“You Have Weakened The Nation”

Michael Niewodowski worked as a chef at the Windows on the World restaurant at the WTC until Sept. 11, 2001.

Moore’s film is the first major motion picture about Sept. 11, 2001. This bears repeating. When future generations look back on the Sept. 11 massacre, their first impression, through the medium of film, will be a work in which the president and the government are blamed for the attacks, and the soldiers who are protecting this country are defamed. Instead of a film version of Lisa Beamer’s book, “Let’s Roll,” or Richard Picciotto’s “Last Man Down,” we are presented with this fallacy. How could this happen?
Could we have been more prepared for a terrorist attack on Sept. 10, 2001? Certainly. Could we have been more prepared for an attack on Dec. 6, 1941? Most definitely. In the weeks and months following Pearl Harbor, there were reports and criticisms that the government and military should have been more prepared. The difference is that the people of the nation did not waste a lot of time pointing fingers at each other. Rather, they unified and engaged the enemy head-on. I guess that is why we call them “The Greatest Generation.” How will future generations refer to us?
So, how do we explain Moore’s film to future generations? I wonder. More than that, I wonder how I would explain this film to Nancy D., Jerome N. or Heather H. I am sure you don’t know their names, but their faces haunt me day and night. How would I explain to them that a film was made accusing the president and vilifying the soldiers, the same president and soldiers who are attempting to avenge their murders and protect other citizens. Moore has not only insulted the nation, he has insulted the victims of the terrorist attacks.
During his acceptance speech at the Oscars, Moore said, “Shame on you, Mr. Bush.” Well, I say, “Shame on you, Michael Moore.” Shame on everyone who supports this travesty of a film. Shame on a society that allows this sham of a film. You have weakened the nation.

hat tip – Roger Simon

Peer Reviewed

The handful of you who have followed my site during its short existance will be aware that I breed show dogs, and that I’ve been involved in scientific research into an eye defect in my breed, largely as a result of the gene infiltrating my line through a breeding to an unrelated dog some years ago. No, the research is not the inspiration behind naming the blog “small dead animals”, but there’s no denying that at times, it does take the “humour” out of the black humour originally intended.
Well, as of last month, I suspect I just might be the first professionally trained commercial artist to have a peer reviewed paper on opthalmology on her resume. While we haven’t found a dna test (still working on it), the disorder is clearly identified as an inherited defect, to help veterinary opthalmologists to recognize it for what it is, and help curb its spread through breeding recommendations.
By clearly establishing the mode of inheritance as simple recessive, and that the defect is present at birth, we’ve confirmed test-breeding to be a legitimate way to identify carriers and non-carrier animals. That’s progress in a practical sense.
Two dogs are now test bred as probable clears, a few have probabilities in favour of being clear, and many others retired from public stud before they could do significant damage to the gene pool.
The abstract. Published in the May issue of the AVCO journal of Veterinary Opthalmology, the full paper can be purchased here. (No, I don’t see any proceeds.)



“I know that Republicans are going to try very hard to say, ‘Oh, John Kerry voted for that dairy compact when he represented Massachusetts,'” Kerry said. “I plead guilty. I did vote for it, because I represented Massachusetts as a United States senator.”
Noting that he will be representing the entire country as president, Kerry said he wouldn’t support such a regional system if elected.

That’s not the important part, though. This is;

Throughout his hourlong town hall-like meeting in Independence, Kerry spoke of his proposals to require that food labels include a product’s country of origin and to expand programs that provide financial aid to farmers who practice conservation.

Just so you Kerry-cheering Canadians can’t say you weren’t warned.

And Meanwhile, Back In The Real Canada

“We are quiet patriots
, but not today.”
“Not today,” he said to much cheering and applause from flag-waving onlookers.
The Prime Minister said he looks to the future with a positive attitude.
“Our confidence in the future is second to no other. Our pride in being a welcoming country that is the envy of the world is second to no other. Our compassion toward those in need and the inclusive nature of our society are second to no other. Canada is second to no other.”
Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson, who addressed the crowd wearing a large white hat, noted that wherever Canadians are Thursday, they are likely to be celebrating their pride.
“Canadians are coming together in all kinds of places. You’re here on Parliament Hill, but perhaps some of you would be in that park in Swift Current, on the Market Square in Saint John, on the beach at Blind River.”
Both Ms. Clarkson and Mr. Martin made note of the 60th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy on D-Day earlier last month, and to the continued commitment of Canadian forces as they serve around the world.
“To me, that is our Canada. Those are our heroes. Those are the people who were called forth and volunteered to fight for freedom,” Ms. Clarkson said.
Maj. David Berry, the deputy commander of the Canadian Parachute Centre at CFB Trenton, Ont., said a shortage of working CC-130 Hercules planes has forced him to begin renting American aircraft to fly training missions for Canadian Forces airborne soldiers, military spokesmen told the National Post. […]
He said the parachute centre needs a minimum of 328 flying hours from the military to complete its basic paratrooper courses, but last year the Hercules were only available for a total of eight hours.
“What’s happening is that my students can’t finish their courses,” said Berry. “I have to bring them back, later in the year, to get their last couple of jumps. That was costing me $100,000 a year.” […]
Air force officials have said that the Hercules fleet — which includes aircraft which are more than 40 years old — is showing its age and the wear and tear of spending more hours in the air, flying more and longer missions.
A report to senior generals and defence officials last summer said the Hercules were in “critical” condition.

