to the horrible impact the deterioration of journalism has had on the national psyche. I have found America a place of great and confused fearfulness.”

You know, it’s tempting to just agree and applaud.
It’s more tempting to ask why she waited until after she quit.

Four RCMP Down

Breaking CTV

At least four RCMP officers are not responding to their radios after conducting a raid on an alleged marijuana grow operation in northwestern Alberta, says Alberta Solicitor General Harvey Cenaiko.
“They don’t know whether that’s a malfunction of the equipment or what yet, but it’s a very serious situation,” said Cenaiko.
He added that gunfire was continuing.

And our marijuana decriminalizing legislators would have us believe that the safety of the public depends on arresting hotel owners for smoking violations, unhelmeted bicycle riders and dog owners.
Keep them in your prayers.
Update – 4:30pm reports are that all four are confirmed dead. Military is reported to have been called in.
update 2
CBC report
The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police estimates that the number of illegal grow-ops in this province has increased 250 per cent. Revenue could hit $12.7 billion.”
Realty Times – How can you tell if there’s a grow-op house in your neighbourhood.
More details are emerging – this was not a raid, per se, but the intentional killing of four junior officers who had been posted to guard the property until evidence gathering could be completed in the morning. The owner returned to the scene to, for all intents and purposes, execute them.
More on James Roszko from Cosh.

Brad Wall

I attended the SaskParty Leaders Dinner last evening. Reportedly, the 700 plus attendance was a new record for the party. I didn’t take notes, so just a few general remarks from memory. The introduction by long time Liberal Bob McKercher, QC, who argued that it was time for Liberals to stop diluting the free-enterprise vote was well recieved.
I went to the event with an open mind and no expectations. I was pleasantly surprised – impressed, even.
Brad Wall is the real thing. A gifted speaker, he communicates with vision, optimisim, conviction, humour, self deprecation – and apparently, without notes. His pokes at the NDP and their proclivity for “investing” tax dollars in the wishful-thinking segment of the economy were well aimed and damaging – as was his criticism of the competence of the union-controlled NDP government in throwing grenades at the confidence of the business community.

“The left hand doesn’t know what the extreme left hand is doing”.

I divided my time listening to Wall, and watching the face of a well-known New Democrat, and former city councillor. Reading facial expressions and body language is an inexact science, but it was fascinating to watch the reaction. Restrained, below-the-tabletop applause when there was agreement, discomfort when he hit senstive nerves.
In conversation after the dinner broke up, I was a pleasantly surprised to meet a few people who knew of SDA. One amusing anecdote – someone laughed that he had been led to my site by a friend who sent him an email from “Izbecka-khazik-somewhere-stan”. (I have no memory for names).
There were a handful who were aware of how powerful a role the blogsophere played in the re-election of Bush, and recognized that this medium is a tool that conservative policy makers in Canada should try to utilize – or perhaps more accurately, include.
We shall see. Hopefully, attendees with better memory for detail will drop in and add their observations of the dinner, the SaskParty, and Brad Wall, in the comments. Send me links to consider for the sidebar. If there’s room for the Blogging Tories, there’s room for the blogging SaskPartiers.

More Pigs Take Wing

If you didn’t catch Jon Stewart last night, this is well worth a read.

Stewart: Do you think that the people of Lebanon would have had, sort of, the courage of their conviction, having not seen–not only the invasion but the election which followed? It’s almost as though that the Iraqi election has emboldened this crazy–something’s going on over there. I’m smelling something.

I hope there’s a heavy duty axle on that bandwagon.

