Slumber Party

The Orlando Sentinel;

It’s called the Boyfriend Arm Pillow, and that’s pretty much what it is. A big pillow complete with a shoulder crook, a comforting arm and a nice blue shirt with a pocket. It’s not as long as a full-body pillow, but the manlike features of this lovable cotton ball must be appealing to single women because the “boyfriends” have become quite popular in Japan.
Mr. Pillow not only comes with his own shirts for those ladies who feel compelled to dress their guys, but he also has a soothing, vibrating arm function that will comfort a woman into a blissful slumber.

I’m thinking that vibrating thing could get damned annoying.

New Supreme

Allow me to introduce readers to the incoming Supreme Court Justice, Rosalie Abella. This page from the socialist manifesto quote should provide about all Canadians need to know about her.

“We need to understand that “equality” does not necessarily mean treating people the same… Sometimes equality means treating people the same, despite their differences, and sometimes it means treating them as equals by accommodating their differences.”

Justice Abella is also famed for her ruling to the age of consent for male homosexuals in Canada to 14 because she concluded the law

“arbitrarily disadvantages gay men by denying to them until they are 18 a choice available at the age of 14 for those who are not gay, namely their choice of sexual expression with a consenting partner.” … “perpetuates rather than narrows the gap for a historically disadvantaged group — gay men — it does so arbitrarily and stereotypically, and is, therefore, a discriminatory provision which infringes the guarantee of equality.”

This is assuming her appointment survives the grueling committee review process.

Weapons Of Self-Destruction

Countries around the globe are assisting Russia in dismantling their leaky and dangerous Soviet-era submarines. Canada has signed up to decommission 12.

“Spent nuclear fuel in Russian submarine reactors presents an international security risk and an environmental threat to the Arctic and Barents Sea,” said Mr. Pettigrew. “Funding this initiative is a key element of our international security agenda and a high priority for Canada under the G8 Global Partnership announced at Kananaskis.” Russia currently has 56 retired nuclear submarines in the Barents Sea region awaiting disposal. Canada’s contribution will be to assist with the dismantlement of three Victor class nuclear submarines. Canada will be concluding at least three more similar annual agreements to support the dismantlement of 12 submarines at a total cost of approximately $116 million .

In response, Russian officials announced that in the spirit of co-operation, a reciprocal pledge;

“Canada’s Sea King helicopters have been a danger to their crews and an unacceptable drain on Canada’s attempts to restore their military capabilities.
Today, we announce funding for the retirement of 10 of these ancient helicopters at a total cost of $1256 (Cdn funds). This investment will purchase the fuel required to launch the sputtering death traps into the air long enough to crash safely into deep ocean waters off the coast of New Brunswick.

Shot Before He Was Shot At

The third retraction?

GARRETT: And questions keep coming. For example, Kerry received a Purple Heart for wounds suffered on December 2nd, 1968. But an entry in Kerry’s own journal written nine days later, he writes that, quote, he and his crew hadn’t been shot at yet, unquote. Kerry’s campaign has said it is possible his first Purple Heart was awarded for an unintentionally self-inflicted wound.

Also: “FLASH: ‘SWIFT BOAT VETERANS FOR TRUTH’ RAISED $1,764,000 IN DONATIONS ON WEBSITE IN PAST 2 WEEKS, SOURCES TELL DRUDGE… “ who also claims a “world exclusive” with this:

Dem presidential hopeful John Kerry personally phoned anti-Kerry swift boat vets, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Kerry reached out to Robert “Friar Tuck” Brant Cdr., USN (RET) Sunday night, just hours after former Sen. Bob Dole publicly challenged Kerry to apologize to veterans.
Brant was skipper of the #96 and # 36 boat and spent time with Kerry in An Thoi. Kerry and Brant slept in the same quarters, and Brant used to put Kerry back to bed at night when Kerry was sleepwalking.
Brant received a call from Kerry at his home in Virginia while he was watching the Olympics on TV.
The call lasted 10 minutes, sources tell DRUDGE.
KERRY: “Why are all these swift boat guys opposed to me?”
BRANT: “You should know what you said when you came back, the impact it had on the young sailors and how it was disrespectful of our guys that were killed over there.”
[Brant had two men killed in battle.]
KERRY: “When we dedicated swift boat one in ’92, I said to all the swift guys that I wasn’t talking about the swifties, I was talking about all the rest of the veterans.”
Kerry then asked if he could meet Brant [“You were one of the best”] — man to man — face to face.
Brant declined the invite, explaining that Kerry was obviously not prepared to correct the record on exactly what happened during Vietnam and what happened when Kerry came back.

