The VP Debate Open Thread

(I see Robert had a post scheduled, but I’ll leave this up as there are comments on it).

Streaming now at Timcast for those without cable tv. Debate begins at 9pm Eastern.

Walz opens on a question on Iran’s attack on Israel with full deer in the headlights.

The System Has No Reverse Gear

National Post- ‘How will I come back from this?’: Detransitioners abandoned by medical and trans communities

The National Post reached out to six detransitioners across the country. All were born female and suffered from gender dysphoria and mental health issues. Many experienced regret and felt they were too young and distressed to be allowed to consent to such life-altering interventions. Four agreed to tell their stories publicly.

What? I Wasn’t Listening

Blacklock’s- Gov’t Was Warned 163 Times

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other federal officials were warned 163 separate times of foreign interference over a six-year period, China inquiry records show. Trudeau as late as 2023 denied he was ever told of illegal activity by foreign agents.

The 163 meetings covered the period from August 1, 2018 to March 15, 2024. “This list does not include additional ad hoc meetings that may have occurred,” said the document. “These are planned formal briefings.”

Criminalizing Science Fraud

Glenn Reynolds;

We’ve seen the way that the scientific establishment went after purveyors of entirely scientific doubts about Covid policy, cancelling those it could and censoring those it couldn’t cancel. The venality, dishonesty, and sheer lust for power and control that marked the Covid response – together with a deeply unimpressive record of actually getting the science right themselves – suggests that our science authorities are not to be trusted with policing science fraud, particularly as they’re often purveyors of fraudulent science themselves.

Yet there really is a problem. Science currently faces a “replication crisis.” in which vast numbers of published results don’t hold up when examined. Whole disciplines (*cough* social psychology *cough*) are so riddled with fraud as to be useless. And the public’s faith in science, which the “fraudbusters” of ORI were trying to preserve, has taken an enormous hit as a result.

Well, every successful system accumulates parasites, and American science has been enormously successful. But now it has accumulated a parasitic load that is rendering it weak and sick. So what do we do?

Orange Flame Day

Via Jonathan Kay: This deserves to be in the first paragraph of Justin Trudeau’s political obituary. He went all in on the 215-bodies social panic so that he could take maudlin teddy-bear selfies and win an election. His defining disgrace.

Go, Already

No one cares when they can barely speak English;

… it’s really quite strange that [Governor General] Simon headed to the Quebec City area last week for some public events, despite her French having apparently improved not much at all in three years — or at least, not to an extent she is willing to use it in public. (In December last year, Simon told Radio-Canada she had received 184 hours of French lessons. Over the weekend she told CTV News that she can, in fact, carry on a brief conversation in French.)

It was weirder still that Simon cancelled the remainder of her Quebec City itinerary after journalists noticed she wasn’t speaking French.

“From The River To The Sea”

So how’s that been working for them lately?

Hezbollah claims it can handle any IDF invasion in southern Lebanon. They performed surprisingly well in 2006, Yonah Jeremy Bob reminds readers in the Jerusalem Post, and that was without the drone technology that both sides use to great effect. However, the IDF just finished conducting a similar ground war in Gaza and has a much better grasp on combined-arms operations to counter those threats. Plus, Hezbollah had an intact command structure in 2006 and the ability to coordinate attacks and move materiel on the battlefield. Those two capabilities may no longer exist within Hezbollah, even with their tunnel networks — which is the obvious priority for the IDF anyway.

Plus, the IDF continues to attack Hezbollah’s remaining command-control assets in Beirut[…]

That brings us to Lebanon’s response. Previously, Hezbollah and Lebanon’s armed forces coordinated defense plans for the blue line. Now, however, Lebanon’s army has pulled back three miles, leaving Hezbollah alone to face the IDF…

But wait, there’s more.

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in an interview with @cnnturk said that Iran’s secret services had created a special unit to combat Mossad operating in Iran. However, turns out the head of this unit was himself a Mossad agent, along with 20 other agents, who were responsible for multiple intelligence operations in Iran including stealing nuclear docs and assassinating several Iranian nuclear scientists before allegedly fleeing to Israel

I can’t stop laughing, @TheMossadIL, that’s too badass even for you

Is John Kerry an un-American Totalitarian Thug or Just Really Stupid?

What’s the penalty for a government employee to violate the civil rights of American citizens?

Tim Pool has thoughts.
