Your Phone Is Not Your Friend

And it certainly shouldn’t be your therapist.

Robert Malone- iPhone Mental Health Assessments

Bottom line- no data is 100% secure, and this is mental health data. Data that might be extremely embarrassing, career-damaging, or has the potential to disrupt family relationships. Remember, no one knows what new laws, regulations, or mores might come to pass years from now. This type of information should not be harvested and stored.

Furthermore, trusting that iPhone will never sell that data or pass it off to research groups is very naive. In fact, mental health data is already being mined.

Very Important Person, Doing Very Important Work

Former Deputy Prime Minister Shelia Copps.

Blacklock’s- Copps Meddled In Emblem

“The Minister’s communications advisor reviewed drafts of the beaver and requested a smile be added to the face and cross-hatching on the tail,” wrote Gerald Boulet, Parks Canada design advisor. “We advised against both requests but were told to do as asked.”

“For a period of time the approved version of the beaver sported a smile,” wrote staff. “The next election resulted in a change of government and the smile was removed from the beaver. However the cross-hatching was retained.”

Managers questioned the point of Copps’ redesign. “Were they worried the beaver would not look like a beaver?” asked one Parks Canada director.

Diversity Is Our New Landlord

Chaos in Colorado;

Beginning last year, a large influx of Venezuelan migrants, some of them members of the notorious Tren de Aragua street gang, reportedly had “taken over” a series of apartment buildings in Aurora—and unleashed terror. Last month, Venezuelan migrants were allegedly implicated in an attempted homicide, an arrest of purported gang members, and shocking security footage that showed heavily armed men forcibly entering one of the apartments. In response to the chaos, police mobilized en masse and vacated one of the complexes after the city, alleging code violations, deemed it uninhabitable.

How did members of Venezuelan gangs suddenly find themselves in suburban Colorado? To answer this, we have conducted an exclusive investigation, which leads to a troubling conclusion: the Biden administration, in partnership with Denver authorities and publicly subsidized NGOs, provided the funding and logistics to place a large number of Venezuelan migrants in Aurora, creating a magnet for crime and gangs. And, worse, some of the nonprofits involved appear to be profiting handsomely from the situation.

Via Jeff Goldstein;

All this means is that we’re about two weeks away from a second Axios piece, also by Esteban L. Hernandez, in which he argues that, of course Venezuelan gangs are taking over entire apartment buildings — and yes, the whole thing was shadow funded by the Biden Administration — but that’s because diversity is our strength, and plucky Venezuelan gang members are showing spirited initiative, building small businesses in the drug and human trafficking trades that will no doubt bring additional dollars into the community thru more tax revenue, which will go toward better schools and homeless shelters for runaway chihuahuas. They really are the best of us, after all.

Let’s Decolonize The Navy

National Security Journal- DEI Is Sinking the U.S. Navy

After persistent recruiting challenges since 2020, the Coast Guard—which is facing a 10% shortage in crews—last year took the remarkable step of sidelining 10 cutters and shuttering 29 boat stations. The Navy, meanwhile, missed its recruiting goals last year by 7,000 and has shrunk by 21,000 sailors since 2021. Then there’s the Army, which reduced its goals rather than acknowledge even larger recruitment gaps.

You Will Eat Bugs, Live In A Pod, Own Nothing And You Will Like It

I Will Not Eat CricketsA book review by Rick McGinnis.

There are many recent books that share the same targets as Díaz without his satirical tone, but you have to understand up front that his target—globalism—has had a sea change in its definition and its opponents in the last generation. Back when free trade was an article of conservative political faith, the globalist worldview was embraced by people who wanted to lower costs, broaden supply chains, and – as they sold it in a best-case scenario – export economic prosperity from first to third worlds as they offshored labour.

Like most ideal scenarios, it didn’t quite work out as planned.

It’s Not Our Fault

Blacklock’s- Wildfire Risk Was “Political”

Internal emails show Parks Canada executives feared “public and political perception” in managing fire hazards at Jasper, Alta. Access To Information records yesterday released by Conservative MP Dan Mazier (Dauphin-Swan River, Man.)

Jonah Mitchell, executive director of Parks Canada’s Prairie division, warned of negative media coverage if the agency organized a controlled burn of dead pine, a routine forest management practice. “At what point do we make the organizational decision to cancel planned prescribed burns in Western Canada?” asked Director Mitchell.