Frozen In Time

Soldiers of the Great War – still returning home;

ROME – The bodies of three Austrian soldiers killed in World War One have been found frozen and almost perfectly preserved in an Italian Alpine glacier.
Mountain rescue worker Maurizio Vicenzi discovered the mummified bodies on Friday, encased upside down in ice at 11,940 feet altitude on San Matteo mountain near the Swiss and Austrian borders.

Let’s hope they just identify them, take them home, and bury them honourably, without a detour to someone’s lab.

Character Vs Competence

Jeff Jarvis writes;

Character is not a measure of competence. And what I really want in a President is competence. Jimmy Carter had character; he was a terrible President. Jerry Ford was his Republican counterpart: good guy, nothing President. Bill Clinton ended up with a cracked character but I say he was a good President. Richard Nixon had the character of a cockroach, yet he was, in many ways, quite competent.

I wasn’t aware the two qualities were mutually exclusive. Without character, competence promises you little more than a highly successful psychopath. See Joseph Mengele.
I also wasn’t aware that it was possible for someone as smart as Jeff to have such a fundamental lack of understanding about what character is. Or that all human beings of the age and political experience of those seeking presidential office will have had plenty of tests of their character, both small and significant, to be measured by. Character does not lie dormant until tested by crisis. It is measured in the day to day decisions we make as we grow from childhood to adulthood.
But, most of all, character is not about being without flaws. Character is the ability to recognize ones flaws and rise above them.
C. Dodd Harris emails;

Jarvis has been very impressive since 9/11, proving that one can be a liberal in one’s sensibilities and yet still retain some sense. But he will only really come fully into the light when he can finally admit to himself that Clinton really wasn’t an especially good President. Not bad, per se, but far too flawed – by the very character deficiencies Jarvis would excuse – to ever have been anything other than an placeholder President. By doing little, he managed to ride the waves created by better men and retain the office (which was all he really cared about), but no-one will remember him in 100 years. Bolder men like Bush, Reagan and Roosevelt meanwhile, will be marked down as linchpins of history.
Mr. Jarvis is only a step away, truth be told, as he is surely aware just how much the very size of the problem that loosed the shingles from his own eyes – Islamofascist terrorism – can be laid at the feckless feet of Bill Clinton’s lack of willingness to do anything about it. But he’s not quite ready to take the plunge just yet. Hence, the tortured arguments about how character isn’t important in Presidential aspirants.
Great thinkers all the way back to Aristotle have considered the inculcation of virtue the single most important task of any society. Because, as the Founders understood, without character not much else matters. That’s why they considered character the principal factor in measuring fitness for public office.

Just The Opening Barrage?

Today while I was painting, it occured to me that the Swift Boat Veterans might be just warming up. Why? They started their TV ads with what might be their weakest link – the he said/he said accusations about Kerry’s actions in combat. This met with swift rebuttals and contradictory eye witness accounts. No surprise there, and while very damaging, it was open to debate and further reflection by viewers encountering the contraversy for the first time.
But then they followed with the anti-war Kerry testimony accusing his comrades-in-arms of war crimes. That isn’t refutable, and not surprisingly, hasn’t really been addressed at all by the Kerry campaign with more than protests to “make them stop!”.
But it’s only August. I began to wonder if there isn’t more coming. With the execution and undeniable success of this campaign – Unfit For Command is now #1 on Amazon, the escalating media frenzy about their ads, the Kerry campaign retractions – a new one today;

The Kerry campaign removed a 20-page batch of documents yesterday from its website after The Boston Globe quoted a Navy officer who said the documents wrongly portrayed Kerry’s service. Edward Peck had said he – not Kerry – was the skipper of Navy boat No. 94 at a time when the Kerry campaign website credited the senator with serving on the boat. The website had described Kerry’s boat as being hit by rockets and said a crewmate was injured in an attack. But Peck said those events happened when he was the skipper. The campaign did not respond to a request to explain why the records were removed.

.. .I started to wonder if this was just an early barrage to test the range of the guns. Looks I’m not the only one.
This presidential race is getting to be so much fun, they’re going to have to erect bleachers at the border.

