Dead Men Type New Tales?

CBS “news” magazine 60 MInutes heeded Terry McAuliffe’s call for help last night.
This morning, Powerline is taking a close look at the memos cited in the show (and by others) that purportedly prove that Bush was AWOL from national guard service. (PDF’s of the memos are available on the CBS site). A Powerline reader:

I was a clerk/typist for the US Navy at the Naval Underwater Systems Center (NUSC) in Newport RI for my summer job in 1971 when I was in college. I note the following with regard to the Killian memos:
1) Tom Mortensen is absolutely correct. Variable type was used only for special printing jobs, like official pamphlets. These documents are forgeries, and not even good ones. Someone could have at least found an old pre-Selectric IBM (introduced around 1962). Actually, I believe we were using IBM Model C’s at the time, which was the precursor to the Selectric.
2) I also used a Variype machine in 1971. I fooled around with it in my spare time. It was incredibly difficult to set up and use. It was also extremely hard to correct mistakes on the machine. Most small letters used two spaces. Capital letters generally used three spaces. I think letters like “i” may have used one space. Anyway, you can see that this type of machine was piloted by an expert, and it would NEVER be used for a routine memo. A Lt. Colonel would not be able to identify a Varitype machine, let alone use it.
3) US Navy paper at the time was not 8 1/2 x 11. It was 8 x 10 1/2. I believe this was the same throughout the military, but someone will have to check on that. This should show up in the Xeroxing, which should have lines running along the sides of the Xerox copy.
4) I am amused by the way “147 th Ftr.Intrcp Gp.” appears in the August 1, 1972 document. It may have been written that way in non-forged documents, but as somone who worked for ComCruDesLant, I know the military liked to bunch things together. I find “147 th” suspicious looking. 147th looks better to me, but the problem with Microsoft Word is that it keeps turning the “th” tiny if it is connected to a number like 147. And finally……
5) MORE DEFINITIVE PROOF OF FORGERY: I had neglected even to look at the August 18, 1973 memo to file. This forger was a fool. This fake document actually does have the tiny “th” in “187th” and there is simply no way this could have occurred in 1973. There are no keys on any typewriter in common use in 1973 which could produce a tiny “th.” The forger got careless after creating the August 1, 1972 document and slipped up big-time.

Now, there’s a story for an enterprising young reporter to pick up – exposing dupes at 60 Minutes. It’s not like Dan Rather is likely to beat you to it.
updateDocuments reconstructed at LGF:

I opened Microsoft Word, set the font to Microsoft’s Times New Roman, tabbed over to the default tab stop to enter the date “18 August 1973”, then typed the rest of the document purportedly from the personal records of the late Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian.
And my Microsoft Word version, typed in 2004, is an exact match for the documents trumpeted by CBS News as “authentic.”

A screenshot of the “original” document as found at CBS:


The memo produced on Microsoft Word;


The two images, superimposed.


Drudge is now reporting the story, citing “internet sources”.

Over Her Head

While Canadian MP’s serve up insults to feed their Amerihate voter base, serious adults are examining the emerging nuclear threat from Iran.

AFP: Sep 05, 2004 — A key component of national missile defense, whose development is receiving priority this year, is likely to strategically tie the United States to Iraq, Afghanistan and some of the authoritarian former Soviet republics, requiring permanent US military bases there, according to officials and scientists involved in the project. “It raises issues of basing it in places like Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iraq or the Caspian Sea,” the Rhode Island senator (Jack Reed) told AFP. “And that introduces geopolitical considerations.”
While key variables remain unknown, experts agree that if Iran, as expected, produces an intercontinental ballistic missile sometime within the next decade, the United States will not be able to counter it just from ships patrolling the Gulf. “Discussions are underway with international partners on ways in which they may be able to cooperate,” replied a defense official when asked whether the governments of Iraq, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan had already been approached.


Through much of the Cold War the expected missile trajectory would have followed the Polar Route, arcing over Canada into Continental United States. This is no different. What has changed is that Iranian missiles start out a little further south than their Cold War Soviet counterparts. A published analysis of BPI [boost phase interceptors] systems by the Congressional Budget Office concludes that an effective intercept would have to take place about 1,500 km (1,000 miles) from the launch point, in the first 320 seconds from firing. The physics requires that BPI engagements occur over Central Asia.