Missile Fallout

A Montana court has granted an injunction to R-CALF, keeping the US-Canadian border closed to Canadian cattle. It’s unlikely that any appeal will be heard prior to the scheduled March 7th opening.
Is the decision the result of Paul Martin’s botched BMD fiasco? No – but the oncoming freight train of Bush administration indifference to Canadian grievances will be.
Condoleezza Rice has deferred her visit and Paul Martin can’t get his calls returned. Martin’s flip flopping support for missile defense reminds me about something that David Frum wrote in his book “The Right Man”;

Then Arafat made what may someday be reckoned as the most fateful miscalculation of his career. On January 5, 2002, Israeli naval forces intercepted a Gaza-bound merchant ship loaded with fifty tonnes of arms from Iran. Arafat hastily sent Bush a letter denying any involvement in the shipment. Probably Arafat did not even intend his denial to be interpreted literally; he may have written it as a social form, like the phrase I regret in a letter declining an invitation to a wedding or a dinner party. If so, Arafat sorely misunderstood his man. Bush does not lie to you. You had better not lie to him.

I’m beginning to wonder if Paul Martin has just been confined to his compound on 24 Sussex.

Louise Frechette Blocked UN Auditors

Debbye has a lengthy post based on a Fox News report uncovering well buried information in the Volker report that there was “a systematic attempt by the Deputy Secretary-General, Canadian Louise Frechette, to block results of audits into the Oil-for-Food program from the Security Council”.

Four years into the seven-year Oil-for-Food program, with graft and mismanagement by then rampant, Frechette intervened directly by telephone to stop United Nations auditors from forwarding their investigations to the U.N. Security Council. This detail was buried on page 186 of the 219-page interim report Volcker’s Independent Inquiry Committee released Feb. 3.
This decision from within Annan’s office left only the Secretariat privy to the specifics of the waste, bungling and contractual breaches detailed by U.N. internal auditors in dozens of damning reports. The extent of what Annan�s office knew was not available either to the Security Council or the public until Congress finally forced the issue and the United Nations produced the reports in conjunction with a Volcker “briefing paper” in January.

For reasons unexplained, Volcker’s report did not mention Frechette by name.

The article mentions that although the Volcker Commission interviewed Frechette, the results as well as her name were not published. During her tenure as Canadian Ambassador to the U.N., current Volcker executive director Reid Morden was the Canadian Deputy Minister.

They say it’s a small world. Well, if that’s true, it’s a miniscule Canada. As we have come to expect, there are the usual connections from Canadian investigator Volker, the executive director Reid Morden and the omni-present Paul Desmarias.;

Continuing to join the dots on Volcker and potential conflicts of interest is Volcker�s number two man on the IIC, Reid Morden. Morden has connections to Desmarais in his role of selling nuclear plants to China and others for companies dominated by Desmarais.
Although he is Canada�s former intelligence chief, Morden does not answer to the Canadian government.
As CFP letter writer Peter Herberg puts it, “Can you imagine the uproar if a former CIA chief did this and took part in a UN investigation that refused to cooperate with congress?”
From all reports, Prime Minister Paul Martin has no problems with Morden�s arm�s length relationship with the Canadian government. But then again Martin�s senior adviser is Annan pointman, Maurice Strong.

Trivia: Frechette and Desmarias are both directors of the Trudeau Foundation. Frechette has a rich history in the upper echelons of the civil service. She also served as Deputy Defence Minister during the aborted Somalia Inquiry coverup.
From the site;

Frechette’s appointment is believed to have come as a result of the influence of Canadian businessman and Trilateral Commissioner Maurice Strong. Strong has been acting as “executive co-ordinator of UN reform” to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Frechette stepped into a post that was created, it seems, especially for her.

The position of Deputy Secretary-General was created as part of the reform of the United Nations, to help manage Secretariat operations and to ensure the coherence of its activities and programmes. The purpose was also to elevate the UN’s profile and leadership in the economic and social spheres. In addition to assisting the Secretary-General in the full range of his responsibilities therefore, Ms Fr�chette also frequently represents the United Nations at conferences and official functions all over the world.

Go read all of Debbye’s post.

Coalition Of The Wilting

Medienkritik on the current economic situation in Germany.

