Criminalizing Your Political Opponents

It would be nice if the media asked Kamala Harris if she is fine with this:

Thursday On Turtle Island

Woke World:  A White Elite response to riots.  The new kid on the Pride block.  A drunk in charge of a newspaper.

The Planet Is Boiling News:  Destroying rainforests and coral reefs to save the planet.

Queen Kamala’s America:  The woke zealotry of Tim Walz.  Harris panders to her anti-Semitic base.

Blackie’s Canada:  Avoid running over the Hamas supporters in Toronto.  Democracy is fading.

Your morning meme.   A cartoon.

They Took All The Rights, Put ‘Em In A Rights Museum

Trudeau’s rapey-beheader wing will not be pleased.

Justice Minister Arif Virani says he has received the review of online comments made by incoming human rights commissioner Birju Dattani, and that Dattani has “agreed to take a leave” just one day before he was set to begin serving in his new role.

“While I carefully consider this matter, Mr. Dattani has agreed to take leave,” Virani said in a statement Wednesday night.

“I will have more to say in the coming days.” […]

Dattani’s appointment was announced in June, after which a Canadian Jewish advocacy group called attention to some of his past social media posts, saying they were antisemitic.

“The appointment of someone with such a deeply flawed background only exacerbates the skeptical public perceptions of the CHRC and undermines our confidence in the commission’s ability to adjudicate issues of hate and discrimination,” the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs said at the time.

I’ve written the CBC writer to inquire if Dattani will be receiving pay.

h/t to JD

Let That Sink In

Bill Rice Jr- Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!

Have you ever wondered why wildly-popular TV and Internet sites get virtually no advertising from the world’s largest advertisers?

Daily Mail- Elon Musk declares ‘war’ on advertisers: X sues brands and trade group over ‘illegal boycott’- amid billionaire owner’s clash with Keir Starmer

Damien Slash- It’s time to extradite Elon Musk.

James Lindsay- The Woke “ball bearing factory”

Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Sam Cooper;

Beijing is targeting Canada’s First Nations leaders with intelligence operations based on tourism that are aimed at securing Aboriginal-controlled natural resources, a Top Secret report from Ottawa’s intelligence-review watchdog NSICOP says.

Additionally, Beijing funded a British Columbia provincial candidate and its Consul General in Vancouver took actions to cover up the candidate’s “possible Chinese Communist Party membership,” NSICOP’s June 2019 draft report alleges.

The Bureau exclusively obtained NSICOP’s unredacted, 2019 report on foreign interference, which details China’s pervasive operations to bribe, coerce and co-opt Canadian leaders at all levels of government.[…]

“Many of the same tactics used to target elected officials at the federal level are replicated with provincial, municipal, and indigenous officials,” the June 2019 NSICOP report obtained by The Bureau says.

Canada’s Aboriginal leaders — and the tension between federal and First Nations jurisdictions over natural resources in northern Canada — are an unexplored aspect of the Chinese interference story.

But the 2019 NSICOP report demonstrates crucial national security issues at stake.

It suggests Beijing is seeking clandestine relationships with First Nations leaders under false pretences in order to control Canada’s strategic resources in areas of increasing geopolitical importance.

“In late 2011, China invited a national-level group of Aboriginal leaders to travel to China. A CSIS assessment noted that the invitation was advertised as an opportunity to develop tourism for First Nations,” NSICOP’s report says.

“According to a Minister Counsellor at the PRC Embassy, the tourism opportunity was merely “beipian” (Mandarin for ‘to be fooled’) and that the true intention of the invitation was to pursue Aboriginal-controlled natural resources.”

Lockdowns Forever

UnHerd- Covid-style controls against disorder are not the answer

John Woodcock, ex-Labour MP and Government advisor on political violence, argued this weekend that reinstating Covid-like restrictions would be the right response to the violent disorder taking place around the country following the dreadful events in Southport last week. At the same time, Keir Starmer has signalled moves that include more Government control of online information and the expansion of state surveillance through facial recognition.

Blog Notes

We woke up to this today. Those are the internet and landline cables, and while still live there’s plenty of zapping up at the main line.

So… my blogging activities may be interrupted somewhat by both the mess there is to clean up and the likelihood that I lose connection.

It’s always something.

Did they miss something?

Alberta government addresses its electrical grid close calls: Digging deep into the report

As Pipeline Online has extensively reported, each time Alberta goes into a grid alert, wind generation has flatlined, and the sun is on the wrong side of the planet. And that over-reliance on wind, especially to perform, when it does not, seems to be at the crux of the reforms announced.
But that’s not exactly how the report saw it. While it recognized low wind power generation was a factor, it largely places the blame on outages in natural gas-fired thermal generation, even though in one of these events wind generation was close to nil, and the second one saw minimal wind.
