Y2Kyoto: Californicated


California is looking to rapidly shift away from fossil fuels and make its grid more resilient, but these efforts show the other side of the greening of the grid—power generation costs may be plunging, but transmission and distribution costs are rising, leading to higher spending from utilities.

These increased expenditures are passed on to consumers by the investor-owned utilities Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric. As a result, electricity bills in California have risen so much in recent years that in some places, the power bill exceeds the cost of rent, The Wall Street Journal reports in a featured article.

The surge in bills has been “untenable,” according to the consumer advocate’s office at California’s utilities regulator.

In its latest 2024 Q2 Electric Rates Report last month, the Public Advocates Office tracked residential electric rate changes across Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), and Southern California Edison (SCE) service territories through July 1, 2024.

The report found that over the last few years, California’s electric bills are generally rising due to higher electricity use from things such as air conditioning, and higher overall electricity prices.

Since January 2014, residential average rates for the PG&E service area have jumped by 110%, those of SCE have surged by 90%, and SDG&E rates have soared by 82%.

What If They’re Christian Prayers?

Sun- Prayer service in busy downtown intersection not against the law

“In Canada, no permit is required to hold a demonstration, as peaceful assembly and expression, including prayers, are protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” Toronto Police spokesperson Stephanie Sayer said.

Even, police say, if such a demonstration inconveniences other citizens by snarling traffic and delaying public transit.


Much has changed in the approach to policing since the G20 in 2010 where many were arrested for protesting, or when Adam Skelly was busted during the pandemic for his lockdown protest at his Adamson BBQ restaurant in 2020, or Christian Pastor David Lynn was charged with causing a disturbance for preaching to more than a dozen supporters near Church St. during Pride Month in 2019.

Dispatches from the Maple Gulag Truck Stop


This will be the first in a multi-part series on what has happened with the Coutts trial, and the many, many questions which flow from it. As we all know, the mainstream media are not going to ask these questions, nor tell you the truth about what went on, because that is not their job, and the Canadian government is going to do everything they can to pretend like the last four years didn’t happen, and absolve themselves of any responsibility.
WIth what’s going on in the UK, and the looming possibility of Bill C-63 passing in Canada, getting to the bottom of the conspiracy against the Coutts men is of grave import to rights Canadians hold dear, such as the right to freedom of expression, and to protest. –  Gord Magill

Part 1

Most Recent Newsweek Article


Jordan Peterson dares, and warns, those who wish to re-educate him


The oilpatch should take note, because what Peterson is being subjected to is pretty much exactly what oil and gas companies in particular will be subjected to when it comes to Bill C-69. The complaint process is almost identical. Anyone without a dog in the fight can make a complaint against you, and you get to pay lawyers to fight for your livelihood. Every executive in the oilpatch should take notice, today, and watch this video.


French imports of Russia’s liquified natural gas surge, and Ukraine supporters seek a stop

The Doctor Will Kill You Now

Published this month in the Journal of the Blindlingly Obvious;

Canada’s assisted dying regime could provide a cover for medical staff with “serially homicidal personalities,” according to a controversial paper critics say provides no evidence patients could be preyed upon by criminal medical murderers.

“Canada’s MAID (medical assistance in dying) system is criticized as the most permissive or least safeguarded in the world, raising the question of whether it could protect patients who fit the clinical profile of adult victims of HSK (health-care serial killers) from a killer working as a MAID provider,” Christopher Lyon, a Canadian social scientist who teaches at the University of York in the United Kingdom, wrote in a newly published paper.

Making Room For The Online Shit Posters

Telegraph- Starmer’s prison overcrowding plan could mean some rioters will be released early

It was announced that scores of criminals serving determinate sentences would be able to leave after serving 40 per cent of their custodial sentence in prison rather than the current 50 per cent. Some exemptions were announced including those jailed for sex offences, domestic abuse offences as well as violent offenders serving four or more years.

Cheshire Police- A 55-year-old woman from near to Chester, was arrested earlier today (Thurs 8 August) on suspicion of a number of offences in relation to a social media post containing inaccurate information

Oh, The Tangled Web We Weave

When we decide to hand out goodies based on skin colour and race.

Blacklocks- Oppose ‘Pretendian’ Vendors

Contractors pretending to be Indigenous to land federal work are “of great concern,” Ethics Commissioner Konrad von Finckenstein yesterday told the Commons public accounts committee. An audit of Indigenous claimants has yet to be disclosed.

The Department of Indigenous Services on March 7 said it was verifying the status of all contractors claiming to be Indigenous. Authorities set aside five percent of contracts for suppliers that are majority owned by Indigenous shareholders. Some 2,600 companies are listed in a federal Indigenous Business Directory.

Is the American Public being Gaslit?

The head pollster at Rasmussen believes so.

Update: Ryan Girdusky provides a balanced view of poll results.

None Of Your Business

How we spy on you.

Blacklocks- RCMP Admit Credibility Gap

“The audit team found there has been limited transparency and public notice related to the RCMP’s use of emerging investigative technology,” said the Audit Of Emerging Investigative Technologies. “There have been instances where RCMP divisions have informed the media after the fact of successful investigative technology use.”

The RCMP had admitted since 2012 it used spyware capable of activating smartphone cameras and microphones, downloading emails and accessing all electronic records held on devices.