Now the most unpopular government in German history has achieved a new all-time low: Schroeder, who earlier demanded that the German people judge him on his ability to create jobs, currently presides over a nation with over 5.2 [million] unemployed citizens, the highest number since the Nazis came to power during the Great Depression. Right-wing extremists are gaining strength with every passing day, but Schroeder and his party refuse to accept any implication that their failed economic policy is a direct or indirect cause of the re-emergence of German nationalism.
So what is the SPD’s solution? German exports. Particularly arms sales. Gerhard Schroeder recently visited China and expressed his desire to lift the EU’s arms embargo on the Communist nation. The “Peace” Chancellor is currently on a trip to the Middle East where he is sealing business deals in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other dictatorial Arab states. There too, German arms are a best seller. The same German left that can’t get enough of pointing out America’s supposed hypocricy in supporting Saudi Arabia is busily signing weapons deals with the same government.
And even the German media, which has so often towed the government line, can no longer ignore the extent of Germany’s economic tragedy. The usual excuses, that the unemployment is due to September 11 or that the numbers are due to statistical changes, now ring hollow. Even SPIEGEL ONLINE is describing the situation in Schroeder’s government as one of “helplessness, perplexity and naked panic.”

Well, Germany has always found solutions before. I don’t know that Poland is the place to look for them this time, though.

The Arab Street Begins To Stir

Christopher Hitchens is dead wrong that the “Arab Street” is a ” vanquished clich�” that should be put to rest.

The return of politics to Iraq has had many blissful secondary consequences, one of them apparently minor but nonetheless, I think, important. When was the last time you heard some glib pundit employing the phrase “The Arab Street”? I haven’t actually done a Nexis search on this, but my strong impression is that the term has been, without any formal interment, laid to rest. And not a minute too soon, either.

It’s only begun to stir.
Iraqis protest at the scene of yesterday’s car bombing.

More than 2,000 people held the impromptu demonstration on front of the clinic, chanting “No to terrorism!” and “No to Baathism and Wahhabism!”

Steyn argues that the world is witnessing the crumbling of the Arab wall. It’s hard not to agree.
Meanwhile, other miracles unfold…

Undersize Me

Les Sayer took a challenge from his students, after tossing off a casual remark about the documentary “Supersize Me”. He said he could probably lose weight on a McDonald’s diet. After 29 days, he has. He’s lost 17 pounds and his blood pressure has dropped significantly. He ate from the full menu (sans fish), and nothing else – but decided to conduct the experiment on the basis of sensible eating – no “supersizing” , and he kept up a regular exercise routine.

Les Sayer hasn’t cheated on his McDonald’s-only diet. Not an apple, an orange, a cantaloupe or grapes in 17 days. Sayer, a teacher at NorQuest College and Metro Continuing Education, wanted to drive home the point to students that Morgan Spurlock’s documentary, Supersize Me, was an opinion piece. He said he could eat McDonald’s food for a month and lose weight, not gain it.
“The main reason for doing this is because my students thought (Supersize Me) was an objective piece,” the 39-year-old Sayer said yesterday.

Les’s website is here.
Via John Gormley Live. No *ahem* link.

Tommy Douglas, Not Dead Enough #5

Saskatchewan Health has a website “committed to providing Saskatchewan residents with the most complete and up-to-date wait time information available”. I took a look at it today, prompted by a conversation I had with an elderly acquaintance. “Jean” is still fairly active, though she’s slowed noticably in the past few months. She lives alone, independantly.
She’s scheduled for heart valve surgery. When, is still open to question, because she first must have a diagnostic angiogram. She’s been on the wait list for the angiogram since July. She mentioned this, because she had finally become frustrated and started to call and bother her doctor about it. She was finally told she’ll recieve it in the next three weeks, but to “be thankful”, because the “normal” wait time for angiogram is a year.
Of course, she could have also looked for basic information on how many patients are on surgical (which I assume are different than diagnostic) wait lists, on the Sask Surgery “Current Information” page.
It hasn’t been updated for 5 months.
(correction: original stated angioplasty, in error)