hat tip – Canadian Comment

Another Moore Deconstruction

Inspired by a private email from someone who should have known better, exhorting her “undisclosed recipient” list to go see F9/11, another fact-checking deconstruction of Moore’s lies and innuendo.
More detailed than most.
Fahrenheit 9/11: The temperature at which Michael Moore’s pants burn
Go read it, so that the next time someone starts wasting your time arguing Moore-inspired mythology, you have a few blunt facts in your back pocket.

URGENT: Your Assistance Is Requested


Dear sir,
I write to inform you of my desire to acquire the White House in our country on behalf of a legislator in the Senate.
Considering his very strategic and influential position, he would want the transaction to be strictly confidential as possible. He further want his identity to remain undisclosed at least for now, until the completion of the transaction.
I was deprived of my rightful position as President of our country, through the nefarious actions of a criminal right-wing coup and corrupt court officials. Before they deposed me, I secretly deposited money and declared it with diplomatic security company that transports valuable goods/consignment through diplomatic courier service to their offshore offices.
To regain my rightful place, we need the assistance of an honest person like yourself. I wish to discuss how much I will offer you if you will be willing to assist me claim the money to invest in our quest to regain the Presidency. I want to assure you that all modalities are put in place and it is a risk free transaction. I’m trusting you as a God fearing person who will not sit on my lifesaving fund. This business demands absolute secrecy and confidentiality, thus all communications for now should be through e-mail because all my phone lines are connected to the country’s telecommunication network services. I will furnish you with more details when I receive your positive response.
You are requested to communicate your acceptance or otherwise of this proposal, through my direct email: algore@hotmail.com After which we shall discuss in details the modalities for seeing this transaction through. If however, you are not disposed to assist, kindly destroy this letter in view of the confidentiality of the proposed transaction and interest of personalities involved.
Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation.
Best Regards,
Al G.

True North Long Weekend

Cyril Doll on Canada Day celebrations in Calgary. Which is today, of course. (Only in Canada do we work on our national holiday, if it means trading it for a long weekend.)

Last Sunday, I was counted among the 30 odd thousand fans who attended the Stampeder-Alouettes football match. In a fit of unbridled patriotism the staff working the doors to McMahon stadium enthusiastically handed out little Canadian flags to the good people in attendance. “Maybe Shelia Copps will be singing the national anthem,” I wondered to myself. Alas, time told that was not the case.
As the game wore on and the Alouettes successfully began to lay the smack down on the Stamps, my attention diverted away from the field to the stands itself. I noticed hundreds of these little flags gracing the cement floor of the bleachers, along with all the spilt beer, chewing gum and excess nacho cheese. Unfortunate, but again I say you would never see such disrespect for a flag in America nor I suspect Mexico nor as say Croatia nor Germany. Maybe because those countries actually fought for their independence, whereas we Canadians were thrown a bone from Great Britain once they figured they had all the fur they needed? Was it not our first Prime Minister who ran with this British style of governance and then gave it to us making so bold as to claim the West will be Canada�s crown colony? Now, as a Westerner it seems to me that these reports of patriotism- gone-bad maybe stem from this laid-back Canadian attitude. Oh well, since nobody else is here this morning maybe I’ll just go and do my Canadian duty and hit the pub, because I… am… Canadian.


Passion Of The Moore

Jeff, at Beautiful Atrocities, does a masterful job exposing the double standard of the entertainment media with a side by side comparison of “reviews” of Moore’s Farenheit and Mel Gibson’s Passion Of The Christ
A sample:

A.O. Scott, New York Times:
F9/11: Mr. Moore’s populist instincts have never been sharper…he is a credit to the republic.
Passion: Gibson has exploited the popular appetite for terror and gore for what he and his allies see as a higher end.
Ann Hornaday, Washington Post:
F9/11: Moore exercises admirable forbearance … his finest artistic moment.
Passion: Gibson has exhibited a startling lack of concern for historical context.

