Tough Toke

Evidence that extended use of marijuana can turn you into a whiney tit.
Well, nobody should be surprised. The whole “I want my medical marijuana legalized” campaign has been one long activist whine-fest, long on outrageous claims and short on fact. Hoping they’d metamorphize into grateful recipients by giving them what they want is expecting too much.
No, I have no special sympathy for their suffering. There are too many other suffering people out there who will never recieve bona fide drugs and new treatment protocols because they must first pass rigid safety and effectiveness standards. They will wait, in sickness and pain, and many will not live long enough to recieve them.
Marijuana got a free pass. If you’re using it for medicinal purposes, and think it helps, great. I’m happy for you. But you didn’t want to wait for marijuana to jump through the testing and development hoops that all other drugs must clear, so stop complaining about the quality.

Bowling For Sarnia

Mike Bradley, the mayor of Sarnia, wants to make Michael Moore an honorary Canadian citizen.
Bob Tarantino wants to kick his ass.
Over at the Shotgun, commentor Rick McGinnis speculates…

It’s interesting to think what would have happened to Moore, had he been born Canadian.
He’d have been born in Oshawa, the son of a middle management worker at GM. His dad would get him a job, but he’d quit the line after a day. He’d have dropped out of York University, and gotten a job at NOW magazine, where he’d experience a meteoric rise but would suddenly be fired after one too many personality conflicts with publisher Michael Hollett.
He’d turn to filmmaking, parlaying his connections into a short documentary that would get programmed at Images or the Perspectives Canada section at the Toronto International Film Festival, but would never see commercial release, and take several years before getting video release with an independent distributor who went bankrupt with most of the copies still in boxes in their warehouse. (Copies of the DVD of Moore’s film, “49th Paral-hell”, would turn up in sell- off bins for years.)
Moore’s best hope would have been to be Rick Mercer, except that he’s nowhere near as charming as Mercer, and we already have one, so he’d basically be relegated to the occasional underpaid rant in This Magazine and sporadic work as a production assistant on American TV movies being shot in Toronto.
Frustrated by the lack of opportunities for a (straight, white, but overweight) cinematic propagandist in this country, he’d move south, where so many other Canadians have found not only opportunity, but the mysterious freedom to dissent publicly in “facist Amerikkka”.

About right.

Paging Howard Stern

For those who are making a career of being outraged over the FCC fines directed at Howard Stern’s behavior – The CRTC has pulled the broadcast license for Quebec City’s most popular radio station, because of offensive comments by a couple of radio personalities. They recieved 47 complaints.
We should all complain more about the CBC, methinks.
This is the same CRTC that will not allow Fox News on Canadian cable, but has no problem with CBC’s “it’s not porn if there are subtitles” or with CTV scheduling the Sopranos uncut and Nip/*uck-fests on prime time.

Speed Dating Pt II

A cold, windy spring, interrupted by travel and a fairly heavy work schedule. Then, rain and more rain. But the wind has stopped, the streets have dried and the sun has broken out.
Tonight I pushed her out of the corner of the garage, rinsed and filled the tank, reinstalled the battery and cleaned and tightened down the plugs…
“Alive, she cried.”
I positively reek of gasoline. It’s better than perfume.
Come to think of it … I don’t own any perfume.
Now, this is my idea of a speed date.

Questions For Speed Dating

According to John Gormley this morning, Saskatoon will be seeing its first ever speed-dating night at one of the local hot spots. Think drive-thru meat market.
During your 8 minute interview, you aren’t to ask age, phone number or occupation. Okey dokey.

“Is that your Porsche out there with my breast prints on it?”
“If you were a horse, would one say you were ‘hung like a human’?”
“What if I told you I can breathe through my ears?”
“Do you have an older brother?”
“Is that oxygen line permanent?” [if you can’t afford a private nurse, you can’t afford me]

Add your own suggestions in the comments section. If I decide to do this, I’ll need material of all types…. Let’s make it a contest. I’ll announce the winners Friday.

Mutual Of Islamic Jihad: Claims Up

I wonder what the actuarial tables say about Palestinian terror leaders?

The head of the Islamic Jihad in Jenin was killed Tuesday afternoon by undercover IDF troops, Israel Radio reported.
Na’aman Ta’aimeh, was killed near the city’s Jordanian hospital when the IDF force, disguised as Palestinians and driving a Palestinian taxi, tried to stop two cars laden with Palestinian fugitives wanted by Israeli security services, al-Jazeera reported.
One other Palestinian was wounded. Three Palestinian fugitives were arrested, Israel Radio reported.
Ta’aimeh has been on Israel’s wanted list since the first intifada for masterminding numerous terrorist attacks.

