I, Napoleon

Scotus blog;

The Supreme Court on Friday rejected the Biden administration’s request to be allowed to temporarily enforce most of an April 2024 rule implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination in education programs that receive federal funding, while its appeals continued.

Friday’s ruling leaves in place for now decisions by federal appeals courts that barred the Biden administration from enforcing any portion of the rule, including three provisions that target discrimination against transgender people in schools. The Biden administration had not asked the Supreme Court to intervene with regard to two of those provisions. […]

The orders came in two separate challenges – one filed in Kentucky by six states and one in Louisiana by four states. Both challenges focused on three provisions of the April 2024 rule that target discrimination against transgender people. The first provision recognizes that Title IX’s ban on sex discrimination includes discrimination based on gender identity. A second provision at issue in the case makes clear that schools violate Title IX when they bar transgender people from using bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. And a third provision defines “hostile-environment harassment” to include harassment based on gender identity, which the states say could require students and teachers to refer to transgender students by the pronouns that correspond to their gender identity.

Spy vs Spy

Sun- Social media, smartphone warriors put police under full-time surveillance

“Our members know they are watched continuously, they know everything they do and say is captured on video, and they know that they are the only professional in an interaction with the public,” said Toronto Police Association president Jon Reid. “Our members are also pushed to the brink on many shifts. Between a lack of proper staffing and public support, and when some members of the public feel it is increasingly acceptable to interfere in police operations and treat our members with disrespect, it is not surprising to see how some of these interactions are unfolding.”

When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Subornation of perjury;

The audio file is a recording of a June 6 telephonic interview that Jessica did with Nick Tartaglione, Jeffrey Epstein’s former cellmate in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center. Tartaglione was recounting some of his conversations with Epstein.

As Tartaglione tells it, Epstein returned to their shared cell after a meeting with the federal prosecutors. He told his cellmate that the prosecutors were fishing for a plea deal with him if he would provide damaging information about Trump that would support his impeachment. It didn’t matter whether it was true or not.

Tartaglione asked whether Epstein knew Trump. Epstein acknowledged that although he did know Trump, they didn’t like each other. When Tartaglione asked why, Epstein described how Trump had kicked him out of Mar-a-Lago because he, Epstein, was there with an under-aged girl. Here is Tartaglione’s description of the conversation…

He [Epstein] said, ‘I don’t know anything. . . . But the government told me I don’t have to prove what I say about Trump as long as Trump’s people can’t disprove it.’ I [Tartaglione] said ‘Yes, he’s the President of the United States. His people are the FBI.’ He [Epstein] said, ‘That’s what I said, and they said, no, the FBI’s our people, not his people.’