Go read ’em all.
hat tip Marcland – who also has a pretty funny post on US reaction to the Canadian election.

Voting With Their Feet

Peaktalk notes;

During the Vietnam War, U.S. emigration to Canada surged as thousands of young men, often accompanied by wives or girlfriends, moved to avoid the draft. But every year since 1977, more Canadians have emigrated to the United States than vice versa – the 2001 figures were 5,894 Americans moving north, 30,203 Canadians moving south.
So for every six potential Conservative voters Canada loses it gets one Liberal back. That must have had an impact last night.

Jaeger sees it from the opposite direction.

Yeah, and we lose so many potential opinion leaders, too, not just voters. There are just so many academics, writers, businessmen and others who simply decide it’s easier to just leave rather than fight against the stale liberal consensus in Canada. Why put up with the abuse? Consider this hit piece on the Calgary School of political philosophy in the Globe. They actually refer to these accomplished academics who dare to be conservative as The Calgary Mafia. Why put up with such abuse when they could be taken seriously in Chicago?

Something to consider, the next time you hear our Liberal politicians spout off about the superiority of Canadian social programs and economic policies to those of the big bad neighbor to the south.
Adjusted for our population differencials, the impact it has on our two countries means that for every American who moves up here, 60 Canadians leave. So much for our superior health care system, “stonger” economy and social safety nets.
Crossposted at the Shotgun

“going nowhere”

Cosby, again.
But this time, with applause, and support from Jesse Jackson.

“Let me tell you something, your dirty laundry gets out of school at 2:30 every day, it’s cursing and calling each other n—— as they’re walking up and down the street,” Cosby said during an appearance at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition & Citizenship Education Fund’s annual conference.
“They think they’re hip,” the entertainer said. “They can’t read; they can’t write. They’re laughing and giggling, and they’re going nowhere.”

If only we could hear First Nations leaders speak with this much unapologetic honesty.

Connecting The Dots

Theresa Zolner, at Heart of Canada is rethinking Miram Bedard;

CTV – Police in Nova Scotia have discovered 83 kilograms of cocaine on a ship that is owned by Prime Minister Paul Martin’s sons and named after Martin’s wife. […]

Michel Proulx of the Canada Border Services Agency says the drug seizure is a remarkable find and adds that organized crime groups often exploit legitimate companies to transport illegal goods.

This has Michael Moore documentary written all over it, don’t you think? I mean, I’m just asking the question.
Parked at OTB.

We Have The Firepower

Over at Pol:Spy, Ray beholds the Ontario voter;

“Our soldiers,” said Heather, “go into situations to keep the peace, not to shoot people. They have all the equipment they need, they don’t need American-style weapons.”
“We’re not a warrior nation,” said St. Clair. “Canadians don’t want our military over-armed.”

Ray observes, “with that attitude we should just invade the East.”
I have a better idea. Let’s invite the minority of sane, free enterprise Ontario voters to move here, and let the rest starve themselves out.
An email from a friend whose family owns a small construction-related company south of Toronto;

“I had a fight (was on my soapbox today) about Harper vs. Martin. The one guy in our office voted because he didn’t like the gay parade in Toronto this past weekend. This guy voted Liberal – haaaaaaaa grrrrrrr….. unbelievable. Even [my husband] was speechless at [the] remark. If you looked at the politics behind the parties, he should have voted Harper not Martin. This guy has a brain, but must have gone brain-dead at the polls.
Believe it or not …. I think that Harper has to bring his next campaign to the common level of intelligence in Ontario – about a grade 6! No kidding.
I’m still spitting mad at the damn Liberals and the stupid people not only in Ontario but in any province who cast a red vote. Haven’t they learned their lesson. This election cost the taxpayer 250 Million dollars – for what? another idiot in Ottawa.
If I’m this mad, I can’t imagine how pissed off the west is. “

Lots of room for you out here, Sharon.

Canadian Taxpayer – Portrait Of An Idiot

Tim Blair notices;

Produced in association with SBS Independent and CBC Newsworld. Produced with the participation of the Canadian Television Fund created by the Government of Canada and the Canadian cable industry. Produced with the financial participation of The Government of Canada, Canadian Film or Video, Production Tax Credit Program And with the assistance of The Government of Ontario, The Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit. Developed in association with Film Australia and the Australian Film Commission. Developed and produced with the assistance from The New South Wales Film and Television Office.

That’s right, folks. Our tax dollars are at work funding Australian documentaries about anti-war activists.
Nominated for the Palm D’moron.