Getting Out Of The Kitchen?

This report from Strategy Page;

July 12, 2004: Al Qaeda operations in Iraq have encountered unexpected problems. Iraqis have become increasingly hostile to al Qaeda’s suicide bombing campaign. Religious leaders, which al Qaeda expects to get support from, have been openly denouncing these bombings. Iraqis, aware that they are more likely, than American soldiers, to be victims of these attacks, are providing more information on where the al Qaeda members are hiding out. Most of the al Qaeda in Iraq are foreigners, and easy for Iraqis to detect. As a result of this, many of the al Qaeda men have moved back to Fallujah, which has become a terrorist sanctuary. The interim government is trying to convince the tribal and religious leaders of Fallujah to back a military operation in the city to clear out the various al Qaeda, criminal and Baath Party gangs. But the gangs of Fallujah are quick to threaten any local leader that shows signs of supporting the government. While the Fallujah leadership is intimidated, many residents of Fallujah are not, and are providing information to the coalition, which has led to attacks, with smart bombs or coalition and Iraqi troops, on buildings used by al Qaeda, or other gangs, as headquarters.�
Al Qaeda has found the atmosphere even more hostile elsewhere in Iraq, and many of the terrorists have returned home. This is especially true of those who came from Saudi Arabia (and other Gulf nations, particularly Yemen) and Syria. Few, if any, al Qaeda came from Iran, which is Shia Moslem. Al Qaeda is dominated by Sunni Moslems who are often violently anti-Shia. While the hundreds of returning al Qaeda veterans are still determined to achieve al Qaeda’s goals of world domination, they are also more realistic. Fanaticism was not sufficient to chase the foreigners from Iraq, and the Arab media’s sensational, and largely false, reporting of the impact of al Qaeda’s attacks contributed to the disillusionment.�

Via James Joyner

Can’t Keep His Fat Mouth Shut

Michael Moore had an opinion on the Canadian federal election a few weeks ago…

“Your election comes before ours, and it will be such a blow to those of us trying to get rid of Bush” if Harper wins.
“I’ve spent a lot of time trying to convince Americans that Canadians are smart people, and you’re going to make me look really bad. I really need you to make sure that Mr. Harper does not take over,” Moore reportedly told the crowd of approximately 600 in attendance at the screening.�
Moore said Harper “has a big pair of scissors in his hands and wants to snip away at the social safety net that distinguishes you from us. The primary difference between Canadians and Americans is that you have a general basic ethic that says, ‘We’re all Canadians. We’re all in the same boat, and if one of us doesn’t have health care, we all suffer as a result of that. If one of us isn’t helped when we hit upon hard times, then we all hurt as a result of that.'”
Moore said that the America ethic is “every man for himself. Me me me me me. To let people in your country to have that ethic take over and destroy that thing that makes you wonderfully Canadian is something that must be resisted on June 28 (The Election Day in Canada). “

Here’s your chance to enlighten Mr. Moore about something else that is wonderfully Canadian – limits on speech.

it is an offence for “[Any] person who does not reside in Canada [to], during an election period, in any way induce electors to vote or refrain from voting for a particular candidate unless the person is (a) a Canadian citizen; or (b) a permanent resident.”

On a related topic, Pete Townsend is more than a little annoyed. Michael’s been making stuff up again.
And this is fun, too. This, too.

Contingency Plan?

The blog pundits are already in overdrive over this story;

Newsweek – American counterterrorism officials, citing what they call “alarming” intelligence about a possible Qaeda strike inside the United States this fall, are reviewing a proposal that could allow for the postponement of the November presidential election in the event of such an attack…

