Today’s Top Stories

And while the local and national news affiliates were giving us items on the new Kentucky Fried Chicken menu, another investigation into the world’s best known case of Death By Rich Playboy and the disappearance of world champion mule deer antlers….

LONDON [MENL] — Sudan has ordered the removal of Syrian missiles and weapons of mass destruction out of the African country. Arab diplomatic and Sudanese government sources said the regime of Sudanese President Omar Bashir has ordered that Syria remove its Scud C and
Scud D medium-range ballistic missiles as well as components for chemical weapons stored in warehouses in Khartoum. The sources said the Sudanese demand was issued after the Defense Ministry and Interior Ministry confirmed a report published earlier this month that Syria has been secretly flying Scud-class missiles and WMD components to Khartoum. The sources said the Bashir regime has been alarmed over the prospect that the United States would discover the Syrian arsenal and conclude that Damascus and Khartoum were cooperating in the area of missiles and WMD. They said this would have delayed or dashed U.S. plans to lift sanctions from Sudan. A U.S. official confirmed the Syrian missile shipments to Sudan, saying they were meant for use against rebels in the south. But the official said the U.S. intelligence community has not determined that Syria sent WMD systems to Khartoum.

hat tip Instapundit
And, via Dr. Joyner this related article, on the ongoing and unreported discoveries of prohibited WMD and precursor weaponry in Iraq.
(Cross-posted at the Shotgun.)

That’s A Lot Of Footprints

From The Future of Life (2002), by Harvard professor Edward O. Wilson, a “leading voice for the preservation of biodiversity and the founder of a field of study relating social behavior to genetic advantage.”

Consider that with the global population past six billion and on its way to eight billion or more by midcentury, per capita freshwater and arable land are descending to levels resource experts agree are risky. The ecological footprint-the average amount of productive land and shallow sea appropriated by each person in bits and pieces from around the world for food, water, housing, energy, transportation, commerce, and waste absorption – is about one hectare (2.5 acres) in developing nations but about 9.6 hectares (24 acres) in the U.S. The footprint for the total human population is 2.1 hectares (5.2 acres)

There are about 291 million people in the US, according to the census bureau.
291 milllion people @ 24 acres each is 6,984,000,000 acres
640 acres in a square mile = 10.9 million square miles. That is more than the total area of the US, Canada and Brazil combined, including bodies of water, deserts, mountains, rain forests, tundra, high arctic….
Now, taking Dr.Wilson’s estimate that the rest of the world’s population of averages a “footprint” of 5.2 acres each…
and there are over 5.7 billion of them…
That’s an additional 29.6 billion acres, or 46.3 million square miles.
Total dry land on the planet? 57.5 million miles. 4.5 million of that is in Antarctica.
His bio does offer this disclaimer;

[Dr. Wilson] has received numerous awards, including the National Medal of Science awarded by President Jimmy Carter and the Craaford Prize issued by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. His confidence with words and his love of nature enabled two Pulitzer Prizes, one for On Human Nature and the other for The Ants. Writing comes easy to him, far easier than mathematics.

It gets worse…�the FAO estimates that 5.6 million square miles of this is arable land.
If the rest of the world’s human “footprint” already uses 900% of the world’s arable land – where the hell are the Americans getting theirs?
hat tip – Dad
Added to the Beltway Traffic Jam

Forgotten Sacrifice

This week marks the anniversary of an WWII tragedy that remained secret for nearly 50 years.

On April 28 1944 a total of 749 US soldiers and sailors died after three ships involved in a training exercise were ambushed by German torpedo boats just off Slapton Sands near Stokenham on the Devon coast.
The full scale of the tragedy remained hidden for almost 50 years because of a secrecy order issued by General Dwight D Eisenhower, the supreme commander of the allied expeditionary force, who feared news of the disaster could destroy morale or tip off the Germans.

A full-scale rehearsal with all 23,000 US soldiers, in preparation for D-Day, the operation was named “Exercise Tiger”.