Brokaw Broken

NBC’s Tom Brokaw interviews new Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi;

Brokaw: I know that you and others like you are grateful for the liberation of Iraq. But can’t you understand why many Americans feel that so many young men and women have died here for purposes other than protecting the United States?
Allawi: We know that this is an extension to what has happened in New York. And the war have been taken out to Iraq by the same terrorists. Saddam was a potential friend and partner and natural ally of terrorism.
Brokaw: Prime minister, I’m surprised that you would make the connection between 9/11 and the war in Iraq. The 9/11 commission in America says there is no evidence of a collaborative relationship between Saddam Hussein and those terrorists of al-Qaida.
Allawi: No. I believe very strongly that Saddam had relations with al-Qaida. And these relations started in Sudan. We know Saddam had relationships with a lot of terrorists and international terrorism. Now, whether he is directly connected to the September atrocities or not, I can’t vouch for this. But definitely I know he has connections with extremism and terrorists.

Donald Sensing – “Lay aside the breathtaking arrogance of an American newsreader trying to tell a head of state what he should think about one of the most important issues facing the prime minister’s country. The fact is that Brokaw was flat wrong about what the 9/11 Commission said.”
He has more thoughts on media bias. And lots of examples of outright misrepresentation.
hat tip – OTB

The Un-showdown He Asked For [updated]

Paul Martin’s exploitation of Alberta’s promised health reforms was the singularly most divisive tactic the Liberals used in the campaign. From the Toronto Star coverage;

The Prime Minister has been daring Klein to make his plans public and has accused the Conservative Alberta premier of cloaking his medicare-threat proposal in a bid to help his “silent partner,” Conservative Leader Stephen Harper. Martin has been saying it was ominous that Klein, whom the Liberals described last week as a “public health menace,” was proposing to release his plan on June 30, just two days after the federal election.

Klein finally responded, his Health minster stating that the new proposals amounted to little more than increased spending. But it had put Harper on the defensive at a time when the attack ad campaign was in full swing.
Well, congratulations Mr. Martin. It worked. You won. And now you get to back up your challenge that Harper wouldn’t defend the Canada Health Act, and you get to back it up by taking on Alberta, just two days after your victory, and with your words fresh in the minds of the electorate.
This morning Ralph Klein unveiled the Alberta health reforms. There are some pretty drastic changes, including a user pay scheme and a 50% cut to health spending growth.

He accused
the federal Liberals of cutting the public system on one hand, while delivering empty promises on how to sustain it.
“They keep saying they’ll save medicare but they don’t say how,” he said as he rolled his eyes.”The bottom line is we still need substantive system reform, and we need to know where the federal government stands.”

Klein says nothing will be implemented unti the fall, after Albertans have had the opportunity to give the input.
After making the sanctity of public health care front and center in his campaign, what bigger political landmine than to face parliament at war with Alberta over the Canada Health Act, but unable to directly engage Klein about it (consultation period, Mr. Martin) – with the BQ on the side of defending provincial rights to control of health delivery and the NDP demanding he put the hammer down?
Balls in your court, Martin. Let’s see what you’re made of.
You know, if this were the US, and these were Republicans I’d almost be thinking a Rove rope-a-dope here.
Update Well, considering the breathless reporting of this story when it hit the airwaves, I wondered why there was no scramble to get Paul Martin’s take. And then, why such a bland response from the feds. I know that had these details been released prior to the election, they would have been agressively denounced. Today, there’s not so much as a whimper and some snark from Roy Romanow.
Colby has more. And an interesting scenerio. Stephen Harper as premier of Alberta? I hope he’s right.

Election Alienation

A commentor on the Shotgun;

Did my duty today and paid my $10 for my Separation Party of Alberta membership. I had to do it online b/c all of the phone lines to their headquarters were busy, busy all day. (whoo hoo)
Also, noticed on the Rutherford show this morning Separatist calls outnumbered confederation calls 17:1
What do they say? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me; fool me thrice, I’m really getting steamed; fool me a fourth time, I’m not taking it anymore.

Sure, people are blowing off steam. But today a provincial Tory backbencher defected to the separatist Alberta Alliance Party after accusing Premier Ralph Klein of ruining Stephen Harper’s federal election chances.

In and of itself, not earthshattering. The defector was already critical of Klein and facing the dissolution of his seat through boundary changes.
But, it’s not going to go away. I once asked a friend in Calgary – a 70’ish grandmother, not particularly politically motivated – what it would take for her to support separatism. Her answer – “A ballot”
Stay tuned. I think Paul Martin has a big, big problem on his hands. The things he must do demonstrate he is serious about western alienation – pull out from Kyoto, kill the gun registry, mend fences with the US – are precisely those things that are going to trigger the NDP and his own left-wingers to pull the plug on his government. If Martin is going to diffuse Western anger, he’s going to have to broker a serious deal with the Conservatives – not the NDP.
