The Yellowcake Made Him Do It

You remember Joe Wilson, don’t you?

“If they were referring to Niger
when they were referring to uranium sales from Africa to Iraq, … that information was erroneous and … they knew about it well ahead of both the publication of the British white paper and the president’s State of the Union address,”

In the same report of CIA failures over WMD intelligence in Iraq monopolizing the airwaves in the past few hours, there exists this virtually unreported tidbit. Via Instapundit;

WASHINGTON – A Senate report criticizing false CIA claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction at the same time provides support for an assertion the White House repudiated: that Iraq sought to buy uranium in Africa.
A Friday report from the Senate Intelligence Committee offers new details supporting the claim.
French and British intelligence separately told the United States about possible Iraqi attempts to buy uranium in the African nation of Niger, the report said. The report from France is significant not only because Paris opposed the Iraq war but also because Niger is a former French colony and French companies control uranium production there.
Joseph Wilson, a retired U.S. diplomat the CIA sent to investigate the Niger story, also found evidence of Iraqi contacts with Nigerien officials, the report said.[emphasis mine – ed]


Former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, dispatched by the CIA in February 2002 to investigate reports that Iraq sought to reconstitute its nuclear weapons program with uranium from Africa, was specifically recommended for the mission by his wife, a CIA employee, contrary to what he has said publicly.

The same Joe Wilson who was just a few months ago, cruising the talk show circuit, gracing the cover of Vanity Fair and penning op-eds, after Robert Novak publicized his wife’s name in what has become known as the “Plame Affair”.

Pathological Liar?

Why would he do this? Is Michael Moore’s compulsion to lie a pathological defect, or is he so used to getting away with it, that he’s getting sloppier than usual?

Rapid City Journal – When asked about Moore’s account of a hug after the premiere and the criticism Daschle has received for it, the South Dakota Democrat said he and Moore did not embrace. Daschle said his schedule forced him to arrive late and leave early.
“I know we senators all tend to look alike. But I arrived late, and I had to leave early for Senate votes. I didn’t meet Mr. Moore,” Daschle said.
In a lengthy Time magazine piece about the movie and its political effects, Richard Corliss reported Moore’s criticism of Daschle’s leadership and the filmmaker’s account of a hug with Daschle.
“At the Washington premiere, Moore sat a few rows behind Daschle. Afterward, says Moore, ‘He gave me a hug and said he felt bad and that we were all gonna fight from now on. I thanked him for being a good sport,'” Corliss wrote.

I suppose it could be Daschle who’s pulling away from the truth. Somehow, I doubt it.

The Sand Gets In Your Teeth

Michael Totten is in Tunisia

If you fear Islam, if you feel threatened by the Middle East, you must come to Tunisia. The people here are our friends. They will tell you so the instant you leave the airport. Don’t be shy. Tell them you’re an American if that’s what you are. They put their hands on their hearts when they say welcome.” In some ways, the south is no kind of desert at all.

Premiers Tossed

Western premiers and their northern counterparts just wrapped up a two day meeting.
On the agenda – BSE and the continuing border closure, health care funding and a midnight fling with the locals

According to Saskatchewan premier Lorne Calvert, he and several others signed up for the blanket toss. He did concede his wife was concerned about the availability of radiologists in Inuvik.

update – while you read it here first, The Globe now has the story and a photo of BC premier Gordon Campbell in mid-air.


When a reporter noted that Edwards was being described as “charming, engaging, a nimble campaigner, a populist and even sexy” and then asked “How does he stack up against Dick Cheney?” the president immediately responded, “Dick Cheney�can be president. Next?”

Now, check out how Associated Press reporter Tom Raum spins the exchange;

President Bush on Wednesday curtly dismissed freshman Sen. John Edwards’ credentials to be vice president while Democratic challenger John Kerry and his running mate rallied voters in battleground states. “Dick Cheney can be president,” Bush declared, and Kerry suggested that was part of the problem.

hat tip- Vodkapundit

Fed Up

The Saskatoon Police Service has suffered a black eye or two in the past few years. But it appears the citizenry isn’t above taking advantage of it.
In the past two years, 112 complaints have been laid against members for inappropriate conduct. 7 were founded. Yesterday they announced that they’re fed up.

This week a 23-year-old man was arrested six months after he was convicted of lying about allegations of Police Abuse. He was sentenced to 45 days in jail but had failed to show up for his sentencing hearing. The Saskatoon Police Association said it would follow up any false allegations with legal action. “If you’re going to lie about something a police officer has done to you, we’re going to pursue criminal charges or we’re going to sue you,” said spokesperson Stan Geortzen.