Shortly before 2am on April 28, disaster struck when the convoy was discovered by nine German E-boats. One of them fired off two torpedoes which hit the landing ship LST 507. As it started to sink, the 447 soldiers and sailors on board struggled to survive in the cold channel waters.
Fifteen minutes later LST 531 was hit, leaving injured men screaming for help after they were thrown into the burning oil floating on the water.
At 2.30am LST 289 was hit in the stern, but the crew managed to keep it afloat.
The commander responsible for the six surviving ships ordered them back to port, but the skipper of Mr McCann’s ship refused to abandon the 1,000 survivors in the freezing waters, and the 15-year-old coxswain was ordered to mount a rescue.
With orders to pick up only the living, he set off into the darkness, moving through a sea of bodies and wreckage.
“There were just so many bodies in the water,” he told the Guardian this week from his home in Washington state. “Everything was happening so fast, but it was quite a while before any other boats were put into the water to look for survivors. When I found out we had picked up 45 men I was astounded.”
But there was nothing Mr McCann and his crew could do for the other men, a number of whom drowned because they had not been given proper instructions on how to wear their lifejackets. Most were found with their heads in the water and their feet in the air, top heavy from not putting the belts around their chests before inflating the jackets.
When reports of the attack reached the Eisenhower’s headquarters an order – never rescinded – was sent out that it should remain secret. Doctors were told to ask no questions as a stream of burnt and injured soldiers arrived at military hospitals, while the men who survived the exercise were held in sealed camps until D-day six weeks later.

The 60th anniversary of D-Day will be commemorated later this year. The full story continues to emerge piecemeal, as many documents have only been released recently.

Losing The Game Of Gotcha

Via Instapundit – a very good article on the media disconnect with the public they serve, and how the Bush administration has capitalized on that weakness.

As a first step out of this trap, journalists need to ask themselves: how did we become so predictable? Is it possisble to go back, and pull the wire that made this so? The game of Gotcha does exist. Auletta, a liberal journalist, can recognize it as easily as Karl Rove. Knock him off stride. Get him off the talking points.
But instead of rolling our eyes, we ought to realize that Gotcha has been incorporated into a new thesis, now in power in the White House. Behold the basics of President Bush’s press think. You don’t represent the public. You’re not a part of the checks and balances. I don’t have to answer your questions. And you don’t have that kind of muscle anymore.

Read the whole thing.The comment section is as good as the article.

Richard Clarke’s Long Debate on Terrorism

Richard Clarke has a piece in the New York Times for those who would like further insight into why he was demoted by the Bush Administration. He offers that Islamic terrorism is a battle “chiefly of ideas”, while admitting “I do not pretend to know the formula for winning that ideological war.” Two decades in counter-terrorism, and 21/2 years after 9-11, and that’s the best he can offer? Not that it holds him back from criticizing the formula now under trial. After dismissing a liberal western style media and democracy “at the end of an American bayonnet” , he regrets the fall of the shah of Iran.

We must also be careful, while advocating democracy in the region, that we do not undermine the existing regimes without having a game plan for what should follow them and how to get there. The lesson of President Jimmy Carter’s abandonment of the shah of Iran in 1979 should be a warning.

In practical terms – an American invasion of Iran and dictatorship at the end of an American bayonnet.

Other parts of the war of ideas include making real progress on the Israel-Palestinian issue, while safe-guarding Israeli security, and finding ideological and religious counter-weights to Osama bin Laden and the radical imams. Fashioning a comprehensive strategy to win the battle of ideas should be given as much attention as any other aspect of the war on terrorists, or else we will fight this war for the foreseeable future.

Strange that no one’s noticed that Israeli-Palestinian thing before now. This is what they paid him the big bucks for.

The second major lesson of the last month of controversy is that the organizations entrusted with law enforcement and intelligence in the United States had not fully accepted the gravity of the threat prior to 9/11. Because this is now so clear, there will be a tendency to overemphasize organizational fixes.

His next six paragraphs are devoted to organizational fixes.
And Richard Clarke’s ultimate solution for militant Islam? Public discourse.

We all want to defeat the jihadists. To do that, we need to encourage an active, critical and analytical debate in America about how that will best be done. And if there is another major terrorist attack in this country, we must not panic or stifle debate as we did for too long after 9/11.

There you have it. While the enemy straps on their suicide belts, hijacks airplanes and calls for the destruction of Israel, we must all gather round and debate one another.
(Oh, in a non-partisan way. He was careful to mention that.)
Cross posted at The Shotgun

Life Of Glamour

Winds have been gusting to 50 mph, and we’ve been suffering through a dust storm all day. This region has been through three years of drought, and if conditions this spring are any indication, we’re heading full tilt into a fourth.
So, what’s a girl to do to get her mind off the grit and the depression of a cold, miserable day?

