This Day In Parliament

Mr. Kenney
, who has in the past boasted of his virginity, said the only business Mr. Gagliano conducted on the trip to Italy was to rub shoulders with Ms. Lollobrigida, whom he called an “aging sex kitten.”
Mr. Kenney’s mispronunciation of the famous actress’s name led to cat calls from the Liberal bench. Human Resources Minister Joe Volpe, who was born in Italy, even called Mr. Kenney an “idiot.”
Through howls of laughter, Mr. Kenney later apologized if he offended anyone in “the aging sex kitten community.”

Sheila Copps could not be reached for comment. Then of course, nobody tried.

Genetic Diversity Meets The Darly Arabian

In stark rebuttal to the growing “genetic diversity” cult in animal breeding (a thinly-veiled and politically motivated animal rights attack on purebreds) a study into Thoroughbred pedigrees contradicts an accusation levelled at purebred dog breeders, especially show breeders – that “pedigree worship” and the overuse of popular sires and subsequent inbreeding to consciously concentrate the genes of specific dogs is responsible for a phenomenon called “bottlenecking” and a loss of genetic diversity.
What is bottlenecking? When one does extended pedigree research to discover all the animals in a population trace a great preponderance of their ancestry to a handful of ancestors, making them all highly inbred and closely related, no matter what the first 4 generations of a pedigree indicate for ancestors. For example, 10 generation pedigrees in my breed often produce COI – “coefficient of inbreeding” calculations exceeding 50% – mathematically indicating that the dog is more inbred than if it were produced by a father to daughter mating.
(A dog pedigree with COI shown – the “bottleneck” sire Ch.Sky Rocket’s Upswing will repeat dozens of times if you follow all of the lines back through the generations.)
The theory is that genetic bottlenecks are created of arbitrary decisions of breeders to inbreed for short term gain or simple “beauty traits” (making show breeders the convenient villains) and that the phenomenon can be prevented by intentionally low COI matings and selection for performance traits – argued to be highly complex and thus, destroyed by intense homozygosity (inbreeding).
The political aspect enters when the diversity cultists argue that breed organizations and governments prohibit breeders from using inbreeding as a methodology – this is already occuring in some European countries as the animal rights movement conquers old battlefields and goes looking for new ones.
Well, meet the Thoroughbred.

2003 Kentucky Derby winner Funny Cide
Seldom closely inbred, the history of the high performance Thoroughbred is well known and documented. Stud books have been maintained for centuries. The breed was founded on three sires of the 17th century, the Darley Arabian, the Byerly Turk and the Godolphin Barb. Dna evidence has now confirmed what was already suspected by pedigree researchers;

According to a study published in The Irish Times on Dec. 13, 2001, “the Darley Arabian can lay claim to 95 percent of the paternal lineages.”
The Darley Arabian

The study, using DNA analysis, traced the lineage of a million British horses dating back two centuries, in the largest analysis of pedigrees made.
“The most striking thing is that we were able to confirm the dominance of the three most important founder stallions, but what is new is that one of them is responsible for 95 percent of all the male lineage,” said Patrick Cunningham, professor of animal genetics at Trinity College, where the study was conducted.

The role of performance selection has not prevented the bottleneck effect – indeed, it may have created it. When animals are chosen for breeding on the basis of highly specific traits, be they aesthetic or performance related, the sons of one sire will tend to outperform those of others and will gradually push out their lines.
Horse breeders did not know they were concentrating their lines to one sire to this extent, nor were they doing so intentionally. The theory of performance driven breeding should have resulted in a fairly even distribution of the three founding sires – instead, two lines are nearly extinct.
The phenomenon has been repeated in every species traced, including relatively “inbred” humans where it is thought that our gene pool passed through a prehistoric bottleneck of about 1000 ancestors and where Ghengis Khan has an estimated 16 million descendants.
Not that this suggests you should go cruising for chicks at the family reunion.

It Wasn’t The Address

This comes as no surprise. Not to anyone familiar with the problems in First Nations communities, and not to the Innu themselves. Ray, at Pol:Spy writes:

When the feds
moved 680 people from Davis Inlet, where many were killing themselves after a life of gas-sniffing, alcohol abuse and violence, they spent an average of $223,529.00 per person on modern bungalows with heat and running water – something the Innu never had before.
Two years later, according to the CBC, the Innu are still abusing alcohol, and now marijuana (though less gasoline, likely because the pot is cheaper than the gas), and suicide is still a problem. But the Innu feared the problems would migrate with them, and they were right.
So how come the Innu could see this before the $152 million was spent and not the bureaucrats? With that kind of vision you would think they’d be the better bureaucrats. Or maybe not.

Here in the west, one of the most visible shortcomings of the Indian reserve system is played out year after year. Unlike the majority of urban Canadians who seldom see or drive through a reserve, many of us do on a regular basis. And it’s impossible to ignore that the “modern bungalows” built on reserves are too often vacant and uninhabitable in just a few years.
I live in a small, modest house that is around 100 years old. Though its seen only moderate upgrades (plumbing in the 50’s) it is still sound, square, the windows are unbroken, the doors on their hinges and I haven’t yet chainsawed a hole in an exteriior wall so cattle can drink out of the bathtub.
Of course, I paid for it myself. And I hold the title. Property on reserves is owned by the band. If it’s difficult to create respect for property (and self) among those who do not earn the money to pay for it, try cultivating it in people who have no hope of ever owning it.
Until we come to grips with the reality that racial entitlements breed beaurocratic corruption, stagnation, dependancy and lack of personal responsibility, there will be no end of Davis Inlets, suicide, unemployment and early death among First Nations people.
There has to be a better way to honour treaties than this current Canadian version of “separate but equal”.