Can’t say that I blame them.
Freezing deaths of native men over the past years have been laid at their feet, despite any hard evidence of police involvement. And this winter, two native men were found, nearly frozen, on Saskatoon streets. The metabolic effects of alcohol, insufficient dress and poor judgement can have that consequence. Those incidents did not involve police accusations – because they were found and survived to tell their tale.
Like the thousands of claims for compensation for abuse in state and church run institutions in the past, these cases tend to produce an avalanche of opportunist claims by those who want in on the compensation fund, or in the case of police-suspect interactions – leverage against the charges they’re facing.
Beaurocracies have been turning a blind eye to these abuses for too long, harming both the taxpayer who generally foots the bill for the crimes of others through the funding of compensation packages, and the deserving victims of abuse and misconduct, whose genuine suffering is overshadowed by frivilous claims over imagined or overstated slights.

Lileks Fat Checks Michael Moore

Oh. Did I miss a letter? Oh well….
Michael Moore, in A July 4th op-ed for the LA Times;

But, in high school, things changed. Nine boys from my school came back home from Vietnam in boxes. Draped over each coffin was the American flag. I knew that they also had made a sacrifice. But their sacrifice wasn’t for their country: They were sent to die by men who lied to them.

James Lileks;

For some reason that intrigued me: “nine boys from my school”. So I googled around, and found the Casualty list for the Vietnam War. There were six casualties from Davison, Michigan. (He didn�t go to high school in Flint. He didn�t live in Flint. You knew that, right? He lived in a suburb.) They weren’t boys. They were men. The earliest was killed in 1967, and there were two casualties in that year. Two in 1969, one in 1968, and one in 1970. Moore was born in 1954, so he would have entered high school in 1969, after which there were four casualties. (One of which died of a heart attack.) Two were drafted, incidentally. The rest – if I’m reading the site correctly – appeared to have enlisted.
Just so we’re not throwing them around as props, we should give their names. They were Gary Thompson, Martin Scott, David Bonesteel, Howard Doyle, David Ex, and Lowell Holden.

This, of course, is why Mr.Ambush Schlockumentary will only grant interviews when he can screen the questions in advance.
Lileks concludes – “There you have it. He wants the flag to stand for clean water. This from a man who waddles up to the deep well of American freedom, fumbles with his zipper, and pisses in it.”
Go read the whole gory dissection.

Tonya Vs Kofi

Memri news ticker is reporting that the new Iraq government will be releasing names and countries of those involved in the UN Oil-For-Food Scandal.


I am reporting that the chances that CTV and CBC national news will bump this story to a Tonya Harding – Amy Johnson rematch.
hat tip – Tim Blair

Tour Guide

Spent much of the day acting as amateur tour guide and ice-breaker for an out of province reporter doing a feature article on Saskatchewan.
His identity shall remain confidential, so long as the payments continue….
Took a few photos of my own while we were out on the backroads.
This old storefront is a photographer’s dream. I can’t get enough of it, and will probably do something in watercolor. Today, I risked my neck to the potential of falling broken glass shards and peeked inside.
And just across the street, this;
Colour gravity. Draws me in every time.
Added to today’s traffic jam.

The Werewolf Extinction

Listening to John Gormley Live this morning in the truck, to a discussion on Moore’s Moonbat Masterpiece, a caller phoned in who mentioned a website with an address I promptly forgot. He explained that it compiles in one place every half-baked, quarter-baked and unbaked conspiracy theory surrounding the events of Sept.11. We’ve heard them all by now. The caller, of course, thought the website was credible.
With the controversy swirling around Farenheit, I’ve been reminded a lot lately of Oliver Stone’s JFK. The parallels are striking – from the media hype to the public debate, to the eventual debunking and consensus that Stone’s movie was a pile of unsubstantiated crap. While conspiracy theorists still abound over the events in Dallas, not many of them cite Oliver Stone these days. When all the hoopla is over, and Iraq stumbles its way towards quasi-democracy and Bush has moved back to Texas, replaced by Kerry in 2004 or Rice in 2008…I predict Farenheit 9/11 will be sitting on a dusty shelf, next to JFK. Nobody will take Moore any more seriously than they do Mr. Stone.
But this morning, as the conspiracy seeker was being summarily dismissed as a lunatic, I began thinking about the extinction of the werewolves.

It’s hard to imagine a time long ago when werewolves were taken seriously, when simple-minded village people huddled together beside bright fires, with their doors barred against an unspeakable fate.
Harder yet to imagine the irrational terror of an unbelievable, supernatural creature.