Continue reading

The African Queen

Her Ketchupdom for a dictionary.

“I think the American people are beginning to see the dichotomy between terrorism on the one hand and Iraq on the other. There’re not the same. The only thing that is the same is that Iraq has made terrorism worse, not better. … It’s exasperated terrorism worldwide,” Teresa Heinz Kerry said during a brief news conference at Franklin Canyon Park.

An exasperated terrorist is a dangerous terrorist. John F. Kerry would, with her help, work towards a world in which terrorists are happy and content.

She told them
she was born and raised in Africa and learned to avoid water sources at sunrise and sunset, times when animals came to drink.

Raised by African Wild Dogs, she was… the mind’s eye pictures the little girl stooping at a watering hole to drink… one eye on the hyenas, the other on the crocodiles. How ironic that she would survive to return to America, only to succumb to a leech.
Via Deinonychus antirrhopus

Deadball Trivia

In 1861, 21 year old Jim Creighton died from a ruptured inguinal hernia, after swinging at a pitch. In 1888, John Glenn was accidentally shot by a policeman while being protected by a lynch mob. Len Koenecke was battered to death in a plane in 1931, by a member of the crew, who used a fire extinguisher to do the deed.
Dedicated to dead major league baseball players, Frank Russo’s The Deadball Era has this and much more!

You Can Take The Boy Out Of Wall Street

Barry Ritholtz might know something about markets, but he sure as hell doesn’t know much about cows. In James Joyner’s comments section,he writes:

Bulls have horns which can gore; Bears have teeth and claws. Both can kill. Hence, the graphic imagery depicting the fierce battle between supply and demand, between mighty Bull and ferocious Bear in the jugles of Wall Street..

Horns are not sex characteristics in cattle, they’re breed or breed variety characteristics.

Polled Hereford Bull

Longhorn Cow & Calf

Bulls (with a handful of exceptions) are generally less dangerous than cows. They eat, have sex and eat. So long as he isn’t challenged outright or stuck with a cowboy and a bucking strap to get rid of, a bull will probably leave you alone.

Cows . . . Cows . . . Well, Cows stand around the field, chewing their cud, waiting to be either milked or slaughtered.

Cows have calves, protective maternal instincts and a strong matriarchal pecking order. Herds follow the “lead cow”, not a bull. As breeding animals, cows enjoy a longer producing life than the average bull.
Bulls are a relative rarity. Most male cattle are castrated at a few weeks of age and slaughtered by 30 months. And of the lucky few, all but the most valuable purebred bulls move from poking the baloney to being baloney in a fairly short time period. It takes only a couple of years before a commercial herd sire is of little use, unless you have plans to breed him to his daughters. At this point he must be replaced with a new bull.

Hardly a suitable iconagraphy for the stock markets.


Saving Fish Habitat

Feds sue Sask Hiways

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) says highways workers did not take the proper steps to control erosion around Maple Creek, and disrupted a fish habitat when they dug a gravel pit in the Adaire Creek near Wolseley.

Average rainfall in the Maple Creek district is around 12″ per year.

If the matter proceeds to a hearing, the province could face fines of up to $300,000 for each charge.

Of course, federal laws protecting “fish habitat” do not require that actual fish be present – a convenient oversight. Creeks on the Saskatchewan prairies are fed only by precipitation. They generally stop flowing after spring run-off and freeze to the bottom in winter.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp  Moose Mountain Creek
In the 1980’s, the Saskatchewan government ran headlong into federal environmental laws when they began building the Rafferty-Alameda dam project. To put it mildly, all hell broke loose.
The feds demanded environmental impact studies, David Suzuki jetted out to speak on site about the Great Evils Of Dams, while critics alternated with dire warnings – “the dam will never fill!” ….. ” the dam would result in destructive flooding of fragile habitat!”

I remember Valerie Pringle interviewing then Premier Grant Devine for the CBC at the height of the contraversy;

Pringle: “But Premier Devine, don’t you understand? It sounds as though the people of Saskatchewan don’t care about the environment.”
Devine: “With all due respect, Valerie, why don’t you get off your chair in Toronto and come see Moose Mountain creek for yourself. You could stop it with your briefcase.”

