Mischief Makers

Closing arguments are finally being heard in the freedom convoy court case centering on charges of mischief. The trial was supposed to take a couple of weeks but wound up lasting nearly a year. That’s in addition to varying periods of incarceration for the defendants since early 2022. It’s anyone’s guess as to what it cost the prosecution to pursue the case.

Lich and Barber’s lawyers have argued throughout the trial that organizing a protest is not an illegal activity and is protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The court has scheduled three days to hear the final arguments in the case, as well as several extra days next week in case they go long.


Telegraph- Self-checkouts have been a self-inflicted disaster for Britain

As customers grow frustrated and shoplifters fill their boots, bosses of grocery giants are finally asking themselves the question customers are asked at self-checkout kiosks every day. Do you wish to continue? Not really, as it turns out. Having ruthlessly replaced cashier staff with self-checkout terminals to speed up purchases and save on wages, boardrooms now want the humans back.

You Don’t Hate the Media Nearly Enough

You can read the full transcript here. It is COMPLETELY UNETHICAL to not quote someone accurately & precisely. You think the folks at CNN did this “just by accident”?!?

Margin Of Fraud

Show them the woman preserving election records, and they’ll show you the crime.

“The FBI raided my home at 6 a.m. this morning, accusing me of committing a crime. And they raided the homes of my friends, mostly older women. I was terrified,” ” Peters said on the Lindell channel, adding the FBI “used a battering ram” to destroy the front door of one of her friends’ homes, according to Colorado Politics.

h/t Roaddog


Blacklock’s- English “Don’t Belong”: Data

“Some described a backlash among English-speaking Quebécers as a result of government measures that were seen as Draconian and felt this is causing some resistance to speaking French when it is seen as something people are being forced to do,” said Bridges.

“Forcing people to learn a language is not a solution,” the report quoted one participant. “If some one forces me to do something I’ll do the exact opposite,” said another.

Shush, Daddy’s Being Fabulous

You’ve got to pretend that it’s all okay… You have to realise that your dad has fallen in love with himself, and there’s no part for you in that where you are not just a prop.

It’s like this person came along and said, “You know how you had a dad? Well, that was all a lie. And all that time, your dad didn’t like being your dad.” And my dad was kind of replaced by this other person. This other person who didn’t love me like my dad loved me, wasn’t interested in me like my dad was.

And his love was conditional.

From the forthcoming film Behind The Looking Glass, about women whose partners, or fathers, have ‘transitioned’.

Olympics Humour

Humour is often in the eye of the beholder. For example, I’ve never found The Office at all funny but think that Fawlty Towers is the greatest TV comedy series ever. Other people clearly have different opinions.

With that in mind, I wanted to share this meme. I think this is amongst the funniest thing I’ve seen this year:

For those not aware, the humour stems from an Australian Woke DEI Hire nicknamed RayGun. For those curious, here’s the Abstract of her Doctoral Thesis.

Steal It Back!

With all the talk of “stolen land” flying about these days, we need to keep in mind the ideas that gave rise to this non-concept.

…a group of first-year university students at the University of Connecticut were welcomed to their campus via a series of online ‘events’. At one event, students were directed to download an app for their phones. The app allowed students to input their home address, and it would piously inform them from which group of Native Americans their home had been ‘stolen’.

So what can be the harm in acknowledging every morning that Canadians live on stolen First Nations land? The problem is this: if you begin the day by acknowledging that your country, your society, and people of your ancestry are particularly egregious, this is a sure route to self-doubt, impotence and societal failure.

Complain About Sexual Harassment, Get Fired

Blacklocks- NDPers Breach Labour Law

“He had engaged in sexual harassment, workplace harassment, discrimination on the basis of sex, abuse of authority and creation of a toxic workplace,” wrote Jasbir Parmar, the arbitrator in the case. The woman was fired “through no fault of her own,” she said.

Evidence showed the caucus took one year to act on complaints from an employee at the Party’s constituency office in Elliot Lake, Ont.
