Red Man Speak With Forked Tongue

I disagree.

This is extraordinary. The indigenous cultural competency course at @LawSocietyofBC contains debunked references to the discovery of “the bodies of 215 children.” Two lawyers have proposed to correct the false information. But[BC First Nations Justice Council] claims that correcting the record is tantamount to “denialism.” The BCFNJC also repeats the long-debunked three-year-old fable that “mass graves” are being discovered across Canada. A complete lie.

It’s not extraordinary.

Houthis Fire Missile Into Israel


Yemen’s Houthis claimed responsibility for the attack that reached central Israel for the first time on Sunday, saying the group employed a “new hypersonic ballistic missile” in a “specific military operation” targeting the Tel Aviv area, in a statement from the group’s military spokesperson.

The Iranian proxy falsely added that Israel had failed to intercept the missile. While the IDF’s Arrow system failed to bring the missile down before entering Israeli airspace, it did ultimately intercept it.

“It crossed a distance of 2,040 km in 11 and a half minutes and caused a state of fear and panic among the Zionists, as more than two million Zionists headed to shelters for the first time in the history of the Israeli enemy,” the military spokesperson added.

Related: The IDF has released footage of the UNWRA headquarters. In a shock to no one, the headquarters is filled with weapons.

No business case

Irish company planning to produce jet fuel in Goldboro, N.S., at former LNG site

Note: Goldboro was one the leading candidates for a Canadian East Coast liquefied natural gas export facility, the type German Chancellor Olaf Scholz basically begged Canada for. However, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said there was “no business case,” for Canadian LNG in this context.

But apparently cutting trees to make “sustainable aviation fuel” is quite alright.


Patchwork Podcast: Lloydminster Heavy Oil Show Part 1 – Energy Minister Jim Reiter, Lloydminster Mayor Gerald Aalbers

Weekend Watch: Why all eyes are on Arkansas Lithium. There are numerous parallels to what’s happening in Saskatchewan lithium

Warmonger Trudeau

Related: Why doesn’t he send his son to “fight for freedom”?!?

Scratch A Leftist

This is brilliant.

A little-known super PAC called Future Coalition PAC is airing ads highlighting Kamala Harris’s support for Israel, such as it is. “Vice President Harris has chosen a side—the right side,” a narrator says. “Harris has made herself clear, she stands with Israel and the Jewish people.” Another notes that Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff, would be “the first Jewish presidential spouse ever”—that Harris and Emhoff are “making history, standing up for what’s right, supporting Israel.”

In every way, they echo what Harris and Emhoff have said they stand for. But the New York Times doesn’t like these ads. Neither do they link to them and allow viewers to decide for themselves, but it tells readers they are “antisemitic,” “intended to stoke more division,” and that they “signal a new level of ugliness in the race.”

Oh, we forgot to mention: The ads are airing in the Detroit area. Dearborn, Mich., is an inner-ring suburb of Detroit home to the country’s largest Muslim population, and what the Times report from Katie Glueck doesn’t say is that the 40,000 or so odd Arabs there don’t like Jews.

Diversity Is Our Strength

Telegraph- Low-skilled migrants cost taxpayers £150,000 each

Low-paid migrant workers are an immediate drain on the public purse, costing taxpayers more than £150,000 each by the time they hit state pension age, according to the Government’s tax and spending watchdog.

The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) said the average low-earner who came to Britain aged 25 cost the Government more overall than they paid in from the moment they arrived.

Reinventing The Wheel

The grift goes on.

Global- Telesat Lightspeed: Canada, Quebec give billions of dollars for satellite production

Speaking to reporters Friday at MDA’s facility west of Montreal, Trudeau said the Telesat Lightspeed low Earth orbit broadband satellite constellation will enable people in the most remote parts of the country, including in Indigenous communities and mines and forestry companies, to connect with cheaper, more reliable internet.

“That’s what this investment is about,” he said.

Meanwhile over at…

Home Depot
Best Buy

You Shoulda Picked Your Own Cotton, New York

Somewhere up there, Kathy Shaidle is smiling.

“Today, the New York City Council voted to pass legislation establishing municipal efforts to acknowledge and address the legacy and impact of slavery and racial injustices in New York City,” the New York City council announced in a press release. “The package of legislation would establish a Truth, Healing and Reconciliation process on slavery within New York City (which had one of the highest rates of slave ownership in the country in the 1700s), a reparations study, informational signs at the City’s first slave market, and a taskforce to consider the creation of a ‘freedom trail’ commemorating abolitionist movement and Underground Railroad sites.”

The press release detailed how the commission would “establish facts about slavery in New York City and its ongoing legacies, protect and acknowledge affected persons and communities, and recommend changes for government and institutions to prevent the perpetuation and recurrence of injustices from the legacy of slavery.”[…]

“I’ll move before I’ll pay,” Minority Leader Joseph Borelli told the New York Post. Borelli was one of the 8 councilmembers to vote against the legislation.

“If they can introduce me to one New Yorker who owned a slave I’d be happy to consider it,” he added. “But until then, I am not paying a dime as a reparation for a harm I did not cause, nor condone, nor once participated in.”

Start packing.