Today the dam provides a much needed resort area for the water starved southeast, and helps to control the occassional, but serious flooding that can occur further downstream in years with heavy run-off.
No word from David Suzuki lately.

Hope For Cystic Fibrosis

American and Canadian researchers reported Thursday that they were able to resolve the symptoms of the debilitating disease in mice by dosing them with curcumin, a compound that gives turmeric its brilliant yellow colour.
Furthermore, CF mice receiving treatment with curcumin had a life-span almost identical to that of a normal healthy mouse – a startling development in a disease that generally kills human sufferers by their mid-30s.
While it’s too soon to say whether curcumin will have the same impact in humans, the U.S. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is already developing human safety and dosage trials which could begin this summer.

When a treatment is as simple as that found in a common spice, one would hope that such trials would be fast tracked – especially as there is likely to be immediate experimentation in the form of home remedies.

Mice with CF who were fed infant formula laced with curcumin stopped suffering the symptoms of the disease. But Caplan and his co-investigators wanted to be sure that the effect they were seeing was caused by the compound, so they enlisted the help of cell biologist Dr. Gergely Lukacs – one of Canada’s leading CF researchers – at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children.
“I was very skeptical at the beginning,” Lukacs said in an interview Thursday.
But he tested the compound in cell cultures and the findings were clear. The protein that was trapped in the interior of the cell moved to its proper location when curcumin was added. “I am 100 per cent convinced,” said the former skeptic. “The animal studies from the very beginning are absolutely convincing.”

No information as to how they were led to do research into this spice, but it seems that sufferers were already aware it had beneficial properties, while it has had long use as a herbal remedy for other ailments, including Alzheimer’s.


Ted Koppel just stumbled upon something that Arthur Kent was warning about ten years ago when he left – then successfully sued – NBC;

His relationship
with NBC began on a freelance basis, as Kent spent much of the ’80s covering the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

After covering the Tiananmen Square uprising in May 1989, the network made Kent its Rome correspondent, dispatching him to cover the fall of East Germany and, in the assignment that would result in the moniker “Scud Stud,” the Persian Gulf War.

A bitter contract dispute in 1992 resulted in Kent suing the company for $25 million for breach of contract, fraud and defamation.

At the heart of Kent’s dispute with NBC, and its parent company General Electric, was the shift in management’s concept of the news.

In addition to cutting budgets drastically, international hard news was both losing airtime to magazine-style programs like Dateline NBC and being “crafted” to fit the more entertainment-oriented style.

“It was a clash and a confrontation that was totally unnecessary, because once I had been convinced to join Dateline, I warned them in writing that the editorial direction of the program was dangerous and that the manipulation and re-editing of stories was going to cause trouble.”

A climate was being created in which corruption was imminent, Kent said.

“You could see that something like the exploding truck fiasco (a Dateline story about unsafe GM trucks in which toy rockets were used in test crashes to ensure fiery explosions and which caused a number of NBC resignations) would happen eventually.”

Kent offered to resign, but NBC dug in for battle, assigning him to cover the war in Bosnia without the proper equipment or preparation. When he refused, the network publicly called him a coward.

With the millions he was rumoured to have recieved in settlement, Kent established an independant production company.

In 2001 while much of the network news industry was focusing on shark attacks and the Chandra Levy mystery, Arthur Kent’s production company, Fast Forward Films, was warning Americans about the dangers posed by the Taliban regime’s reign of terror and repression. Kent’s hour-long documentary Afghanistan: Captives of the Warlords, was broadcast nationally by PBS in June of 2001, and was extensively rebroadcast post-September 11. The program has won the Gold WorldMedal at the New York Festivals and a Golden Eagle award from the CINE organization.

Kent’s 1997 book, Risk And Redemption is a worthwhile read, and unsurprisingly prescient about the blurring of the line between news and entertainment that continues today.

Justice Delayed. Now – A Time Out.

The jury in the Farah Khan trial was expected to begin its deliberations yesterday. Her mother and stepfather are accused of killing and dismembering the little girl in 1999.
Instead, the judge granted a jury request to delay deliberations until tomorrow, so that jurors could catch game seven between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Ottawa Senators before they are sequestered.

