The Failed Attempt on Trump

At Anarchonomicon;

I timed my vacation into the far north for what was looking like it’d be the lull in the American Election/Cold Civil War/Collapse cycle.

Unlike 2020 where the regime was hyper focused on creating enough chaos to drive Trump from office, whether that be the extreme totalitarian and deranged response to Covid or fake Gretchen Witmer kidnapping (a plot which may have had more feds and informants than actual target “extremists”), or actively burning the country to the ground in the state backed riots and violent pogroms against white, asian, and black small business owners throughout American cities. This time, so I thought, the regime was committed to the illusion of “Normalcy” and the Bidenist talking point that all the madness of 2020 was a result of Trump and Trump alone, with the promise/threat that so long as Biden retained the whitehouse Americans would be permitted to pretend it was still the 1990s or early 2000s and that the economy is doing well (Of course it’s not once you adjust for how understated official inflation is compared to actual cost of living, Americans have effectively been in an economic depression for years now, it is just instead of losing 20+% of jobs, they’ve lost 20+% of what their wage buys, net real worker income is still down 20%).

They were incentivized to keep the news as boring as possible and the Quiet a little too quiet, or so I thought.

Then Biden’s campaign imploded at the debate, and it became damned clear that the default would be a second Trump Administration without drastic measures…As to whether those measures included a Letter-Agency backed assassination attempt on Trump…???

You’ll Just Have To Take My Word For It

Blacklocks- Won’t Release Jasper Figures

Parks Canada fire preparedness in Jasper, Alta. was a model for the nation, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault yesterday told reporters.

However the Minister’s Office has refused to release data showing how many thousands of hectares of dead pine were left standing in the Park following a beetle infestation.


National Post- Jasper National Park: Wildfires expected to grow again amid hot, dry weather

The park says the wildfire remains out of control and has grown by about 7,500 hectares, bringing it to about 39,000 hectares

Should He Stay Or Should He Go Now?

National Post- Indigenous murderer’s childhood trauma ignored by parole board, court rules

Jeffrey George Ewert, 61, was convicted in 1984 after he sexually assaulted and strangled two women in British Columbia in two separate incidents while highly intoxicated, killing one and leaving the other severely disabled.
Article content

The Parole Board of Canada denied his application for day parole in 2022, concluding he still posed an undue risk to society. But a Federal Court judge in Montreal last week overturned that decision, ruling the board failed to consider what are known as Gladue factors — Ewert’s traumatic childhood and the Indigenous healing process he has undertaken.

The case will now return to the parole board’s appeal division for a new assessment. Demnati said she’s “very hopeful” Ewert, who has been behind bars for 40 years, will be granted day parole.

You Can Check Out Anytime…

… but you can never leave. ( my apologies to the Eagles)

Blacklocks- Feds Book 3,810 Hotel Rooms

Nearly 4,000 hotel rooms for illegal immigrants and refugee claimants are being billed to taxpayers monthly, says the Department of Immigration.

“As of May 30 the department’s hotel footprint consists of approximately 3,810 rooms in 29 hotels housing approximately 6,900 claimants in British Columbia, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador,” said a June 13 briefing note. The largest number of refugee hotels were in Ontario at Cornwall, Kingston, Mississauga, Niagara Falls, Ottawa and Windsor, it said.

What Did You Think Would Happen?

After years of outright lies and gaslighting from media and the authorities combined with a police force that can’t be trusted to do their job it was only a matter of time before there was anarchy in the streets.

Telegraph- Violence erupts in Southport after child killings

Violent protests broke out in Southport on Tuesday night as hundreds of demonstrators clashed with police following the deadly knife attack on children attending a Taylor Swift-themed holiday club.

A mob gathered outside a mosque, hurling bricks, masonry and fireworks at officers, amid claims that police were not telling the truth about the suspect’s background and his motives, with rumours swirling on social media.

Swept Under The Rug

Blacklocks- Terms Of Contracts Vanished

Cabinet has abruptly scrubbed dozens of Government of Canada webpages detailing more than $24 billion in payments to Covid contractors. The publicly-accessible database was deleted only weeks after Treasury Board President Anita Anand promised to “make sure we have transparency in government contracting.”

Details of contracting will only be disclosed “upon request,” said Link. The accounts were “archived” but not publicly inaccessible. Some 34 webpages had detailed line by line payments to mainly sole-sourced suppliers for goods from vinyl gloves to ventilators. Payments totaled $24,405,139,945.

The Liberal Abuse Will Continue

Until morale improves.

Globe and Mail- Liberal MP Anita Vandenbeld says she regrets ‘distress’ caused to witnesses who left meeting in tears

Liberal MP Anita Vandenbeld fell short of an apology today after instigating a fracas that led two witnesses to storm out of a parliamentary committee hearing.

The MP had steered the rare summer meeting of the House of Commons status of women committee away from the planned topic of domestic violence, accusing Conservatives of putting together the agenda in haste.

That came just moments after the committee heard detailed testimony about personal experiences of intimate partner abuse.

City News- Witness who stormed out of House committee in tears demands apology from Liberal MP

“This is exactly what it felt like these last few years, where I’m literally showing my bludgeoned, bleeding, bruised body and the people who have authority and power in this country are saying, ‘Well, we care about you.’ But then they silence you.”

You’re Going To Love It

Anyone who doesn’t is a racist.

Western Standard- Corus doubles down on DEI programs for new hires even as it slashes jobs

Mandatory racism training, virtual Zumba sessions and new events to celebrate Ramadan, Eid and Asian Heritage Month.

Those are just a few of the priorities for Corus Entertainment, which owns Global News, even as it cuts hundreds of jobs and slashes local news programming.

In a memo to employees obtained by The Western Standard in both official languages, the embattled media company announced it has hired a new DEI vice-president and increased mandatory training programs for new hires — assuming there are any after its latest round of cuts.
