Thursday On Turtle Island

Cackling Kamala’s America:  Harris rallygoers walk out.  Live not by lies.  The anti-white bigotry.  A party of preachy females and scolding shrews.

Blackie’s Canada:  CBC journalist laments death of Hamas leader.  Liberal MP abuses abused women.  Disclosure is temporary.  Scandal talk upsets Liberal MP.

Diversity Is Our Strength News:  Southport is the end of the line.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.   A cartoon.  Bonus cartoon.

No Matter How Much You Hate The Media

It’s nowhere near enough. Rachel Scott is what poses as a “journalist” in 2024.

No Means No

Blacklocks- Rating EVs Costly, Unreliable

Fewer Canadians say they’d buy an electric car despite billions in federal aid for the industry, says in-house research by the Department of Natural Resources. Drivers complained electrics are still too costly and unreliable in winter.

A majority of respondents complained electrics were “too expensive” (cited by 75 percent), “perform poorly in cold weather” (59 percent) and “cannot travel far enough on a full charge” (56 percent).

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Sparky Buses

Many more such blows to the EV market and there’ll be nothing left of it except for an enormous debt to taxpayers and “temporarily” permanent job losses.

The electric bus company says some 300 employees will be let go in the coming days in a 30 per cent cut to its workforce. It expects most of the layoffs to be temporary.

Lion Electric previously laid off about 220 employees in a pair of announcements in February and April.

That’s Not Our Job

By the way we also need more money.

Blacklocks- Jasper Fire Was ‘Big Concern’

Parks Canada managers four years ago said fire risks at Jasper National Park were a “big concern.” The agency yesterday would not explain why it failed to take all measures needed to save the Town of Jasper from a July 24 wildfire that destroyed 358 buildings.

Parliament in 2021 budgeted $100.6 million in five-year funding for fire preparedness in national parks including $2.2 million a year to combat beetle infestations blamed for killing pine trees. Parks Canada boasted at 2020 environment committee hearings that Jasper National Park was “one of the very few places” where the agency cut trees to reduce fire risk.

Lieberal Recruiting Opportunity

I feel terrible for Vanessa Gilles, and the rest of the Team Canada female soccer players.  None of them did anything wrong but are now being punished for the stupid actions of a few non-player bad actors.

One wonders if leaders of the Liberal Party of Canada are going to seize this opportunity to try to recruit those who did perform the misdeeds.  After all, with no ethics, no sense of morality, and absolutely no conscience, such folks would make perfect Liberal MPs!

Water Carriers

I doubt that you could get a more sycophantic opinion piece than this, but Vanity Fair should at least have the decency to stop pretending that they’re engaging in journalism.

Hollywood went into panic mode over Joe Biden’s candidacy after the presidential debate. Most of that anxiety has now morphed into “unabashed excitement and energy unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” according to Jordan C. Brown, a Hollywood political strategist who served on the Biden campaign’s Entertainment Advisory Council and worked on events for Harris during her Senate and presidential runs. “I think people didn’t realize how worried and hopeless they were until she had this opportunity, and the party united behind her. I’ve just never seen anything like it.”

Even DreamWorks cofounder Jeffrey Katzenberg, a major force in Hollywood political fundraising who stood by Biden in recent weeks, has jumped onboard the USS Kamala. He is now a cochair of Harris’s campaign. “Again and again, she has been underestimated. Again and again, she has triumphed,” Katzenberg wrote of the vice president in a New York Times op-ed. “I couldn’t be more confident that this November will be no different.”

Good Luck With That

David Coletto- Liberals can’t reduce their polling deficit without changing how people feel about Trudeau

Overall, our survey finds that most Canadians have a negative impression of Justin Trudeau and those negative feelings are more intense than they have been at previous points over the past four years.

For some, change is what they want and so their negative emotions towards Trudeau is simply caused by wanting someone else leading the country.

But there is also a personal side to the negativity towards Trudeau. Many believe he lies, breaks promises, is arrogant (that pops pretty clearly), and is incompetent.