The World Show

I left last Tuesday morning – more than 24 hours later I arrived in Rio for the FCI World Dog Show. The 2 shows covered 4 days, and with three days taken up in travel, it was a whirlwind experience.
The Exposition Center is absolutely huge, with the show occupying three gigantic buildings. I regret not taking a photo of our benching area – approximately 4,000 sq feet for several handlers, owners and around 40 dogs. My host has the top winning Mini Schnauzers in Brazil. (I sold him a dog a few years ago and was there as his guest.) There were two full time kennel men who did the heavy lifting, much of the grooming and all the basic care, errands and cleaning. The dogs loved them – a sign of how well they did their jobs. Labour costs are extremely low in Brazil – I was told they were paid around $50 US a month. In Brazil’s heavily class-divided society, they are unlikely to ever achieve their goal of becoming full fledged handlers – they’re black. Each benching area had tents in which they slept at night, so that the dogs were supervised 24 hours a day.
In addition there was a third employee – an armed guard who doubled as a driver. (The drug wars were not that far from the site, and there were armed guards at the gates as well). As it turned out, having high placed “connections” at the show afforded me the luxury of VIP status for the group and best in show judging. We had the comfort of lounge chairs and waiters, free beer, cola and coffee and finger food – and fans – while the rest of the spectators crammed several deep like sweating sardines, and dared not leave for losing their view.
The event was heavy with ceremony – the national dog of Brazil, the “Filas”, were serenaded by a full choir, backed up by an orchestra. There were dancing girls in spectacular costumes. At the conclusion of each group a swarm of press photographers surrounded the winners’ stand. Large overhead screens were up at each end of the main ring those who couldn’t see the judging itself. (Unfortunately, the flash function on my digital camera decided to unfunction, so I didn’t get as many shots of the dog show that I know the curious back at home would have liked to see. )
(Click on the thumbnails for full sized photos)
But, apart from the spectacle and hospitality, the overall experience was deeply disappointing. The quality of most of the breeds that made it to group was poor to mediocre (terriers were an exception), and judging was abysmal. Organization was poor and the venue itself was dreadful. Unseasonably hot, there was no air conditioning – cooling consisted of dozens of ceiling fans that blew intermittent mists of water down on the dogs and people below (in the benching building only – the other 2 exhibition buildings had nothing at all). Temperature inside the show buildings must have been close to 100F – combined with high humidity and a crush of people, it was truly dangerous for the dogs. One top winning Golden Retriever died the first night. I immediately trained my own to lie on an ice pack until it was time to go to the ring.
“Carlos” recieved an “excellent” rating, which is the highest, though no placement. I was prewarned that the judges for our breed were not well thought of. Under the Spanish judge, for example, it came as no surprise when a Portuguese dog recieved top honours. Overall, there was great disappointment about the heavily political nature of the judging all weekend – that coming from judges on the panel as well as exhibitors. At World Shows in the past, host country dogs have had a distinct advantage – in Italy, an Italian dog won Best In Show, the same in Germany, and so forth. Brazil turned out to be no different.
However, when the Brazilian owned Pug was announced as Best In Show, applause was drowned out by booing from the crowd, due to an alleged “set up” that had led to the win. Negative crowd reactions such as this are virtually unheard of in the sport – a contraversial moment that will be talked about for years. But perhaps a necessary one, given the charades of previous World Shows.
Balancing the disappointment of the World Show (I doubt I’ll ever attend another) was the generosity of my hosts. The Brazilians are wonderful people, generous and helpful – I speak no Portuguese and my host no English, so we spoke only through his friends who spent all weekend as translators. It was virtually impossible to pay for anything, and after selling a little artwork, I left the shows with more money than I came with, along with a suitcase full of gifts.
In the few hours before I left on Monday a friend of my host (a professional tour guide) took me on the Reader’s Digest tour of Rio – we went part way up to Sugarloaf, drove past the main beaches and had lunch with him and his housekeeper in his very colourful little “hole in the wall” apartment in Copacabana. I did regret not bringing my Minolta and zoom lens. The shantytowns that cover the hills have to be seen to be believed.
It’s difficult enough to take photos from a moving vehicle – nearly impossible in Brazil, where drivers seem hell bent on mutual destruction. But I have a few more. Visit this directory to see them – the file names are fairly self explanatory.
Directory of photos
Now, I must get some sleep.