All in all though, werewolves were a resilient lot – incomprehensibly powerful, virtually immortal. They survived in the folklore and literature of civilization for centuries. How many silver bullets were spent in the dark, how many beasts felled, to return to their human forms?
In the end, the magnificent and malevolent creature were condemned to nothingness- their last gasps expended on celluloid. I think the last true werewolf movie was An American Werewolf In London – long after the real thing was gone.
They had to see it coming. When Edison created the light bulb, the werewolf retreated with the dark. A century later, Apollo on the moon and Armstrong walking its surface, the creature was struck a fatal blow. The moon was no longer magic.
Today, Mars rovers and Titan probes have pushed these quaint old monsters so deeply into the void that we nearly forget they ever existed. There, they joined the mermaids and the sea witches and the Windigo. Only the vampire survived, but at a price – the everlasting humiliation of being vanquished by girls named “Buffy”.
But with their demise, a vacuum arose.
Denied the objects of old superstitions, the human mind sought new ones. As science explored both outward and inward, demystifying and explaining the unknown, the superstitious had fewer places to go. With nowhere else to turn, they cast their lot with the known. Today, they fear the powerful mortal figures of our present, and find darkness in the giant shadows that they cast. Conspiracy folk fables arise from the mists just as surely as the howls of the werewolves did in centuries past.
Instead of supernatural, bloodthirsty creatures of lunar inspired madness, the monsters of the simple minds of our new age are mere human beings, transformed into scheming omnipotent creatures through the power of the political. One can’t help but think that it must be frustrating to settle for such pale and transient villians. Perhaps this is the reason for their shrillness – they’ve been cheated of the real thing. Real werewolves don’t have term limits.
So today, while a small metal object circles the planet of Saturn, and geneticists unravel the human genetic code, as physicists transform light into tools and molecules into robots – the superstitious still gather together in the dark, reassured by the flickering screen of the cinema, as their ancestors were reassured by the flicker of the cabin fire.
Perhaps we should just leave them be.


Iranian Intelligence caught in Baghdad with explosives.

The arrest of� the two Iranians suspected of attempting to carry out a vehicle bombing�has focused new attention on how Tehran is trying to protect its interests in the country it fought for eight years in a devastating war.
So far, Iran is believed to have used money, not guns, to influence Iraq – particularly by spreading wealth among Shiite political factions – while avoiding a direct confrontation with its longtime rival the United States.

And in related items

�A group of armed, masked Iraqi men threatened Tuesday to kill Jordanian militant�Abu Musab al-Zarqawi �if he did not immediately leave the country, accusing him of murdering innocent Iraqis and defiling the Muslim religion.

Now, there’s a beheading video I’d pay money to watch.

Jaeger Fisks Dyer

Jaegar administers a smackdown to Gwynn Dyer.
For my American friends unfamiliar with Gwynn Dyer – imagine you were able to cross Michael Moore with Robert Fisk. (It is strongly recommended that your imagination first provide an airlock, protective suit and robot arms.)
When the resulting organism emerges from the ooze, lobotomize it, and give it a Canadian passport. With that, the creature will become completely self-sustaining as it moves into its natural niche as a military analyst for the CBC.
Don’t believe me?

The Xtra Large Thick Crust Loaded Supremo

Liberal MP Dan McTeague’s $224 pizza…..
You know, I have done a fair bit of travelling in my time, and while my destinations don’t generally include stops for lunch in high rent exotic locales, and I don’t expect my elected representatives to pack a George Foreman[tm] grill so they can cook out of their hotel room … I have managed to eat in lower Manhattan, and well, for around $25 bucks.
So, how is it that our politicians manage to rack up meal bills as bloated as this, meal after meal, meeting after meeting? And why do they insist on feeding everyone they talk to?
Doesn’t anyone work in the middle of the friggin’ day like the rest of us?
hat tip – Bourque
Update – McTeague isn’t happy about the attention….

Crime And Punishment, Canadian Style

Globe and Mail, June 17th;

A mother who pleaded guilty to locking her two adopted sons in cages for 13 years when they were not in school and forcing them to wear diapers as teenagers begged for leniency yesterday.
“Please have mercy on us,” she asked in a letter to the judge who is to sentence her and her husband.
“I’m so very sorry, as is my husband,” says the letter, read out in court by her lawyer, Alexander Sosna.
The horrors they endured at the couple’s farmhouse in Blackstock, near Port Perry, were uncovered when three family members contacted the children’s aid society. Police and child-welfare workers descended on the family home on June 4, 2001.
They found a 15-year-old boy curled up in a cage fashioned from a baby’s crib. The cage was strapped to the wall and padlocked.
His brother, then 14, walked out from a room that contained a second cage.
The boys told a horrific story of being beaten, forced to sleep in the cages, often given only buttered bread for dinner, of eating their feces to avoid being punished for having an accident and of drinking their urine when deprived of water.

This morning they were sentenced to 9 months. Under Canada’s system, convicted serve no more than two thirds, so they’ll be out in six.

Nine months. Lock children in cages, beat them, subject them to anal probes, instill them with such terror that they need to eat their own discharge and the worst that will happen to you is a nine month sentence. Oh, and the judge will admonish you for having “failed” as parents; sort of like not having signed them up for, I don’t know, piano lessons.