Operation Narwhal

Canadian Military Exercises: not just an old oxymoron joke.
According to CBC television news this evening, the largest ever navy, air force and army exercise to “boost Canadian sovereignty” in the Canadian north has three tasks on the order paper:
a) Locate a fictional crashed satellite
b) Find and escort 4 unauthorized scientists (also looking for the satellite) from the area.
c) Rescue a stranded cruise ship
Well, and wait for parts to come in to repair the Sea King. (“Not an exercise. I repeat, this is not an exercise”)

On his recent visit to the northern territories, Prime Minister Paul Martin said exercises like Narwhal are important “to make sure that the rest of the world understands that this is Canadian territory.”

Unauthorized debris and unarmed civilians take note.

Chinese “Care For Girls”

WSJ Opinion Journal;

China’s one-child policy has many odious dimensions, but the most gruesome aspect of this type of “family planning” is the murder of millions of infant girls.
As a result, the ratio of males to females in China is unnaturally high, hovering between 117 to 119 boys for every 100 girls in 2000, according to China Daily and People’s Daily. There are one-fifth more boys than girls because girls are so often aborted or killed after delivery.
Chinese officials have in the past boasted about preventing 300 million births since the one-child policy was implemented in the late 1970s, and for this they have often received the accolades of Western “family planning” supporters–including, sadly, feminists–who see “overpopulation” as a threat right up there with global warming. The Bush Administration has been the target of bien-pensants from Brussels to Hollywood for withholding support from the United Nations Population Fund, an agency that operates in China despite the coercive nature of the one-child policy.
But now even Chinese officials are starting to admit that the vast majority of these 300 million were girls. So bad have things become that the government has finally started to worry, and earlier this month announced a raft of new programs to reverse the trend. The National Population and Family Planning Commission launched a pilot project called “Care for Girls,” which will experiment with incentives in some parts of the country.
China seems to have learned the hard way what the one-child program can produce. Because it was first imposed in the late 1970s, men in their 20s are having to deal with the harsh reality of six bachelors for every five potential brides. There are numerous reports of kidnappings of women across the country as frustrated men try any means to procure wives. As a new generation of (mostly male) Chinese move into positions of authority, they have an incentive to correct the gender imbalance.

A penny short and a day late, wouldn’t you say?

Hunter, Dreamer, Realist, Story Teller.

An amusing find over at the Kerry campaign website – my search for “Christmas Cambodia” brought up this Washington Post article of June 2003, from the campaign site archives. The CIA hat story already been well circulated across the blogosphere, but you’d think the webmasters would have discretely deleted it. (As they evidently did with this one which still registers as a hit under the search word “Cambodia”, though the word no longer exists there.)
Or maybe they don’t yet know it’s problematic?

A close associate hints: There’s a secret compartment in Kerry’s briefcase. He carries the black attach� everywhere. Asked about it on several occasions, Kerry brushed it aside. Finally, trapped in an interview, he exhaled and clicked open his case.
“Who told you?” he demanded as he reached inside. “My friends don’t know about this.”
The hat was a little mildewy. The green camouflage was fading, the seams fraying.
“My good luck hat,” Kerry said, happy to see it. “Given to me by a CIA guy as we went in for a special mission in Cambodia.”
Kerry put on the hat, pulling the brim over his forehead. His blue button-down shirt and tie clashed with the camouflage. He pointed his finger and raised his thumb, creating an imaginary gun. He looked silly, yet suddenly his campaign message was clear: Citizen-soldier. Linking patriotism to public service. It wasn’t complex after all; it was Kerry.
He smiled and aimed his finger: “Pow.”

A saved a screenshot of the relevant portion of the page here in case it disappears.
And speaking of the Kerry website discrepencies, reader Mike Power sent this;

I just finished reading the latest from Instapundit’s blog and now it seems there is more to the Kerry military saga than I was aware of. Most people are under the impression that Kerry got out of the service in 1970. But now we find out his release was 1978 and as a member of the Naval Reserve, he met a delegation from North Vietnam. Unless this meeting was sanctioned by the U.S. Government, this sounds troublesome. It was at this time that Kerry was on his anti-Vietnam rant. Fraternizing with the enemy maybe??

As Mike mentions, this was outlined by Glenn Reynolds a couple of days ago. Reynolds is still hot on the media watch trail, as they twist and dodge and bury the most damaging aspects of the swift boat debacle.
And some military perspective on the Kerry service records.
Meanwhile, the Democratic front “” is fighting back, with former Kerry campaign manager Jim Jordan promising the “mother of all backlashes”.
That’s right – a page out of Saddam Hussein’s propoganda playbook.
How deep does the Rove infiltration run in that party?