Council Of Canadians – Mailing Campaign

What does the Council Of Canadians know about genetically modified crops?
Nothing, of course.
But why let little things like the facts get in the way of left-wing stupidity?

Canadians upset that genetically modified wheat might one day find itself on their shelves now have a new way to vent their anger – – mail a slice of bread to Prime Minister Paul Martin.

I have a better idea.
As a few of the environmental benefits provided by GMO crops include reduced soil erosion and pesticide use, wrap up your empty herbicide container, or simply fill an envelope with dirt, and mail to:

cc.jpg The Council of Canadians
502-151 Slater Street
Ottawa, ON, K1P 5H3

John O’Neill With Jon Stewart?

After witnessing the bizarre behavior of Bob Kerrey and Air America’s mentally challenged Janeanne Garafalo on the moonbat parade that the Daily Show with Jon Stewart has become (last night a mention of Noam Chomsky drew wild audience applause that surprised even Stewart) , I’m tempted to email and suggest he have John O’Neill on as a guest.
Does Stewart – who has taken to ridiculing military losses in Iraq, while guffawing Chomsky admirers affirm his wit – have the balls to bring someone on his show who both served with and has openly challenged the fitness of John F. Kerry to serve as Commander In Chief?
I suspect not.
But, I think this would be a worthy internet challenge to mount. Email the Daily Show here.
Update: – Oh, dear…..

Nuts And Bolts of UNSCAM

For those Canadian readers who aren’t familiar with the scandal finally being dragged into the light of day, involving UN complicity and exploitation of the Iraq Oil-For-Food debacle, this article outlines it quite neatly.

The short version of the Oil-for-Food scandal is that the U.N. let Saddam Hussein draw up his own rules, contacts, and business deals. Then U.N. then did all it could to either cover up the transactions and accounts, or worse, allow Hussein to operate without any real supervision at all. The program, whose intentions were supposed to be humanitarian, ended up empowering Saddam Hussein with both money and influence while the U.N. was paid a handsome commission by Saddam to ‘supervise’.

This past weekend I mentioned it to a number of my friends. They did not know there is a scandal at all. Not surprising with the low priority it’s recieved on the pro-UN Canadian airwaves.

With such a lucrative scheme at stake three members of the U.N. Security Council — Russia, France, and China — asked only that the program be expanded. So how did it work and why was it so lucrative to these nations?
Rosett, writing this time in Commentary magazine, says, “It worked like this. Saddam would sell at below-market prices to his hand- picked customers — the Russians and the French were special favorites — and they could then sell the oil to third parties at a fat profit. Part of this profit they would keep, part they would kick back to Saddam as a ‘surcharge,’ paid into bank accounts outside the UN program, in violation of UN sanctions.”

Saskatchewan Gov’t In Fake Dirt Scandal

Breaking News
March 29, 2004, Small Dead Animals brought you this story:

Today, under pressure from the Opposition, the Saskatchewan Government admitted that the souvenir bags advertised did not contain pure lake bottom goose shit soil, but were in fact, cut with sand trucked from outside the city.

Property Management Corp. Minister Deb Higgins explained that the bags were filled with sand that was used during the lake deepening.
Dirt directly from the lake bed could not be used because there was too much decaying goose excrement and alluvium in it. It was also rather mucky and hard to put into the bags.

This reminder – the next time the government promises to give out free shit – not only is it not free, it may not be the shit you thought you were getting…
Added to the Beltway Traffic Jam.

In A Poll Just Released

At Occam’s Carbuncle:

In an unimpeachably impartial and fair newly released poll (of Canadians wearing “I hate Bush” t-shirts?), only 14 per cent of those surveyed said they believe George Bush understands or cares about Canada.
In a poll fabricated on the same day, George Bush unanimously affirmed that he doesn’t understand or give a crap about Canada.

Keep Yer Eyes Peeled

Last night, Saskatoon police chased a vehicle through the streets at speeds reaching 85 mph. The chase ended with the suspects wrapped around a pole. Both the driver and passenger were taken to hospital, where the passenger was treated and released. (wtf??) – and the driver treated and escaped.
So, everyone, be on the lookout for a male: 5 feet tall – 100 pounds, with strong limp, staples in his face and heavily tattooed arms.
Just blended into the crowd, as they say….

Keep Your Spirits Up

Perhaps there’s another explanation for Bob Kerrey’s loose and expletive deleted performance on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.

When Bob Kerrey, one of the panel’s most outspoken members, left early for an appointment (as did commission vice chairman Lee Hamilton), Bush called out to him as he was leaving and told Kerrey, “Keep your spirits up.” Some thought Bush was alluding to Kerrey’s especially “spirited” recent appearance on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show…
