Coming Soon

Just in time for harvest.

Western Canadian Wheat Growers- Rail Strike Shows a Shameful Response By the Federal Government

The Wheat Growers Association has spoken directly with the Minister of Labour on several occasions, only to be told that binding arbitration will not be used. The federal government would rather bring the Canadian economy and our food security to a standstill. There have been more than 12 strikes in the past 14 years.

“It is shocking that the Minister of Labour will not use the tools available to him, including Sec 107 of the Labour Act, to thwart the pending rail strike. It is unprecedented in recent memory, that both railways will be shutdown simultaneously. This government is failing all Canadians, rather than prioritizing our national economy,” stated Gunter Jochum, President.

G.I. Jane

Blacklock’s- First Data On Military Deaths

The Department of National Defence for the first time acknowledges above-average suicide rates in the armed forces, typically involving women volunteers.

“The number of regular force female suicides was higher with statistical significance from the number expected based on the suicide rate in the Canadian female population,” said a department report. Typical subjects were 33, single, with no combat experience but a history of depression, anxiety disorders and addiction. “There weren’t many who had a history of deployment,” it said.

“It was common for these members to have at least two active mental health problems at the time of death,” said the Report On Suicide Mortality In The Canadian Armed Forces. Suicide rates among men were similar to the national average for civilians, it said.

What Was Their First Clue?

From the people who brought you men punching women in the face for sport;

A former chief investigator for the World Anti-Doping Agency said on Monday that the organization was “broken beyond repair” and had misled the public following disclosure of its decision not to discipline 23 elite Chinese swimmers who tested positive three years ago for a banned drug.

The investigator, Jack Robertson, said in a five-page statement that the agency’s handling of the positive tests and its response to the criticism it has faced demonstrated that it needed to be completely restructured to become “truly independent.”

Mr. Robertson said the agency, known as WADA, had made false and defamatory statements about how its top critic — the United States Anti-Doping Agency — handled a separate and complex doping case. WADA’s accusation that the American agency had mishandled the case and had been hypocritical in criticizing WADA came amid an escalating feud between the two agencies over whether WADA is capable of policing doping in international athletics.

“WADA has gone from enforcer to appeaser,” Mr. Robertson said.

It’s a NYT piece that will likely drop behind the paywall, so read the rest in the extended entry.
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Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community

Trouble in Rainbow City…

The Liberal Party of Canada is the latest major group to withdraw from the annual Ottawa Pride parade after organizers pledged solidarity with Palestinians in a statement earlier this month.

The federal political party’s decision comes as some embassies, civil servants, and local organizations pulled out of the event amid the controversy.

“In light of recent decisions made by the Capital Pride board, the Liberal Party has decided not to participate in Capital Pride events this year, and instead will host our own event to celebrate Ottawa’s 2SLGBTQI+ communities,” said Liberal Party spokesperson Parker Lund in a statement.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has previously taken part in the Pride parade in the nation’s capital, as have some other prominent political leaders. […]

The wave of backlash began after Capital Pride issued a statement on Aug. 6 expressing solidarity(opens in a new tab) with Palestinians and accusing the Israeli government for “pinkwashing” the ongoing Israel-Hamas war by citing its LGBTQ2S+ inclusivity in an effort to “draw attention away” from its actions in Gaza.

The statement condemned, “in the strongest possible terms,” the Hamas terrorist attack on Oct. 7, 2023. It also pledged to “recognize the ongoing genocide against Palestinians” in opening remarks at 2024 Capital Pride Festival signature events, among other commitments.

While some organizations, such as Queers4Palestine Ottawa applauded Capital Pride for pledging to boycott Israeli companies, the statement drew considerable backlash from Jewish residents and advocacy groups such as B’nai Brith Canada and the Jewish Federation of Ottawa.

When The “New Rules” Don’t Apply

Blacklock’s- Told Aboriginal “Boneheads” To “Get A Job”: New Senator

Liberal Senate appointee Charles Adler in a radio broadcast called Indigenous people uncivilized “boneheads” who should “get a job.” Adler’s remarks on Radio CJOB Winnipeg were so vulgar they prompted a formal complaint by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, records show.

“I don’t believe in living on reserves,” Adler said in his Adler On Line broadcast. “I don’t believe in ghettos. I don’t believe in federal government policy.”

Adler described First Nations as dishonest. “Do you think people of this community believe people running the reserves, the chiefs, are honest, have integrity?”

Update! Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Asks Governor General and Prime Minister to Recall Appointment of Charles Adler to represent Manitoba in the Senate