Dentyne Frost Bites

Is it just me, or is the Dentyne Frost Bites commercial about the most revolting ad ever created?
A man and woman in the back seat of a cab – he fills his mouth with the chewing gum, turns to ice, she and the driver start screaming and his head falls off in her lap.

The Sea Fox

CTV news;

“I left in the middle of the hurricane season and this year is a terrible year for hurricanes. There were eight scheduled.”
Rommel’s boat capsized five times in all and when he saw that it was letting in water, he decided to use the distress beacons and ask for help.
Crewmen from the Federal Elbe, which was relatively close, plucked Rommel from stormy seas about 600 kilometres east of St. John’s, Nfld, last Thursday.

Oh, I should mention that he was in a rowboat, attempting a solo crossing of the North Atlantic.

He said abandoning his boat was out of the question.
“Rule No. 1 when you’re in trouble is “Never leave your boat’ even if it’s half sunk.”
Rommel said travelling alone is a “special thing” and “pretty intense.”
“You change psychologically. I think you become a bit nutty as well. You start talking to yourself.”

Our plucky oarsman calls himself the “black sheep” of the family, though, apparently, he’s not the first.

“I Can’t Take It To The Debate With Me”

Matt Drudge is having great sport with yet another bungled Kerry “he man” photo-op.

Was Dem presidential hopeful John Kerry seen this weekend waving a gun which would have been banned if legislation he co-sponsored became law?
Kerry co-sponsored S. 1431 last year (�The Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003) which would have banned a “semiautomatic shotgun that has a pistol grip.”
Opponents of the bill successfully argued how nearly all guns have “pistol grips,” inluding millions of Browning Auto-5 shotguns produced since 1903.

Kerry was presented with the gun during a Labor Day stop in Racine, West Virginia.
“I thank you for the gift, but I can’t take it to the debate with me,” Kerry told a cheering crowd as he held up the device.
[Kerry’s gun bill would also ban any “gift” transaction. Kerry did not submit to a waiting period or background check before he claimed the gun.]

Photos show Kerry’s hand resting on the semiautomatic shotgun’s “pistol grip.”
Kerry’s bill would ban millions of semi-automatics, including those with “pistol grips.” [Section SEC. 2; (H) (ii)]

Another self-inflicted foot wound.

Distancing Himself?

Newsmax quotes Sen. John Kerry’s campaign biographer Douglas Brinkley;

…if an ongoing Navy investigation into Kerry’s military decorations turns up evidence of “purposeful” deception, it could spell doom for the top Democrat’s White House bid.
Praising reporter Thomas Lipscomb, who broke news of the Navy investigation on Friday, Brinkley told WABC Radio’s Steve Malzberg, “Journalists are going to have to see whether there’s a discrepancy on [the citations posted to Kerry’s] Web site – whether there’s something wrong that’s said there or not.”
The presidential historian called on Kerry to authorize the release of his full military file, saying, “Clearly some of these military records should be made available to the press.”

This could pose some problems. It’s been over a month since Kerry has answered a question from a legitimate reporter – maybe Brinkley’s tired of playing telephone tag?
Via Instapundit

Worms Of Beldar

Never underestimate the moral and intellectual decay of the left.
Flea, on Beldar

“It took less than a day for the vultures at The Guardian to point a finger of blame for the butchery at Beslan. The guilty: Russia, America and Israel.”

Wretchard notes the reaction of the EU;

Dateline Europe: the EU seeks Russian explanation for school siege toll:

Valkenburg, Netherlands, Sept 3 (Reuters) – The European Union asked Russia to explain the bloody end to the siege of a school by Chechen gunmen on Friday with huge loss of life. In a statement in the name of the presidency of the 25-nation EU, Dutch Foreign Minister Bernard Bot said all countries should work together to prevent such tragedies. “But we also would like to know from the Russian authorities how this tragedy could have happened,” he added.

One presumes Bot can draw on Holland’s responsibility for creating the conditions that led to the Nazi occupation to offer the Russians wise counsel.

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Echoes Of Rwanda

Toronto Star;

“It makes me sick,” Dallaire said yesterday in an interview. “It burns inside and the sentiments or the feelings that I had of abandonment in Rwanda are exactly the same that I feel today in regards to the Sudan.”

Of course they are.

“I am just disgusted with the lame and obtuse responses coming from Canada and the Western world..”

Same actors, same play.