James Joyner discusses the legal aspects.
Some of the voiced concerns are that this will give the tin-foil hat crowd “another conspiracy to latch onto” (who gives a rip?), that doing such a thing will mean the “terrorists will be handed a victory” (eh… no.), as well as worries that such legislation could produce “self-fulfilling prophesy”. (Since when have terrorists needed an incentive?)
As a Canadian living under a parliamentary system where federal elections are set pretty much arbitrarily by the governing party, and usually at a time chosen to give them an advantage over the opposition – I can’t get too bent out of shape over the idea that an election commission be granted bi-partisan authority to consider postponement of a set election date in the event of a national emergency.
It’s very easy to sit back and state that “short of a nuclear attack” nothing should interfere with the democratic process. But what of an attack that took down the power grid for two days a la the summer of 2003 or caused the death of a candidate and his running mate?
It seems to me that not having a contingency plan in place to respond to such a catastrophe in a controlled manner is more dangerous than the alternative. If you buy the arguments that it would be too disruptive and politically inflammatory to delay a presidential election for two or three weeks under emergency legislation, consider the contraversies involved with going forward with an election in a nation in grief, fear and chaos, while individuals of varying authority make decisions on a “seat of the pants” basis.
The nature of Islamic fascism is to be unpredictable, to attack civilian targets and cause the most disruption possible. Rigid systems are the most vulnerable to this type of threat. It’s all well and good to stand behind dogmatic resolve to see an election through come hell or high water… but in the reality of a post 9/11 world, not to have a legal contingency plan for the worst-case scenerio seems naive and foolhardy.

A Week

A week ago tomorrow, Tamara Jewel Keepness disappeared. According to media reports, her mother says she was put to bed at 11 pm. and gone in the morning. The police refuse to characterize the disappearance as anything more than a “missing person”, which I suppose is beaurospeak for “we have no clue where she went or how.”
Question: This little 5 year old simply got up at 3 am and walked out the door? Do you know of any 5 year old, up until 11 pm, who would not be dead to the world until well into the next morning? Things about this disappearance don’t ring true on a lot of levels, including the media’s insistance on describing the father as deeply distraught and “pleading” for the safe return of his daughter – the actual taped interviews of the parents show remarkably calm, underwhelmed individuals. It may be cultural.
I don’t have any search and rescue expertise, and I suspect that there’s information they are not releasing to the public, but it seems to me that the restricted area the police concentrated on for the first couple of days (9 block area) was a strange approach. They’ve since expanded the search and are finally including fields outside the city, but to me, this is very little – and very late, if this little girl had indeed just wandered away.
When I was under 2 years old, “Butch”, the farm collie, and I took a saucepan and walked a mile to the neighboring farm in the space of an hour or so. I suspect I was running away in rebellion over some disciplinary action by my mother – the saucepan suggests I planned to fend for myself. Turned myself in to a neighbor, instead.
But, the notion that a lost or anger motivated 5 year old would only make it a few blocks before hunkering down or getting trapped somewhere is illogical.

Regina’s Crimestoppers number is 306-545-8477
Amber Alert Website

There’s a live news conference on right now. Some twit just asked if any native elders have had “visions” that have been followed up on. *sigh*
We can onlyhope they find her with a disgruntled relative, or somewhere equally benign. Otherwise, propsects are pretty dim.

Bologna Warning

What would we do without headline writers?

(AGI) – Bologna July 9 – Professor Federico Licastro of the experimental pathology ward of the University of Bologna has discovered a new factor to value the genetic risk of Alzheimer, related to the metabolism of cholesterol. His study was conducted in collaboration with the Don Gnocchi Foundation and the San Raffaele hospital in Milan and involved 327 patients (335 checks were carried out). The genetic component (a polymorphic form of the HMGCoA gene) and other known genetic factors can be used to estimate the individual risk of the illness before it starts to develop.

When this hits the mainstream American media I fully expect half the headlines will include speculation about the recall of luncheon meat.

The Briefing Kerry Didn’t Have Time For

“It is absolutely essential for the U.S. Senate to turn its attention to what we can do to make America safe,” Daschle said.
Of particular concern are the nation’s borders and ports, Daschle said, and there are security issues unresolved as the homeland security appropriations are “hung up” in the Senate.
Asked if the timing of the terror concerns might be aimed at stealing political thunder from the announcement of John Edwards as the democratic vice presidential candidate, Daschle replied, “The report is so sobering and so serious that I cannot bring myself to believe anyone in this administration would use this for political purposes.”
Daschle said the most recent terror briefing was the second this week and contained information that there is a higher threat than there has been at any time since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Rall. Still Unhinged.

Evidence that refutes the claims of the hysterical left that the Bush administration is threatening civil liberties and freedom of speech.
Exhibit A: Ted Rall* is still drawing breath.

Fringe cartoonist? Hardly. Rall is carried in the Washington Post and about 140 other newspapers.
Crossposted at the Shotgun