The Biggest Kerry Mystery

The biggest Kerry mystery has yet to be solved. Indeed, I’m not sure anyone has spent much time on it at all. What began as an amusing meme when John And By The Way I Served In Vietnam Kerry first began his bid for the Democratic nomination, his habit of referring to his Vietnam service was more an amusing sidebar than a central question. Who would have ever guessed he would have used it as a foundation for his presidential campaign?
Today, as his tales of bravery and travels in Cambodia are being disassembled across the blogosphere and by the men he served with, and his campaign tries to stop the implosion of his credibility with artless posturing, legal maneuvers and support from media co-conspirators
There remains a fundamental problem with the absurd – even bizarre – decision to make his Vietnam experience the central underpinning of his qualifications for commander In chief – it simply makes no sense. Conventional wisdom holds that America failed in Vietnam. Jeez, John. Wouldn’t have it have been more logical to tie your commander in chief credentials to a war you helped win?
It’s not as though Kerry played a pivotal role in winning a serious engagement, storming a pillbox or fending off a seige. His military accomplishments seem to consist of little more than dispatching a fleeing Viet Cong and fishing a crewmate out of the drink.
I dislike conspiracy theories, but is everyone absolutely sure this guy’s not a Rove operative?


Damian Brooks reminds us that today is the anniversary of the ill-fated raid on Dieppe.

On August 19, 1942, 6,100 men landed on the beaches of Dieppe, France for a raid against German positions. 5,000 of these troops were Canadians, the remainder being British Commandos and 50 American Rangers. The raid was supported by eight Allied destroyers and 74 Allied air squadrons (eight belonging to the RCAF).
The raid was not an unqualified success.

The rest is here.

Alice Cooper Eyes

I lived and breathed Alice Cooper in my junior high years. Lived and breathed.
Alice was pulled from obscurity by Canadian producer Bob Ezrin’s promotional genius to become one of the most colourful, successful, and influencial acts in the history of rock. Legend has it that Ezrin discovered the band by spotting a club where patrons were leaving in droves – reasoning that anyone who could drive away a crowd with such efficiency could just as easily attract one.
Ezrin’s involvement as producer qualified Alice Cooper albums for inclusion under Canadian content regulations – and heavy airplay in Windsor, across the bridge from the juicy Detroit market.
After Alice, later versions would always be viewed with a wink and a nod. (“Yes, Marilyn …. you’re very disturbing in all that freaky makeup. Umhmmm, corrupting the youth… yes dear, we’re very shocked …. here, have another cookie and run along with your friends…”)
Today, he’s still thriving, healthy, with sense of humour intact. The new Staples commercial is one of the funniest I’ve seen in some time. (A Republican, he’s recently had choice words for entertainers who get mixed up in political campaigns. You got to respect him for that.)


Alice Cooper – living proof that not taking oneself too seriously may be the key ingredient to surviving the whims and fortunes of celebrity. 35 years in makeup looks good on you, Mr. Nice Guy.

Tour dates here. He’ll be in Saskatchewan in October.

Baloney Amputation

For all the arguable advantages with outsourcing, some tasks should probably remain in house.

Eight London hospitals are using or negotiating to use the services of Omnimedical which employs a pool of secretaries in India to transcribe letters from tapes dictated by consultants.
Information about a patient’s “phlebitis [vein inflammation] left leg” was typed out as “flea bite his left leg”. A “below knee amputation” was transcribed as “baloney amputation” and “eustachian tube [in the ear] malfunction” was given as “Euston station tube malfunction”.

Of corset maybe defaultive the dock tarsand righting.

Alien Vs Predator

The box office success of this dubiously named flick reminds me of a man to whom I owe a great deal as an airbrush “candy” artist.
Thankyou, kind sir for your special twisted genius. I, and many like me, owe much of our success to unashamedly ripping off your ideas.

Pictured: Tony Tice racing his YZ426F (click on the photo for full size image)

Work and Stuff

Things may be a little slow here over the next few days as I work at mind-numbing logo design (with an absurd deadline for added measure) and mind-numbing goalmask airbrushing.
Feel free to send me tips, though. I won’t have a lot of time to surf. Or if you think you have an exceptional post, let me know, and I’ll do a linkfest later.
